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Posts posted by LifeNine

  1. I always thought magnetic procs were like viral proc, but it worked on shields instead. I just found out that it doesn't, and the way the magnetic procs work make it much worst than the viral procs if the wiki is true.

    Links to wiki pages:

    Magnetic: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0/Magnetic_Damage
    Viral: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0/Viral_Damage


    Notable differences:

    1. Viral does damage after halving life

    Magnetic applies damage before reducing shields by 75%

    Viral proc victims have their health halved even after the proc expires
    Magnetic proc victims have their shields scaled back up when the proc expires. Only two magnetic procs will have the same effect


    Advantages viral procs have over magnetic procs:

    1. If you hit a viral proc and your weapon only does half the enemies life, you can kill the enemy. If you hit a magnetic proc and you weapon only does half the enemy's shield, you will not take out the enemies shield because the damage is calculated before the halving of the shield is applied. Not to mention the shielded target still has life you need to take out.
    2. Enemies don't have a way to regain life, except for the manics I think, so when their life is halved, they will always have less than half their life when the proc wears off. However, enemies can regain shield if there is a drone or a guardian eximus nearby. Having the shields scale back up weakens the effectiveness of the proc because drones can max the shield can be brought back up much more quickly. Unless you have an extremely high magnetic only proccing weapon, it is unlikely that you will ever proc two magnetic procs before stripping away all the shields. When the enemy has zero shields and the magnetic proc wears off, it doesn't matter it there was one or two procs because the shield will stay at zero.


    Proposed changes:

    • Make magnetic procs apply damage after reducing shields. Possible only reduce by 50% for balance
    • Make magnetic procs keep the shields at the reduced amount even after the proc wears off



    • Magnetic procs only affect about 2/3 of the shield enemies' health pool (they still have life after you remove the shields). I.e. a small percent of all the enemies' health pool. Viral can affect all enemies
    • Enemies can regain shield if support units are around
    • Make magnetic an option to use instead of toxic against Corpus. In a lot of cases, the toxic damage will kill the enemy before the shields are gone
  2. I recently started ranking up Steel Meridian because I decided to take up a fourth syndicate instead of trying to trade for they stuff. I started at the lowest rank and got rep up until I hit the first rank past neutral. I checked some old patch notes and it did say you didn't have to repay it, so I purposely lowered the level back to neutral to check, and I didn't have to pay to rank up again. I just have to get enough rep with Steel Meridian.


    I.e. you should sent a support ticket because I think it's a bug. The change was stated in this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/420448-warframe-sanctuary/?hl=%2Bsyndicate+%2Bsacrifice.

    Syndicates no longer require multiple sacrifices if players drop from a higher tier to a lower one.  Players will only need to make one sacrifice ever when moving between tiers.


    Also, this:

    This may not be helpful, but I would recommend ranking Suda up wearing Arbiters sigil and rank Red Veil up wearing Steel's sigil.

    If you only use the Suda sigil and the Steel Meridian sigil you can level 4 syndicates with a little bit of managing.



    Scroll down to the Tips and look at the efficiency list.

  3. I'm not exactly sure of the math, but as far as I know radiation damage will be better against Grineer with alloy armour, but not as good as viral against Grineer with ferrite armour because there is no bonuses there.


    The reason it's like that is because the bonus damage done to armour (radiation for alloy and corrosive for ferrite) lowers the armour value in the calculation if I remember correctly. Armour reduces the damage you do by a lot, so reducing the armour value in the calculation will make you do more damage than just doing more damage to health.


    For more information check the wiki page: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Armor

  4. Is it normal for it to run slightly lower than the capped frame rate when I turn the cap on? When I cap it at 60, I run at 58.xx constantly. When I cap it at 72, I run at 71.xx, which is close enough to 72 and still greater than 60, but a constant 58 frames on a 60 Hz monitor makes things jittery.


