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Posts posted by nicolajtheking2

  1. 4 minutes ago, Sarulas said:

    There is no salvaging this mess, at least not with a hotfix like this. After the comments about this being a 'light adjustment' that was going to be 'carefully considered,' destroying the functionality of Dante's kit like this a mere 2 days later is a slap in the face. Such a high profile failure severely damages the community's trust, and will kill interest in other new frames as their power could swing wildly as the result of these unnessesary and reactionary nerfs.

    This LoS change must be FULLY and UNAMBIGUOUSLY reverted. Attempting to double down by fixing issues that shouldn't exist in the first place will only further erode trust.

    You won't get more chances at this. If tomorrow's hotfix doesn't completely solve the many issues introduced today, there will be no way to save face. And based on the outline you provided in this post, that seems incredibly unlikely. Further attempts to update the flaws with LoS checks will only draw more attention to the fact that it didn't need to be changed in the first place. Removing the restriction down the line after failing to address the problems will only cause more embarrassment. And leaving it in such a broken state is obviously unacceptable.

    Please. Revert this mistake. Do it now, and save yourselves the hassle and PR.

    I would like your post but I apparently ran out of likes for today(?)(I was liking other posts demanding the nerfs to be reverted) so I'll just do this instead.

    • Like 13
  2. 1 minute ago, PollexMessier said:

    I hope you realize DE, that the community is never, ever going to trust your word on how you're going to handle nerfs again. And any future frame that releases in a good state is going to be met with extreme skepticism, if you don't own up to your mistake and fix this.

    SPOILER they WON'T.

    • Like 4
  3. 47 minutes ago, MrBoople said:

    Revert the Nerf

    Just quoting your post since DE DEleted the video you were quoting

    Bad DE! don't edit you users posts by spoilering them, i'm VERY disappointed in you right now...




    6 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

    We don't like the changes, is it too hard to understand ? REVERT THEM

    Secret info DE doesn't want you to see...


    • Like 9
  4. 1 minute ago, CjoewD said:

    Since LoS is not getting reverted, can I just get a refund? Ive never asked for a refund in my like 11-10 years of playing. Is there a request ticket i can fill out?

    If you ever get an answer from DE (higly unlikely) then please tell me aswell, I also want a refund if this is what they're going with.

    • Like 5
  5. 2 minutes ago, [DE]Momaw said:


    We appreciate the video, since it showcases the problem with the current Line of Sight checks in a very analytical and accurate way.  However, the behavior in the video is what is being fixed. See attached video for the upcoming improvements to how we check for LOS that were mentioned in the first post.

    Just admit that the ""tweaks"" you made were wrong and listen to feedback, it's not THAT hard to listen to your community now is it?

    • Like 22
  6. 4 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

    It's because kahl missions were glorified scavenger hunts that went backwards gameplay and design wise. Being kahl isn't an excuse to make terrible gameplay and they could have done many things with the idea.

    That is very true.

  7. 3 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:

    I mean they also stopped doing Kahl stuff because the community's response to it has been... negative. To put it mildly.

    IDK let me have the option of running normal missions as Kahl and earning stock that way. 

    I think the negative reactions was caused by the people who didn't understand that kahl is an average grineer who can't do what a warframe can do, like bullet-jump etc.

    As for using kahl for normal missions, that could be a good way to break up the monotony of normal missions.

  8. 5 hours ago, sunderthefirmament said:

    I'm pleased that Kahl will get some QOL improvements, but the fact remains that he's still stuck on a treadmill, grinding those same three missions every three weeks.


    My ideal fix would be to give us another shop through Chipper that lets us spend other resources to buy stock, much like Ticker's debt bonds.  I don't want to be excessively negative, but even with the proposed changes I still think Kahl is going to feel like a slog to play.  I'd really just prefer a way to burn through resources I already have in order to get stock to get archon shards.  There's nothing novel or exciting about Kahl once you hit rank 5 with him.  A skip that lets players buy the stock by using resources farmed up in other ways would be much more player-friendly.  And let's be honest.  DE could stand to be a bit more player-friendly.

    I completely agree with you.

    • Like 3
  9. 1 hour ago, Kaotyke said:

    I cant wait for the people complaining about being FORCED to explode Kahl missions comes to... well, complain.

    We know it will happen.

    I don't really get why people would complain about exploring the kahl missions, I do that every time I do one in order to find all the things and get all the available stock.

  10. 9 hours ago, (PSN)iuvenilis said:

    This change isn't for the 1% of players who already have everything from the shop. It's for the rest of us. 

    This is a wonderful change. It takes a little pressure off having to complete every challenge every week. And helps reduce the time required to buy the other stuff from the shop.

    DE have the stats, they can see engagement isn't high for the khal stuff. Similarly, the went and made the Yarelli mission much simpler... same reasoning. They can see the stats. Engagement is low.

