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Posts posted by nicolajtheking2

  1. I personally think that hey should remove the energy cost for his 1 and make it use the battery feature instead, so you would charge it only by using his 1 that would'nt use any energy other than perhaps 30 energy for the initial cast, and then as his description says "never stop moving"

    and all his other abilityies would only use his battery.

  2. 1 minute ago, Uhkretor said:

    ... A good way to get your mind out of that fact is to cut yourself everytime it pops again...

    Ok, seriously now. RNG is just like that. You'll get it as soon as you stop trying to get it on purpose. That's how I got all my stuff... I don't want it, and it suddenly appears on my inventory.

    That's actually pretty good advice, because it's true.

  3. ok... i know that i over exagerated with the amount of time that i've been farming for it, it's just that my mind keeps going back to the fact that i've got about 200+ dreads (among the other things he drops) wich is basically useless to me, so again my mind keeps asking "Why would he even bother to drop this?" every time i kill him and get something (kinda) useless.

  4. Why is the drop rate for this thing so low?

    Why does it need vitus essence?

    And finally WHY! do people not use it more, since it's so rare!? i've been farming the stalker ever since i discovered that he's got a chance (about 1.3% chance) to drop it, and that was about 1½ years ago! this thing needs you to do arbitrations AND be in the good graces of RNGesus too! this thing is so rare that i'm beginning to think it's a myth more than anything, due to it's excessively low drop rate.

    So if it could be obtained in any other way than to have the devils own luck and doing arbitrations, then please MAKE IT SO!

  5. 2 minutes ago, sinnae said:

    I think you're just gonna have to suffer through a few rough tridolons til you get better (operator) arcanes/unlock other focus trees. Everyone's gotta start from somewhere. Not dying as much will be the biggest gift you can give to your team because they don't have to worry about reviving you. It's OK to not be top damage etc. as long as you're not actively bringing your team down. In public bounty anyway.

    Make your priority staying alive and the rest (learning the fight and the different phases) will come naturally.

    I will follow your words of wisdom.

  6. Just now, (XB1)AMONGTHEWEAK said:

    I'd say if you was on Xbone we could put our heads together on a good build that you like and I could help you get what you need if you didnt have a good clan or a bunch of friends that played, but if only warframe was cross play, maybe in the future we will see that

    I really hope cross-play becomes a thing for i have a lot of friends that play warframe on PS4 and they really want to play with me, and vice-versa

  7. 2 minutes ago, sinnae said:

    Corrosive projection is a good aura for eidolons because it'll speed up the kill via partial armor strip. Spend most of your time in operator form to avoid taking all the random bullsh!t damage from the acid rain and disco lightshow, etc. You should only really need to be inside of your frame for limb break and lure management. I like to run 2x arcane nullifier so I can just ignore the magnetic procs/energy drain completely...they're very cheap if you want to buy, also a fairly common drop. 

    well i sold my only corrosive projection and my operator is almost useless due to me not have much unlocked focus wise and the only weapon i have that can actually harm an eidolon is my pretty shoddy lanka, but i digress what you are suggesting sounds pretty good/usefull

  8. 1 minute ago, (XB1)AMONGTHEWEAK said:

    Maybe it was the blood residue or acid rain. Do you keep renewal toggled on and did you have any issues with keeping energy to keep it toggled on? I would suggest making room for at least a pheonix renewal, although it usually isn't needed but helps with entire team.

    i was out of energy at the time, and in order to make room for the augment then i will need to forma my oberon.

  9. 5 minutes ago, (XB1)AMONGTHEWEAK said:

    What mods were you using? 

    continuity, primed vigor, stretch, hunter adrenaline, redirection, energy siphon, coaction drift, streamline, vitality, intensify, arcane healing and arcane momentum.

    Along side maxed phoenix talons and phoenix spirit.

  10. Just now, sinnae said:

    You said you have a 212, right? You don't need to worry about making the most optimal meta amp unless you start speedrunning multiple captures in a night. It's basically at the bottom of the list of stuff to care about right now.

    You need to focus on dying less, a better Oberon build, and learning the mechanics of each fight. Anything other than a mote amp is fine for these kinds of public bounties where you are learning.

    Thanks for the encouragement! :)

  11. 1 minute ago, spirit_of_76 said:

    Im not sure what you mean the foucus is converted from the bright/radiant eidolan shards.  all of the other drops are quils rep and it is only the third best foucus grind in the game an eidolon lens on a melee in ESO is faster with a decent team take Valk, Oberon, nidus, inaros, or trin and only a well built melee weapon into ESO grind the naromon afinity pasive and then far afinite efficiently.  

    That's not really what i meant but ok...

  12. 2 minutes ago, sinnae said:

    "5x3" here refers to completing 5 tricaps in one night cycle, not the build of the amp. 3x3 means completing 3 bounties, 4x3 means 4 bounties, etc.

    The amp suggested in the document is an X27/227. First two parts come from Cetus and the final one comes from Little Duck in Fortuna.

    getting the part from little duck is going to be impossible to get for since just getting to "old mate" is 2-3 ranks above my current fortuna rank, and after that then i need to do profit-taker to get standing (along with the nessesary rank(s))

  13. 5 minutes ago, spirit_of_76 said:

    that is the normal reward for an eidolan fight I don't know where the 300,000k focus comes from.   the shards can be converted into focus but they are not worth that much.  

    First... i just noticed that i made a spelling mistake (my bad) and i was talking about the tons of shards that the hydrolyst drops, including the drops from the gauntalyst.

  14. Honestly i feel really bad for the teamates that i had, imagine being stuck with someone who's never seen a gauntalyst or a hydrolyst, and they just stand there for a couple of seconds staring in awe, and then they lag the F out and needs to be revived.

    I can't imagine how annoyed they must've been...

  15. 6 hours ago, Ver1dian said:

    Am I getting this straight:
    Op has regular ping issues
    Op had barely any idea what to do in the fight
    Op had a bad build for his frame, double that, since he couldn't even heal himself with Oberon
    Op didn't know his role (presumably, since he mentions Oberon and Lanka in one sentence)
    Op has an amp that is not for Eidolons
    Op couldn't even keep himself alive to not be a total detriment to his team
    Yet he still got hard carried by some poor souls

    And his reaction after that is to go all out on the forums and further complain that his team didn't babysit him all the way and get him up constantly?

    Maybe stop using his hotspot to play? Spend two hours loading a YouTube video of the fight through that broadband of his? Thank the guys for at least not bailing on him?

    To the posts saying "new players don't have healing", I say no, there's a health restore that would help the entire team.

    P.S. The glitch, happens regularly, it fixes 100% of the time when the operator/frame dies or jumps in the water.

    First off thank you for the tip concerning the operator.

    Second off you are completely right in what you point out, and now i feel like an A******.

  16. 12 hours ago, (XB1)Dex Xean said:

    I dunno how to respond to the OP in this thread. He sounds like he had 3k ping lagged a lot which in turn made him die a lot and somehow its the games fault for that so he rages enough to come here to say he so angry he might quit the game is what Im reading?

    that would be an accurate assesment.

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