    The most common downside of v-sync occurs if your system is unable to maintain 60FPS. Your framerate will drop down to 30FPS so as to sync the frame to the refresh.

    I've only notice this happen during loading screens when you get to move the liset around, so is there an advantage in using v-sync over capping it at 60 or 72 frames (assuming the above mentioned 58 frames problem is resolved)?

  5. Wow, I knew the accuracy on the Burst Laser was bad, but I didn't realize it was that bad because I only used it at the normal fire rate.


    Now you just need four people each with a different colour Burst Laser in a group. =D



    Ok, I just looked at the build and now I know why it has terrible accuracy. You put Magnum Force on. Also, you don't need magazine capacity for the Burst Laser, it has a zero second reload time.

  6. People keep saying it's cold or it's hot in space...


    It is nothing. There is no temperature without matter. Technically, because there is no matter, there is no heat, so it could be described as cold, but inversely, there is no heat dissipation, so any object in a high vacuum will maintain its temperature.


    An entity like the Liset will presumably have some sort of void-reactor technology generating energy. If energy is being generated constantly, the Liset will gradually get incredibly hot, since the heat cannot be dissipated.

    There are three ways heat can transfer. It can transfer through conduction, convection, and radiation. In the vacuum of space, heat can't transfer by conduction or convection, but heat can still radiate away from the Liset. Radiating does not require a physical medium (solid/liquid/gas) to transfer heat. That's how the energy radiating off our sun gets to Earth. In other words, the Liset should not become incredibly hot if Ordis is managing it properly.

  7. A lot of times in the void I would slide under lasers because I don't want to slowly shoot the plates or I'm trying to slide under a laser to get to the loot room in the parkour rooms before it closes. Many times, my sentinel will either be heavily damaged or killed in the process.


    Simply lower the sentinel to be at the Tenno's level whenever we are sliding or crouching. This way our sentinels won't die if we managed to no get hit by lasers.


    In one of the early parkour rooms in the void, we are presented with two exits on the left and right. The right one that has lasers sweeping side to side, which you can stand behind the pillars to get past and the other had three laser plates that you had to crouch under to past. A change went in a long time ago to make it such that you sentinel will lower to the Tenno's level when crouching and walking through that area. Before it will just die from the lasers. However, if I try to slide down the little slope and past one or two of the lasers, the sentinel will not lower and still die, so I suggest making sentinels always lower themselves when we crouch or slide to sentinels dying to lasers in any scenario where they shouldn't and not just that one particular area.

  8. Level are generated by some algorithms, so sometimes things get spawned in incorrect locations. I've seen those black tubes in the ground once, but of the times I've seen it, it's mostly walls that are only visible from one side, parts of containers, or water.


    DE will have to fix the level generating algorithm, I think, and I can't imagine that being an easy task.

  9. I would love to see Bullet Attractor get some changes. I thought that maybe instead of explosion damage, it can recast Bullet Attractor on any enemy caught in the explosion. Maybe for the remaining duration for balance.


    But before all that, DE needs to fix Bullet Attractor. Bullets can still hit you if you're inside the bubble and the enemy has a hit scan weapon or a beam weapon. They can't hit you if they have a projectile weapon though.

  10. I never used the profile icon screen after I started the game, but it looks like some update(s) ago this UI got changed to look a lot better. It never got mentioned in patch notes, so I thought I would mention it on the forums. They even have an option to sort and buy from that screen. Looks pretty nifty if you ask me.


    Picture of profile icon screen:


  11. No, I saw the numbers. The ~ top 30 players in kills amounts this week all belong to Mag users and all racked up all those kills against corpus. The ones using Mesa and Saryn probably can't even be noticed compared to that amount. In fact, I didn't even needed to make this observation. If one single ability does 10x more kills than everything else in the game, would the developers choose to do nothing?

