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Posts posted by LifeNine

  1. Here's what I got.

    The video needs to process before it will look decent.


    It seemed a little easy, so I took it a little further by taking stuff that had no potato in it and I turned off the HUD. It was pretty fun. I don't need any potatoes or formas though. I have enough.

  2. I think I found a way to auto follow topics you make.


    - Go to your profile page by clicking your name in the top right of the page

    - Click on "Edit my Profile"

    - Click "Notification Options" button on the left side

    - Check "Auto follow topics I reply to" (the second check mark)

    - Set when to receive notifications in the drop down menu beside this option

    - Scroll down to the bottom and click "Save Changes"


    I never used this, but when I go to the post new topic page, the "Follow this topic?" option is checked.


    Note: using this option will follow any topic you reply to not just the ones you start. I automatically followed this topic when I made this post and had the option checked in my profile.


    The alternative is to manually check the "Follow this topic?" option every time you start a new topic.

  3. I just happened to be running around the relays last night and visited all the places in your video. You can also get to the docking area and see your ship from above and jump into the syndicate rooms from those segments you were in. In Simaris' room, you can just jump back in by getting underneath and bullet jump through gaps.

  4. Let me add a little more information. I ran into this yesterday as well. Here are my points:

    • I didn't need to press escape twice after kneeling on the kneepads for this to happen. After kneeling, I had to wait for a second or two for the warframe to fully complete its animation before press space. After press space, I will fly up as well.
    • Another way to get out of being stuck in air is by using one of the emotes from the gear menu.
    • Doing what Gaunt596 did in the video basically disabled the crouch button. Hence he wasn't able to slide or bullet jump, both of which require the crouch key.


    • You can also do something similar with the roll button. If you kneel and press roll, then use an emote to escape the kneeling pad. You will start moving forward as if you rolled, but you will be playing the emote animation. It seems like you keep moving forward until the emote animation is finished, but I was hitting  the glass, which stopped me from moving.



  5. Where Interception mission


    Enemies killed by warframe abilities while on the terminals flipping the point will cause the UI indicating which point is being taken to continuously flash regardless of whether or not the point is actually being flipped.


    It also seems to cause the enemy to stop taking the point at all. This is not confirmed, but it seems like it is happening.


    Tested with Mag's Crush and Pull abilities.





    1. Go to a low level interception mission

    2. When an enemy is taking a point and the UI is flashing, indicating the point is being taken, use a warframe ability (I used Mag's Crush or Pull) to kill the target

    3. Repeat with other points if you wish. They will all remain flashing, as if an enemy is taking the point


    Image hidden in spoiler tag.

    I killed 3 enemies off the point while they were taking the point. Now those points remain flashing. The enemies also seem to not try to take the point again because they were all just standing there. In this picture, point C is not being taken, but the UI beside the mini map shows that point A, C, and D is being taken.




  6. What Warframe is not vaulting over rails.


    Whether I have the auto vault option enabled or disabled, I do not vault over railings anymore after update 17.





    1. Turn on auto vault over option

    2. Run up to a rail and press space. You will jump over the rail

    3. Turn off the auto vault over option

    4. Repeat step 2

  7. It happens to all frames, it glows along the channeling lines. Could be that your Day doesn't have a bright enough energy color or the channeling lines on Day are less significant

    This ^^


    It should have the same effect as when you channel. Check to make sure you can easily see the day form's channelling effect from the same angle as when you bullet jump. Then check to see if you can see the same channelling effect from what ever angle it is visible from while bullet jumping.

  8. The tubeman Scorpions are also considerably beefier than their usual kin.


    Though I will point out that both the Drekar Scorpion and Ballista have no Eximus unit in the codex. So they are beefier because they have no super version.

    Although the Scorpions are much beefier than their regular counterpart, they are still easy to kill. A quick burst from an unpotatoed Twin Grakata will kill them. The Drekar Heavy gunners require a slightly longer burst, but the Drekar Ballistas require 60 bullets to the head to kill. Beefing up the Drekar counterpart is ok, but I think having them be stronger than two heavies put together is a mistake. The heavy units should be the ones soaking up the most damage. They're not heavily armoured for no reason.

  9. I just use Animal Instinct on my companions whenever I do syndicate missions instead of changing my warframe setup. As you said, it is almost mandatory to have some form of loot detection to find these medallions. Hopefully this gets fixed soon. The last time they "fixed" this problem it was working for some time, but it seems to have reappeared with update 17 (possibly earlier as I haven't ran many syndicate missions leading up to update 17)

  10. All in all, I'm not really a fan of you repeating "the Tenno might see who the Lotus really is" over and over because we know her origins now, what she was supposed to do, what she didn't do, what she's doing now, and how she feels about it.


