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Posts posted by xarvh

  1. Corpus are really really squishy, because it's very easy to bypass their shields.
    I don't even bother any more with magnetic, use pure toxin or high-status gas weapons and their shields become utterly irrelevant.
    Ignis Wraith modded for pure gas + Expel Corpus will mow down anything in the starmap and you don't even have to aim.
    As an added bonus, it's one of the best weapons vs nullifiers.

    As others have said, stay always in movement to avoid their time-of-flight attacks.
    Oberon's abilities are mostly Radiation damage, which is not fantastic vs shields.
    Corpus attacks tend to pierce armor, so build for health/shields rather than armor.

  2. 1 minute ago, so_many_watermelons said:

    Sucks for you guys who play with default bindings/settings then. I abhor casting on pressing the ability buttons, I just use them to select and then separately cast by clicking middle mouse. Much easier that restricting my movement hand to cast, charge, and spam my abilities.

    I love you too @so_many_watermelons

  3. @Walkampf weapons can do a lot of different things and yes, specific builds and specific weapons can replicate some warframe abilities.
    But "kill what is in front of you" is something that every. single. weapon. does. Yes, even Stug.




    WHich is the same as with his 4. So it's hardly less redundant than Embers 1 dealing damage.

    So what? Frost could be more interesting, do let's not make Ember more interesting?



    Other comparable first abilities at least have something a bit beyond what you can do with melee-weapons: (...)

    Sorry but no. Very few melee weapons do AoE.
    I'm thinking Atlas' Avalanche: it's a melee ability, but it's different than most other melee attacks you'd do with melee weapons.



    Because of this, there is not even the question which of the two you want to do, you do both!

    I don't have enough fingers for that.

  4. I have been waiting an Ember rework since forever, so thank you so much DE for tackling this!

    I think that the proposed rework is great, but I wanted to give my personal feedback.

    Ability 4
    I think it's great, but am I the only one who feels it  is very odd that she's summoning big fiery rocks from the sky?
    Summoning something external is very appropriate for Vauban, but I'd expect Ember's attacks to come from within her, pretty much like every other frame.
    Maybe it's because it makes her feel less intrinsically powerful?

    Ability 1
    I personally don't find her Fireball very compelling.
    It kills things in front of me, but I have weapons that do that and much better.
    Other comparable first abilities at least have something a bit beyond what you can do with weapons: Volt's Shock chains and stuns, Frost freezes, Oberon spawns seeking missiles.
    The problem is that if I have a good weapon, I don't have much need for the ability.
    If I charge it I can inconvenience some enemies in choke points, but in the time it takes to charge the attack I can probably kill them.

    What if holding 1 and moving the aim she could create a path of persistent flames, not unlike Nezha, just using aim instead than moving?
    It wouldn't be particularly powerful, but it would be a lot of fun.

    What if instead it was an AoE melee attack?

    What if it made her recover energy when she deals heat damage?

    It just feels like a waste to replicate what weapons do already.

  5. 13 hours ago, lnfine said:

    Nah, without navigator.

    I took a sentinel without an attack percept, with as much survivability as possible and radar. Purely for the radar. Then radar aura and radar exilus. This way combined with Ivara passive you can see a big chunk of the map.

    Then you build Ivara purely for perma invisibility and take some pizzas for emergency cases.

    I got a silenced catchmoon for room clearing and a CO redeemer prime. Oh, BTW, I got blood rush on redeemer and some gladiator mods all over the place (including helios' deconstructor). This way after a couple of shots redeemer starts consistently critting turning it into a hybrid crit/CO 100% status shotgun.

    I also took magus lockdown on operator, it's very useful against the bombermen.

    Then you just prowl around the map killing random corpus for blue balls until you frag an amalgam (btw some flying amalgams like to get stuck in doorways). Then you stop killing the corpus (this is important) and slot the key. Since corpus group around you even if they can't see you, you can clearly see the bomberman on the map from very far away. After some time you get used to his spawn points and movement patterns on the map and can distinguish him from other corpus units even if red arrows are all over the place.

    Then you just prowl towards him and meet him far away from the conduit. Use lockdown to root him in place and spawn Bullet Dance back combo. I found Gas+Magnetic redeemer build to be the best at murdering bombermen. They do clear all status effects with their red pulse, but you stack them back very fast due to a large number of pellets (need 100% status), and gas does seem to proc DoT ticks between nullifier pulses. It works really good up to about lvl150 bombermen. Then the damage starts to fall off a bit, and you need to be more careful, but it's exactly around 10K points.

    That probably won't help me carrying my clanmates, but it's a cool idea, will try, thanks! =D

  6. First of all, me and my clanmates are having a lot of fun with the Disruption missions and the new Gas City looks gorgeous.
    So thank you DE. ❤️

    Second: are we the only Shadow clan with 6 members? XD
    In order to qualify for the gold trophy in Operation Hostile Merger, we need to average 10 000 points each, which is pretty out there even for our strongest members.
    If we had one person less, we'd need 4000 points, which is a score we got at our first attempt, without even having to stress too much about gearing up.

    (We didn't recruit others because our clan is working well as it is, why should be invite three times as many strangers just for an operation?)