    How do you know these players don't just play 10x more than everyone else. Seriously, I've been using Mag since I started playing. 85% of my play time is with Mag. You don't see me getting millions of kills. Just because their most used frame is Mag, which was only at most 16% when I checked, and they farm Corpus missions a lot, it doesn't mean Mag is overpowered. This could have been done with a lot of frames, like Saryn for example, on any map against any faction.


    Also, Mag is only useful versus Corpus and Corrupted. Against the other half of the enemies in the game, Shield Polarize does nothing. If you're going to talk about nerfing Shield Polarize, then you might as well say nerf all the abilities because a lot, not just Shield Polarize, does the same thing. You press a button and kill everything. In fact, all the other abilities work against every faction and can be used multiple times on an enemy if it doesn't die. Shield Polarize can only be used once.

  12. I would like to see the Stalker get reworked at some point because it's a fairly boring encounter.


    Yes, he's hard to kill without a decked out weapon, but I've killed him once or twice using level 30 no potato, no forma weapons. So if you have a half level weapon with a potato in it you should still be ok. It just takes a long time, and he keeps teleporting or going invisible, which is annoying.

  13. This might be interesting for the team working on the PVP side of Warframe, but since this isn't really feedback and not directly related to Warframe, I'm going to leave this in off topic. Mods, move this topic if you feel like it belongs somewhere else.


    Day9 talks about what design aspects make multiplayer competitive games popular. I think it might be useful for the PVP team to watch. It's pretty entertaining just to hear about these thing even if you're not designing a game.

    Note: Day9 does swear a few times in the video. Do not watch if you absolutely can't tolerate it.




    My TL;DR summary:

    A game should have 4 things

    1. The game needs an "engine" that makes players interact with each other

    2. Strategy

    3. Some execution aspect that players can continue to improve on

    4. New content

    I suggest actually watching the video because it explains stuff a lot better.


    I don't play the PVP side of Warframe (I only play a couple matches a long time ago), but here's how I see Warframe's PVP fills the role of these 4 ideas.

    • Capture the Cephalon, has an engine to make players interact. The deathmatch modes not so much. Maybe a new game mode in the future?


    • Not too sure if there's a whole lot of strategy. Day9 explains it as decisions that has permanent or semi-permanent consequences. I can't think of any lasting consequences in Warframe's PVP. Maybe if a new game mode comes out with rounds, then energy can be used in a similar fashion to CS:GO's currency. Each round with give players some energy. Getting kills or completing objectives will give the player more energy for the next round. All players do not get more energy during the round. That way energy is a finite resource that players have to decide if they should use or not. Warframes might need to have the same energy cap for this to work (Let's say something like 300).


    • Like all FPS, aiming is Warframe's execution. Parkour as well, but I say to a lesser extent because it is fairly easy to do and there isn't much of a way to get better once you get used to it. If parkour relied more on environment then it will have a higher skill ceiling.
    • New maps, weapons, warframes are the new content in PVP



  14. I've only ever used 3 potatoes in this game, so none of my melees except the ones I get from events have potatoes.


    For the fourth mod, I would usually add an element mod, but that would depend on the weapon. If the weapon has a good crit chance, beserker or crit mods can be good. Status element mods are good for the higher status weapons. I don't use Reach, so I can add two status/element mod for some good status and damage on some weapons.


    In the end, it's up to your play style. I'm in favour of status/element mods for a typical melee weapon with a decent status chance.



    I just realized you should have 15 points left if you have a stance in there, so I would say put two status/element mods in because it will give you more damage that a single element mod, which leaves you with 4 points that can't really do much.

  15. The Simulor (and possibly Sinoid Simulor) keeps playing the reload sound even after the reload is cancelled.


    Reproducible: Yes



    1. Reload Simulor

    2. Cancel reload by doing one of the following:


    • meleeing (harder to hear because melee plays another audio over it)



    • roll (easiest to hear the Simulor reload audio)



    • Open a locker (I haven't tested this one, but it seems that the audio still plays regardless of what cancels the reload)



    • CC by an enemy (Scorpion/Ancient hook, moa stomp) (I haven't tested this one as well, but it seems that the audio still plays regardless of what cancels the reload)




  16. One of the Ospreys shoots a bullet that latches onto you and drains your shield, rolling gets rid of it, don't know about bullet jump (it should).

