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Posts posted by LifeNine

  1. The standalone version of the launcher crashes for me, but when launching from Steam, Warframe does open and I am able to log in.

    The tracking number for the crash on the standalone version is: WAR-3965302.

    This crash was after the 35.5.1 update. I have tried optimizing and verifying from the launcher settings.


    Side note:

    I started playing with the standalone version of Warframe, then added Warframe to my Steam library as well to check out Tennogen.

    I linked the Steam folders to my standalone installation to save space instead of having two copies of Warframe. But whenever I open Warframe from Steam, it always seems to do some updating to the launcher even if I have the latest game files downloaded.

    So it seems to be strictly a launcher issue in the standalone version.


    Note 2:

    Deleting the EE.cfg did not work for me when launching the standalone version of Warframe.

  2. Can we have coolant raknoids drop ammo during the fight? I ended up running out of ammo on my tombfinger kitgun while playing solo, and there was no way to get ammo unless you bring ammo restores. I was only using it to kill the coolant raknoids.

    The coolant raknoids are also immune to abilities. I don't know if that was intentional or not to make it harder. I play Mag, and was thinking I can use pull, magnetize, the polarize augment, or fracturing crush to slow the advance of the raknoids while fighting the orb boss alone. I couldn't cast magnetize on them and they take no damage from abilities. This limits the warfames that provide value to the fight. Although I did see a video where someone was using Octavia's mallet to kill the raknoids or so he said in the video, so I don't know if this is a big or not.

  3. There some articles online saying that the latest Windows update has some conflict with Intel audio drivers. If you're using onboard sound with an Intel chip and have installed the latest Windows update, then that might be the issue. You can try rolling back the Windows update to see if that fixes anything.

  4. I never saw the man in the wall after the Harrow quest, but despite knowing about the man in the wall and seeing videos of him, seeing him for the first time actually scared me a little. He decided to show up when I was in my arsenal. I mouse over to the companion slot, and as the screen pans over I see a blur that doesn't look like it belonged. At the very edge of my screen I can see a faint shadow on the floor. I mouse back over to my warframe and confirmed that the man in the wall is definitely peeking around the corner to watch me. I left my arsenal and took a picture with him. I even got my operator out and walked up to him. He only disappeared after I petted my kavat that walked over. This was a few weeks ago.





    Today, I'm greeted with, "Hey kiddo" upon logging in. I turn around and see him sitting on the codex terminal table. To my surprise there was actually dialogue. I should be recently added because it has to do with the sacrifice quest. The dialogue will be in the spoiler for people who haven't played to quest yet. I wonder if the dialogue between the man in the wall and my operator will be different depending on the choices made in the quest.


    Man: Hey kiddo.

    *I walk up to him*

    Operator: I killed him.... Isaah.

    Man: Is that how you remember it?

    Operator: Yes

    Man: Good.

    The odd thing this time was that he actually disappear right in front of me. I was looking at him the whole time, but shortly after the dialogue ended, he dissolved into smoke and vanished.

  5. Happened twice. After mounting a Dargyn, I am unable to dismount with either the "X" key or the melee button. If I let the enemies kill me in the Dargyn, then it shows me as DEAD in the UI with no option to revive. I was stuck spectating another player like I ran out of revives. Another player was able to revive my character in on of the missions, but I would still be spectating the other player.

    If I leave the mission to force a host migration, I can still continue the mission and return to Cetus. However, I noticed that some stuff are broken, like the Nosam Cutter not showing ore deposits and unable to actually mine the ores if I do find one. The dotted outlines that we are supposed to trace do not show up and the cutter leaves no "line" in the world.

    As a side note, Mag's Pull can pull the Pilots from the Dargyns, but the Dargyn's continue to operate with a ghost pilot.

  6. Going out in to the plains from Cetus, the hallway will spawn high in the air in the middle of the plains. To get back into Cetus, you have to using Archwing to fly back up. Going to the entrance where the hallways normally connects to Cetus will not get you back to Cetus.The hallway in missing and you will fall through the map. If you try to jump over, you will fall until you teleport back up.

  7. confirmed:
    - Mag's Crush does not do extra damage to enemies affected by Magnetize.

    Not sure if it's a bug:
    - Crush's bonus damage is shown to be affected by strength mods per the abilities screen, but it can't be tested as the bonus damage is not working.
    - During the warframe showcase stream, it was said that the shards from Polarize will add to Crush's damage. I don't know if it was supposed to be changed to have the shards increase Crush's damage, but nearby shards do not add to Crush's damage.

  8. I think having Magnetize scale off of enemy health will make her very OP. Magnetize can already do a good amount of damage

    Crush already does more damage to enemies in the Magnetize bubbles. Having it do more damage to Magnetic procc'ed enemies will also be nice. I do wish that Fracturing Crush will keep enemies on the floor for the duration of the ability though. I kind of sucks that you break all their bones and roll them into a ball and they just stand back up like nothing happened.

    32 minutes ago, SilentLogix said:

    Still feel shes great the way she is if played correctly, only change i would like to see is magnetize not directing rounds towards it when shot in its direction, only when they enter the aoe bubble.