    These lines came before the quest did, and this is just how I interpret them after playing through the quest. Of course we know everything after doing to quest, but the truth was the Lotus was trying to hide the past from the Tenno. I don't see why you have to say your not a fan of me saying that. It's not necessarily a bad thing that the Tenno know about the Lotus' secret and the past. I never said that. I've seen a thread or two about people hating the Lotus, but I'm not one of them.


    All I'm saying in my previous post, in case I wasn't clear, is that I think the Lotus reprogrammed Ordis after putting the Tenno into cryostasis, and these lines Ordis says seems to back up my idea. If you interpret them differently, then that's fine. This is just a discussion about Ordis' "Do not split the dream" line.

  11. If its guna be a feature it'd be nice to have frame exculsive huds for it.

    DE already said they're not going to make Warframe into first person or even have that options, so this will never be a feature. Hence, I put this into Off-topic. It's just that some of the screen shots looked pretty nice. Playing with it was not so nice though. The head keeps getting in the way.

  12. So everyone's heard of the first person bug, where your camera gets put into the warframe's head. Normally, it just gets in the way, but today I was able to get some really clean screen shots out of it. It kind of reminded me of Doom. If the camera was placed properly and you don't see the helmet, then the gameplay is fine. But the helmet gets in the way most of the time, and the camera doesn't exactly stay in the same spot relative to the warframe. It will sometimes get closer or further away.


    Warning: Lots of images in spoiler tags.

    Album with all the pictures: http://imgur.com/a/Zuuvv


    Clean screen shots:

















    Not so clean screen shots:





    For anyone wishing to try to get into the first person mode yourself. Here's what I did:

    • Place remote observer on the data mass
    • Pick up data mass
    • Run and jump around until timer on the remote observer runs out




  13. I really liked the lights that showed me where to go in this particular tile. During the event, where the Uranus underwater labs were debuted, there would be three red lights and one green light that shows you where to go. I liked that feature instead of looking at the minimap to find out where to go. It's also handy if you turn off the HUD because you don't have to guess which door to take.


    Tile in question:


    In this particular picture, there would be a green light on the top middle of the overhead sign and the other three would be red.

  14. The order of Streamline and Fleeting Expertise in the mod loadout affects whether or not the efficiency increases or decreases according to the UI.



    With Streamline before Fleeting Expertise, the efficiency is the same as the previous loadout selected.



    With Fleeting Expertise before Streamline, the efficiency is lowered according to the UI. The number stays the same and using a 25 energy skill still takes 8 in game.

  15. What: Unable to expand map or bring out scanner when sprinting


    Here's a thread that was started by someone else: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/501761-since-u17-cant-hit-m-to-change-map-while-sprinting/

    They say that all gear items are affected.


    I am using the "Hold to sprint" option and my sprint key is using the sprint/roll keybind, "m" for expanding the minimap, and a mouse key for my first gear slot, which contains my scanner.


    Reproducible: Yes



    1. Hold "shift" and a direction to sprint

    2. press "m" or mouse key to bring up the minimap or scanner respectively

    3. minimap or scanner will not come up

    4. wait about 1 second after sprinting

    5. press "m" or mouse key to bring up the minimap or scanner

  16. I happened to catch the last six seconds of incubation, and when that passed, the timer kept counting down into the negatives. I didn't try the rush didn't try clicking the rush button because I don't want to accidentally use platinum, but when I move my mouse over the button, it still makes the click sound.


    Pressing 'X' does nothing even though the "Press X to claim your pet" UI is there. You have to press 'esc' to leave the UI before you can claim you kubrow. The incubation time UI should disappear if it's open when the kubrow is done incubating.


    I also installed the advanced incubator segment during the last 16 minutes of incubation. I'm not sure if that makes a difference or not.


    Picture for reference:


  17. Who: Anyone, seemingly


    What: Dual Cleavers/Prisma Dual Cleavers


    Where: Any mission


    ReproducibleQuite easily, just attack an enemy with the things, you'll notice


    The Dual Cleavers have an issue hitting enemies. I haven't tested it too much, but it appears as though they can only deal damage on a "special" hit, I.E. status or crit procs.

    I've also noticed this too. I was attacking a fusion moa and it didn't get hit until I've swung my cleavers over 10 times.

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