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Everything posted by Llightmare

  1. I don't know if this has already been reported or if this is a new one: I was just doing some Conjunction Survival Fissure in SP and suddenly my Tenet Detron couldn't alt fire anymore. I realised Charm was the issue with its instant reload option. What happened was that I was only able to fire 1 shot at a time in normal fire mode. It did not reload anything, magazine was constantly at 0 and manually reloading didn't work - it stayed at 0. Switching to primary didn't help either. The only thing that helped was reloading the primary (Secura Penta) manually. After that it was back to normal. As mentioned above I don't know if this is a new issue or not or if it will even be looked into since Charm is being worked on. I was using Mag, Secura Penta, Tenet Detron and Glaive Prime if that information is of any help regarding the issue. I never ran into this issue before and I have been using this setup for a while now so maybe a result of newer hotfixes?
  2. Nice changes overall. Hope the CC nerf if you want to call it that will be adressed as well in the future!
  3. I usually do not comment on these topics but the CC changes on overguarded enemies were harsh. On one of my Mag builds Breach Surge and both augment mods don't work anymore - lots of stray bullets now and when did so many melee enemies get overguard, did I miss something 😂?
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