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Posts posted by Neo3602

  1. When I'm playing the prolog mission it crashes when I'm almost to the door out of the area where you have to use a cypher to get through the lockdown and escape Vor, also the prolog mission seems to be more laggy than other missions that I've played.

  2. @LtZefar he said Rifled bullet not rifle bullet, its where a gun has spiral grooves in the barrel that cause the bullet to spin and be more accurate at range and even though pistols use a smaller amount of gunpowder its going to be concentrated in one projectile where in a shot gun the force from the powder exploding is spread over a number of pellets which, unlike pistol rounds, are not aerodynamic.

  3. I really wish that when ever you join a mission the game checks to see if you have any of the mods that are potential drops in the mission and the ones that you already have it either removes from the drop tables or just cuts the chance of the mods that you already have drop rate in half.

  4. You get the mark for doing 5 invasion missions against the Grineer and a grineer (Vey Hek I think) will send you a message saying something like "Your interference will no longer be tolerated." and the G3 will have a chance to appear in mission, you can increase the chance if you play with other people that have gotten ad G3 death make as well.

  5. I had forgotten about that, then fine if they sell it for plat that might work, I would they rather they increase the spawn chance for the Stalker, G3 and Zunaka Harvester if you have a death mark from them instead.

  6. you can get it if kill the G3 enough so what would the point of trying the kill the G3 if the weapon that you get from them can't be bought from the market?

    It would be like if all the weapon drops that you get from the stalker could be bought from that market, instead of being a tough enemy that shows up and if you win you could get some nice stuff he would be just an annoying $&*^ that usually shows up when you are leveling stuff and oftentimes makes you use revives.

  7. It would be nice if De made certain mods appear for more common enemies.


    And DE has done a bit to decrease the grind, Remember when warframe parts had a Chance to drop form a boss in a mission instead of always getting one at the end of a mission, I do and it was a pain in the but to get the last part.


    When complaining about grind  we need to remember that DE makes money for Plat purchases and Plat is used to by cosmetic items and buy items to have them now instead of grinding for them. Although if there is to much grind people give up and quit the game, but if there is to little DE can't make money.


    IMO I don't think that grinding like this for mods that are supposed to be the main point of Melee 2.0 is a good idea because what's the point of Melee 2.0 if we have to grind a whole ton just to get to the main feature of the update?

  8. Well first we got aura mods for warframes and then we got stances for melee weapons, now my question is do you think that they will have something similar for weapons eventually and if so what do you think that they will look like?)


    I think that mods that increase mod points like Stance and Aura mods will be implemented for primary and secondary weapons at some point down the line and my hope is that along with increasing mod points they would change how the weapons work instead of just changing damage, fire rate, reload speed ect. For example there could be a mod Called He rounds that causes each shot to do more damage, use more than one ammo per shot  and shoot slower but do some AoE damage or another for energy weapons called build in power core that decreases total ammo capacity and adds an overheat mechanic but makes it so that reloads are unnecessary because all of the ammo is already loaded in the gun in one large clip.


    But that what I think and I would like to hear what you guys/gals think.


    Thanks in advance for responses!

  9. I like the Mk-1 Barton, my main gripe is the reticle shake that you get when you shoot if the guns one advantage is pinpoint accuracy(compared to the other Bartons) then the reticle shouldn't shake when ever I shoot.


    And yes I do think that its firing sound is a little too meaty for how much damage that is does.

  10. What about making leveling for weapons work the same as leveling warframes, as in each level you get a stat increase be it increased crit chance, damage, better reload speed ect., it would not be so much as to make damage mods like serration unnecessary for end game content(T4 Void, high level defense/ survival) but it could give some flexibility with build options.

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