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Posts posted by Neo3602

  1. 1 minute ago, Ryuurik said:

    I think Neo3602 might mean weapon channeling only. It would make much more sense.

    Thanks for catching that I was referring to melee channeling only. Just edited the title to make that clear.

    28 minutes ago, racooperii said:

    I'm with N64, I also dislike it but I'll be sure to add in my reasoning.

    You can't really Mod an Operator, and locking a Warframe ability behind the Focus Tree wouldn't feel all that great imo.

    For one, you would almost be required to do Zenurik and also go for the Unbound Passive of that Focus Tree, that's a pretty heavy dedication.

    Second, even then I think(I might be wrong) that even a maxed out Zenurik Operator has less energy than a Warframe with maxed Prime Flow. This can be bad for more power hungry channel abilities, or ones that need to be sustained over a long period of time(This would also effectively kill a some builds such as Regen Oberon would take a huge hit to his suitability).

    Third, its much easier to regain an spam your Operator Energy than it is Warframe Energy, so while they have a smaller pool that would limit the consistent up time of the channeled ability, it would actually allow far more use of it along With the regular abilities of the Warframe itself and could have some unbalancing effects(Mesa for example, would easily be able to then just dedicate her Warframe Energy to 2/3 and keep them consistently up and regularly get to spam out her 4 to clear out all enemies within sight, making her already powerful 4 almost unstoppable since Operator Energy restores itself very quicklyl).

    To do what you're suggesting would require a far greater overhaul of the current system, and tying anything from a Warframe directly To an Operator in my opinion is bad. Operators should keep their abilities separate and act as Supporting Sub-Classes to the Warframes instead of their actual battery.

    Sorry for not making it more clear I was referring to melee channeling only, not channeled warframe abilities.


  2. Granted, but instead you meet someone that, eventually, you wish you hadn't met even more than your ex-girlfriend.


    I wish that we got a weapon in Warframe that shoots explosive rounds(like thunderbolt but it procs every time and is innate).

  3. 39 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

    Between the DDOSes and the next update, I'm sure DE has their hands full right now. But hey, a [DE]layed Devstream means one step closer to Venus~

    I'm fine if there is no devstream tomorrow, I'd just like an official yes or no.

  4. 24 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:

    Coming Soon posts are usually Wednesday or very early Thursday. I'm going to assume it's not happening for now due to it being 6pm EST and thread hasn't been made.

    That's true, though if it's delayed they also make a thread about it during the same time-frame.

  5. Granted, but due to shortened work days you aren't able to work enough hours to make enough money to support yourself and subsequently loose your house.


    I wish that we had a spear gun that shot actual spears.

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