    That only happens with hit scan weapons, and only if the target is somewhat close to the bubble. I say somewhat, but they do have to be pretty far in front of the bubble for your bullets to hit the enemy instead of being absorbed into the bubble. This doesn't happen with projectile weapons though. Projectile weapons will always properly hit the enemy if they are outside the bubble. I really hope that actually find a way to fix that.

  9. As the title says, pausing the game is solo mode doesn't work in the plains.

    I sat down and paused the game by going to the "esc" menu, then I left for dinner. I came back and I was dead. I confirmed it doesn't work by getting a Grineer to shoot me, then hitting "esc" to go to the menus. The Grineer didn't stop shooting me.

  10. In dual wield mode, the melee combo counter isn't increasing properly when I throw the Glaive Prime (haven't tested with other throwing weapons). The first hit will count, but the other hits due to punch through or bouncing will not. It also doesn't increase from slash procs when I have a maxed Relentless Combination equipped.

    Regular melee attacks increases the melee counter just fine. The slash procs from regular attacks will increase the counter as well with Relentless Combination attached.

  11. On 10/22/2017 at 11:36 PM, EquestrianWyvern said:

    Just encountered this bug with a bit more specific reproduction instructions:

    1. Equip the Mining Laser through any method (Gear wheel or hotkey)
    2. Switch to any other Gear Wheel "Weapon" (tested with scanners and spears) using a Gear wheel hotkey.
    3. Unequip the non-Mining laser gear item using a method other than the Gear Wheel (switching weapons, gear wheel hotkey, powers, etc)

    After this you need to either open the gear wheel or enter and exit the mining laser using a hotkey to restore the weapon reticle.

    I can confirm this is still happening.

    I found that you can restore the reticle by switching weapons normally. You have to wait for the full animation to complete though.

  12. 7 hours ago, (PS4)Chel-El said:

    but Orsodan from another topic suggested the 3,4,3 combo.

    The initial polarize staggers them enough to create a safe space for crush and it's a more efficient primer 

    Can you link to where Ordosan mentions the 3,4,3 combo? I started with Mag and have been playing her ever since, but I never seen polarize stagger enemies. They just take damage and continue shooting like nothing happened. Unless polarize acts differently on console, I don't see how polarize is supposed to create a safe space for crush.

    For anyone using Fracturing Crush, the max armour reduction per cast is 80%. You only need 160% power strength the reach it, so having more is not really necessary if you just want to remove armour. Casting FC, then polarize will remove all armour from enemies up to level 100 or so. Only heavy units need two casts of FC before polarize to remove all the armour after level 100.

    Here's two videos from Xelp that has a lot of details about Mag for anyone who interested.






  13. Q: What kind of parkour elements will there in in the plains? Parkour needs to have some sort of object to work, but the plains look very open from what we've seen. I know plains are by definition very open and flat, but the streams have only shown trees as an object that we can use the parkour system on. It's next to impossible to jump off an enemy, and a lot of the Gineer objects we've seen are very short and not suitable to be used because the warframes will jump above the object.

    I like being able to jump and bounce of walls and such. It's one of the reasons I actually started playing this game back in update 7. Hopefully the parkour system has some use in the plains. Maybe I'll have to resort to bunny hopping if the plains are very open.

  14. I've been trying to see if the AMD game settings works with Warframe, and I read somewhere that it only works if the game is in fullscreen mode. When I go into fullscreen mode, as opposed to borderless fullscreen, I am missing the 60Hz option for the refresh rate. I only have 50 and 59.94Hz even though my monitor is set to a 60Hz refresh rate. The lower resolutions do have the 60Hz refresh rate for some reason though.

    As a side note, I was trying to get the new enhanced sync to work, but the Vsync option in AMD's game settings don't seem to affect Warframe. The only option that I can see work in the Frame Rate Target Control Option.

  15. I've seen some people asking for a buff to weapons that get over 100% status, similar to how red crits work. My suggestion is to slightly change how physical damage status procs work to make weapons that deal mostly one damage type have a different or bonus effect. This will help diversify builds and provide uses for physical damage mods and riven mods that decrease the physical damage of a weapon.

    After going through the primary weapons, I found that weapons tend to fall into four categories. Mostly even damage across the three physical damages, the ratio of the highest damage type to the base damage is 75%, 80% or 90%. I think that any weapon that deals 80% or more of its base damage as one of the physical damages will get the special status proc listed below. 80% is a good number because there aren't too many weapons that have an 80% ratio or higher, and 80% is reachable using the physical damage mods for most (or all depending on the calculation type, which I will list below) weapons.