    I mean, it's not a big deal, we can live without a trophy that none will ever see, but we're not very much motivated to try and get a good score, it's just not the same thing to say "let's strive hard for the terracotta trophy!"

    Are we the only clan in this position?
    Would DE consider a slightly more gradual way to score future Operations?

  7. 5 hours ago, mcdoo said:

    Whats a good Linux distro for media work and gaming? Im thinking of ditching Windows.

    Ubuntu will probably serve you well if you don't have much experience with Linux.

    If you have a focus on media work, you can try http://ubuntustudio.org/

    53 minutes ago, mk1-QAQ said:

    Sad story. It says my graphics driver initialization failed. How can i change the graphics api in the launcher settings.

    This might be because your graphics drivers are not the very latest. Have a look here https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/wiki/Requirements
    If you still have problems, you can try asking in GE's discord and see if anyone can help you there.

  8. Started using @GloriousEggroll's Proton build to play Warframe on my sh** laptop about 6 months ago and removed Windows shortly afterwards (I used it only for Warframe and needed the SSD space).
    There have been rough edges (hello Fortuna crashes...) but now it just works, as simple as that.
    So thanks @GloriousEggroll❤️

    And thanks DE for thinking a bit about us as well. ❤️

    It's kind of weird to see both Valve and Google investing on Linux to wrestle away Microsoft's control over videogames, but I'll take it. ^_^

  9. On 2019-01-23 at 2:04 PM, SirTobe said:

    I play Nyx a lot, my main frame since Fortuna released. Modded for duration, efficiency, some range, and general survivability as I started using her mainly for Arbitrations. She's pretty much invulnerable and steady as a rock, except when there's leeching infested around. 

    Chaos is just used for whenever I don't want enemies to focus on me, my team, or any objective. Also good if you need a quick break to regenerate energy. How much I use it completely depends on team and enemy faction, but usually not so much. Definitely handy though.

    Mind Control is something I only use on tougher enemies if I don't want to deal with them while focusing on surrounding waves of weaker ones. It's my "shut up and go do something else for now"-spell. Great for Bombards and Nox, for example. What damage they deal is not important to me, as I'm just buying myself a couple more seconds before I have to deal with them.

    Absorb is probably the ability I use with her the most, always with Assimilate of course. It completely ignores all enemy attacks and abilities, which is especially golden against Corpus in Orb Vallis. Move greater distances quickly with operator when needed. I try not to abuse it, but I really love to just slam into a room full of enemies, activate absorb, and just go nuts with big swords and guns as they keep swarming the place. That's very satisfying 😄 Absorb of course also works as a panic button. I usually have Rejuvenation aurora with her, so whenever I'm low on health I just go into absorb to slowly regenerate my health while continuing the battle. Same to keep the sentinel alive.

    I don't use her second ability at all. My weapons are powerful enough to deal with most high level enemies quickly, and if not then I can just go into absorb and take my time lol. Not worth compromising other abilities for strength imo.

    As for colors, I don't like bright ones so I just always use darker versions. As others have said, it shouldn't be blinding, but it is also good to see which enemies are affected by your abilities. With my current main fashion I think I'm using the darkest red from Halloween pallette.

    That's pretty much how I play her too.
    Her 3 can be useful to highlight enemies, and her 4 makes her a decent alternative if you don't want to meta the Orb Mother.
    This means that the recent buff doesn't really affect how she's played the slightest.
    So, as someone who really really wants to like Nyx and even uses her when there are better alternatives, the recent changes were just a "yeah, whatever".


  10. I'm stuck because I'm not getting any Repeller Systems.
    I am swimming in relics, mods and go$%^&* Gyromag Sysstems, and still no Repeller.
    Add in all the damn bugs, the unskippable "We're all here, let's get started", the loading times, the hosts leaving the squad as soon as they hit the elevator, forcing the rest of the squad to replay the whole mission, the times where the elevator doors opens after the pub squad got the bounty (so that I have to reload twice and do again all the Sparky We Are All Here, the times where the elevator opens only to welcome me to a "Bounty Failed" message.... I started to play solo, but it gets boring.

    Speaking as someone who has 2000+ hours on this game and is used to the grind, this is super frustrating and has become a chore, to the point where I'm taking a long break from the game.

  11. Catchmoon often misses enemies that are very close by.
    When I add Punch Through, it gets a lot worse: quite often the wave goes through and beyond enemies even at medium or max range leaving them unscratched.

    Is this a bug, or is the weapon supposed to work like this?

    I'm asking because I have a very nice riven with Punch Through and I'm not really keen to reroll it if this is a bug that might be fixed however far in the future.

  12. DE has said it's ok to use scripts as long as they don't play for you, like an away-from-keyboard script.
    What the OP describes is an accessibility issue, so using scripts is fine.
    After replacing my laptop's E key *twice* I started using https://www.autohotkey.com/

    You can use this script:
    setKeyDelay, 50, 50
    setMouseDelay, 50

        while (banana=1)
            send, e
            sleep, 300
    Change XButton1 to whatever button you want.
    When you press it, it will start simulating an E press every 300ms.
    Press it again to stop.

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