    Right, I knew I was forgetting something. Bullet Jump doesn't make those leeches come off.


    Swarm-Mutalist MOA clouds also go under this category. Does it work with those?

    I'm not 100% sure since I don't play Infested missions a lot, but I think it doesn't work for those clouds.

  17. My Latron Prime without Split Chamber can kill enemies in a solo void survival reliably up until they reach about level 70. If I pushed it to the point when I run out of ammo, I can probably stay until the enemies were level 75 to 80. With Split Chamber, I can do the same up until they reach somewhere between 90 and 100. The survival times were 45 mins and 60 mins respectively. Given that it's possible to get two full rotations in a survival mission without having any oxygen problems, I think that Split Chamber isn't entirely necessary and I don't mind if they make changes to Split Chamber.


    Nothing in the game except for Trials, long endless mission, and some nightmare events will have enemies that high level. In other words, you should be able to clear the whole star chart, void missions, and Derelict without Split Chamber on a rifle. Sure it will be a little harder because you're not doing as much damage, but I didn't think it was that bad after using for half an hour or so in the survival mission. You should give it a try.


    Secondaries and Shotguns will get hit harder without the multishot though because their mods provide more than 100% multishot.

  18. This is stunning to me.  My experience has been that a properly modded Vulklok deals more CC by itself than either precept.  Arc Coil just does a pittance of damage and procs around 15% of time, and Electro Pulse stops the sentinel from firing its weapon while stunning one enemy and doing damage so weak it can't kill level 1 mobs.  The stuns don't even lock down the enemy; affected enemies get a couple of seconds to fire at you in between stuns.  How are either of those precepts protecting you in any meaningful way?  I think your findings of their efficacy can be attributed to confirmation bias.  

    The precepts aren't meant to do a lot damage as far as I can tell. I'm not too sure of Arc Coil's CC potential, but Electro Pulse is great for stopping an enemy. Only some enemies, like the Corrupted Crewmen, are able to shoot in that half seconds in between the stun. Heavy Gunners can only get one bullet out before they are stunned again, and that single bullet is very unlikely to hit you. Maybe it will be patched in the future to actually prevent them from attacking. Anyways, I find it useful to have even one less enemy attacking me in combat. It lets me focus on other enemies around me and kill the stunned target last.


    Back to your original topic:

    Diriga has the same health, shield, armour stat as Shade. I know armour and health synergizes well with each other, but just because something has high health, I don't think it is necessary for it to have high armour as well.


    Shade's role is mainly to keep you in hidden. It's not meant to tank damage for you. The same is true for Diriga. It uses a sniper so it can shoot enemies from across the room. It's a sniper drone that also has the ability to stun enemies when they get close. Again, it's not meant to tank damage.


    Wyrm Prime's armour is higher because it's the prime version of the regular Wyrm, which has 50 armour. The extra armour is something it gets as an upgrade from the regular Wyrm. If in the future, there is another version of the Diriga, it will probably get an armour upgrade similar to when the Prisma Shade got.

  19. It sounds like you are using you old account. The tutorial was added somewhat recently, so you were prompted to play the tutorial when you logged in. It prompts everyone the first time they log in after the tutorial was introduced, so people didn't have to create new accounts to play the tutorial, which is a quest that provided a little bit of lore.


    If you want to use Mag, you will have to farm her parts and build her. Use the link Noamuth provided above.


    Its not worth it. Mag in my opinion is the worst starter warframe. Lok is good, but right now the real badass here is excalibur.

    Ehh. I've been using Mag since I started playing, and I have no regrets. 85% of my play time is with Mag and it will most likely stay that way.

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