    Calculation method 1:
    The physical damage mods contribute to the base damage. I will use the Burston as an example because the damage is 10/10/10 split evenly between Impact, Punction, and Slash (IPS).
    E.g. Using a 120% impact mod will give 22/10/10 IPS. The ratio of the highest damage type to the base damage is 22/42 = 52%
           Using both the 120% and 30% impact mods gives us 25/10/10 IPS. The ratio is now 25/45 = 56%

    Calculation method 2: (I prefer this one because all physical damage weapons can be modded to take advantage of this new status proc)
    The physical damage mods do not contribute to the base damage in the calculation. Again I will use the Burston as an example.
    E.g. Using a 120% impact mod will give 22/10/10 IPS. The ratio of the highest damage type to the base damage is 22/30 = 73%
           Using both the 120% and 30% impact mods gives us 25/10/10 IPS. The ratio is now 25/30 = 83%

    From the calculations, we can see that with method 2, weapons that are balance can be modded for any of the three Impact, Puncture, or Slash procs. Weapons that already lean to one of the physical damages can be modded to fit that damage type if the damage type is not already 80% of the weapons base damage. Weapons like the Grinlok with two main damages, Impact and Slash, can be modded for both if using the 120% impact and slash mods respectively.

    If we are using method 1 to do the calculations, then Riven mods that have a negative bonus to physical damage can be a good thing because it can eliminate an unwanted physical damage. This will boost the ratio of the highest damage to the base damage by lowering the base damage in the calculation. For example, if we have a riven mod for the Gorgon that removes at least 59% of the puncture damage or 30% of the slash damage, then this will put the Gorgon in the 80+% range for this bonus proc to occur.

    The bonus proc are as follows


    • The new proc will knock the enemy back a few meters and rag doll them. This will be similar to how something like the Staticor, operator "E" attack knock the enemy back, or how a projectile can ragdoll dead enemies (however it will only last a second or so to not pin the enemy against a wall). This will provide additional CC time as opposed to just a quick stumble.


    • The shot that caused the puncture proc will ignore armour, or just ignore a percentage of the armour. This will need some testing to find the right amount, but ignoring all armour for that one shot wouldn't be too bad since a weapon will proc other statuses as well. Even weapons with high status chance won't proc only puncture.


    • Since slash procs are already so powerful, I was thinking only a small buff is needed. My two main ideas are
      • increase the slash proc duration by 1 second or
      • make the enemy have decreased accuracy at the end of a slash proc because they lost a lot of blood or there blood in their eyes (you can make up whatever reason you want)

    I think it using the ratio of a physical damage type to the base damage is better than adding effects for weapons with over 100% status chance because there is a very limited amount of weapons that can actually go over 100% status. Thus only some old weapons and new weapons with very high base status chance will be affected. This can lead to power creep where weapons need to have high status to be useful, similar to how weapons with high base critical chance can deal much more damage than weapons with a lower base critical chance. By using a system like this physical damage mods will have more use in diversifying build when considering the proccing potential of a weapon. Even riven mods that lower a physical damage type can be useful in changing the strength of the weapons proccing abilities by either pushing the weapon over the 80% ratio required to take advantage of the new procs or just cause the weapon to proc the desired status more often.

  16. I don't know about the dead body part, but the easiest way I found was just use Loki with max duration and a lot of efficiency. As long as I stayed invisible while near them I would remain undetected even if I start killing them in front of each other. You just have to make sure that the enemies can't see you when you decloak. The Loki build I use didn't even use a potato or forma, so it's not too bad to pull off. Although I did have access to Fleeting Expertise for near max efficiency, Energy Siphon for energy, and Prime Continuity and Narrow Minded for duration. If you don't have that high of a duration or efficiency, then you may need to bring some energy pads to keep you energy up.

    An alternative, but much, much more difficult way is to use Vauban with max range and then use bastille to hold everyone. The problem with this is that even if the they take damage and drop from bastille for that split second while they switch from one bastille hold to another, they will detect you. The same goes if you are in their line of sight. This gave me an extremely high failure rate. Especially since I try to rush this a lot.

    Luckily, you don't have the challenge where they need you to have a dragon key equipped, so you don't have to worry about debuffs. Just bring something that can kill them quickly.

    I'm sure you know this already, but the minimum enemy level needs to be 30. I think the lowest ones are the exterminate on Pluto or Sedna.

  17. I believe the charger in those dioramas have a preset default colour. The ones you breed get a random selection of colour, so the default colours of your charger are the orange colours you see in the incubator area.

    I will have to check my own charger to see if there is any changes in its colours though.

  18. The Hind Semi-Auto fire offer almost nothing compared to the burst fire. The only benefit I really see is that you consume less ammo. The single shot shoots slow enough that the burst will do about the same amount of damage because it can just put out a lot more bullets at a lower damage. Either increase the damage of the semi-auto fire or increase the fire rate. Currently, it shoots very slow and does not have the damage behind it to make the weapon feel like a heavy damaging slow fire rate weapon, which should pack more of a punch when compared to a single shot of automatic rifles.

    Please also change the alt fire button to change the firing mechanic between burst and semi-auto similarly to how the Stradavar functions. There's not much of a need to be able to immediately shoot burst and semi-auto in combat. Pressing the middle mouse button repeatedly for semi-auto shots is also very uncomfortable.

    Weapons like the Azima's alt fire functions differently from the regular fire, such that they are not used in the same way and can be beneficial to be able to use at a moment's notice. It's also something that you won't be clicking repeatedly. So alt fire mechanics on guns should use a switch between the fire modes if it is going to be used extensively.

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