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  1. Odd, maybe its specific consoles types then? (i.e. switch vs. xbox or ps)
  2. It would almost seem like that this console Tenno was getting credit for a 5th Drifter intrinsic type. Like it was counting his Drifter's 4 exactly like Railjack's 5. It would explain the missing 15k.
  3. Right, but how does it explain this? I left the relay and came back a couple times as well as logged on an off to make sure it wasn't some noise in the lines. Console Tenno's LR3 breakdown:
  4. I had thought maxed out Drifter Intrinsics came to 60k MR. (as my 4 are maxed at L10) yet today I saw a console Tenno with 75k?? Am I missing 15k from somewhere? If so, where?
  5. I like the idea of once you finish out a focus school that it has its own store to buy stuff with excess focus (although I think the price tags are a bit high), I like the skin colors they have and would like to suggest glowing eye variants as another potential item to buy. I mean I have the Orokin blue skin why not go all out and have the eyes too?
  6. Well at least you both verified that its not my account causing the issue, it is as I thought a platform issue. I am going to be watching both our scores here on out, see if she is getting double scores or if I am only getting half.
  7. My fiancé and I play on two different platforms her on Xbox and I PC. We do Nightwave together and have done so daily with this latest volume. Anyhow, what is strange is we do the exact same missions, and have the same completion yet she is three levels above me on the rewards indicator. (16) . We should both be at the same level. Here's mine: Here's hers:
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