    Some methods to craft a tau-forged would of course be wonderful, and has been requested since archon shards launched. At this point, I'm not expecting it.

    I may be a bit biased since I did all the kahl stuff the moment it came out, so I may have lost some perspective, but still, what is the "1%" supposed to use this extra stock on? once you get what you want from chipper, that's it, there is no more incentive to do kahl missions other than to get a random archon shard from time to time, don't get me wrong, I really like playing as kahl (though I kinda wish veso would get some love too, even though he canonically died) but there is just not really any purpose to it for the "1%" other than the aforementioned shard.

  11. 3 hours ago, Dunkelheit said:

    At first, your posting added nothing constructive either.

    Games in itself are artificial. So all scarcity is artificial. This being said, Artificial Scarcity, is all items ever available in every game ever made. This is obviously good for longevity of the gameplay, if done right. If you get all items in a game from the very start, there would not be much fun left, would it? So I hope we can agree that scarcity can be good for long motivation goals.

    Are shards "done right" though? I think everyone can agree that you can reach each and every goal of Warframe without even posessing one shard. So they are an add-on item, maybe a trophy item for players who are already easily capable of handling the endgame. They are not required.

    Since they are not really required, let us assume what the goal is to put them into the game. My guess is that they are long-term motivation for players that do not have a  lot to do in the game any more. If you would make them all readily available, it would not really be useful as long-term motivation, am I right?

    The shards make the already almighty player even more powerful. Tauforged shards push it over the top.

    Following my argumentation, I think this puts the complaints for Tauforged Shareds into perspective, doesnt it? Because a case could be made, that the Tauforged Shards fullfill exactly the goal that was intended: It is something to do for a long time when you already have everything else. And since they indeed raise the powerlevel but are not really required, it is no big deal if you cannot instantly outfit all your Warframes with a complete set of Tauforged shards, like many players want.

    Was that constructive enough? I am sorry about my sarcasm, but this pops up nearly every week and I am tired of writing the same again and again and again.

    After reading your reasoning for your initial response I somewhat understand your reasoning even if I personally do not agree with it, especially since your initial response to this thread could be boiled down into: "REEE not everyone oneshots the archons like me REEEE all things should have damage attenuation REEEE everything should be level cap REEE" (the quoted section is meant as satire and is intentionally meant to be read in a slightly insulting but not serious way)

    Your DIRECT response for reference: 

    21 hours ago, Dunkelheit said:

    Or a BP that immediately builds everything and anything in the game, including shards and platinum!!! How cool would that be?



    3 hours ago, Dunkelheit said:

    Without explanation, this is a bold claim, because the current system is definitely a blueprint for a pity system.

    My explanation is that not everyone wants to deal with the slog that is the archons and the frankly ridiculous damage attenuation (thankfully DE is going to adress this in the next update here on october 18), and only increasing the chance of getting the kind of shard that you want by 20% PER archon kill still results in needing to kill a stupid amount of archons (not to mention the missions up till the showdown which can be almost impossible to do solo), which can only be killed in a timely fashion by highly specialized weapons and warframes, which means that you have to follow a certain META or you will spend literal hours just trying to get through the first phase of the showdown (I've been there, brought my nataruk which easily one-taps the regular mobs but can barely damage the archons due to their damage attenuation), so in conclusion, the "pity" system is an insult to solo players who either don't like or don't want to adhere to the META which more often than not, is incredibly annoying just to get to or is simply too advanced for some players.

  12. 32 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    too useful, that's why it won't happen. they already added a pity system for Archon Shards anyway, and it's not like they're ultra-essential.

    Do you have a better idea for what DE could add? also the "pity" system is flawed and feels more like an insult than anything to me.

  13. 49 minutes ago, TeaHands said:

    But they didn't? Your thread literally wouldn't exist if DE forgot about Kahl. I am so confused.

    Confused Steve Brule GIF by MOODMAN

    Allow me to elaborate, what I meant was that it feels like they've forgotten about the rewards that kahl missions give, there is no incentive to keep doing the missions other than to get a single archon shard each week, and sometimes you just don't want what is on offer.

    31 minutes ago, zotobom said:

    Exactly this lol, it's hilarious to say 'they've forgotton Kahl missions and won't do anything with them anymore' in the middle of your response to them literally doing something with them

    That "something" is literally just boosting the amount of stock you can get, nothing more.

    • Like 1
  14. 21 minutes ago, Dunkelheit said:

    Or a BP that immediately builds everything and anything in the game, including shards and platinum!!! How cool would that be?

    If you have nothing constructive to add then why even post?
    You also make it seem as if artificial scarcity is a good thing, which it is not.

  15. 3 minutes ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

    Totally agree with you, kahl missions and tickers store need to have a clean up and refresh.

    In my opinion it almost feels like the kahl stuff needs a rework since DE pretty much just dropped the whole thing on the ground and forgot about it.

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