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Posts posted by LifeNine

  1. This is stunning to me.  My experience has been that a properly modded Vulklok deals more CC by itself than either precept.  Arc Coil just does a pittance of damage and procs around 15% of time, and Electro Pulse stops the sentinel from firing its weapon while stunning one enemy and doing damage so weak it can't kill level 1 mobs.  The stuns don't even lock down the enemy; affected enemies get a couple of seconds to fire at you in between stuns.  How are either of those precepts protecting you in any meaningful way?  I think your findings of their efficacy can be attributed to confirmation bias.  

    The precepts aren't meant to do a lot damage as far as I can tell. I'm not too sure of Arc Coil's CC potential, but Electro Pulse is great for stopping an enemy. Only some enemies, like the Corrupted Crewmen, are able to shoot in that half seconds in between the stun. Heavy Gunners can only get one bullet out before they are stunned again, and that single bullet is very unlikely to hit you. Maybe it will be patched in the future to actually prevent them from attacking. Anyways, I find it useful to have even one less enemy attacking me in combat. It lets me focus on other enemies around me and kill the stunned target last.


    Back to your original topic:

    Diriga has the same health, shield, armour stat as Shade. I know armour and health synergizes well with each other, but just because something has high health, I don't think it is necessary for it to have high armour as well.


    Shade's role is mainly to keep you in hidden. It's not meant to tank damage for you. The same is true for Diriga. It uses a sniper so it can shoot enemies from across the room. It's a sniper drone that also has the ability to stun enemies when they get close. Again, it's not meant to tank damage.


    Wyrm Prime's armour is higher because it's the prime version of the regular Wyrm, which has 50 armour. The extra armour is something it gets as an upgrade from the regular Wyrm. If in the future, there is another version of the Diriga, it will probably get an armour upgrade similar to when the Prisma Shade got.

  2. It sounds like you are using you old account. The tutorial was added somewhat recently, so you were prompted to play the tutorial when you logged in. It prompts everyone the first time they log in after the tutorial was introduced, so people didn't have to create new accounts to play the tutorial, which is a quest that provided a little bit of lore.


    If you want to use Mag, you will have to farm her parts and build her. Use the link Noamuth provided above.


    Its not worth it. Mag in my opinion is the worst starter warframe. Lok is good, but right now the real badass here is excalibur.

    Ehh. I've been using Mag since I started playing, and I have no regrets. 85% of my play time is with Mag and it will most likely stay that way.

  3. Here's my two cents:

    Yes, the numbers say that the Vaykor Hek does less damage on paper, but it comes with two polarities and you can build the Vaykor Hek for crit.


    I say either make the Vaykor Hek 12 rounds so that it shoots the same number of pellets as a regular Hek with the scattered justice mod in one magazine or just leave it as is. It already has double the magazine, which can be really helpful when there are a lot of enemies around.


    Except Vay Hek isn't weaker? It just has different strong points and requires a bit more work than normal Hek. 

    Vay Hek? As in Councillor Vay Hek? I sense a conspiracy here! :O If you look at Vay Hek's right arm, it looks like the barrel of the Hek. The Steel Meridian must be cutting the gun off the suit Vay Hek leaves behind after losing. It's the only explanation to why they have so many of these guns to give out.

  4. You can check your daily limit on the syndicate terminal on your liset. When you earn standing, that number will go down. Once it reaches 0, you can't earn any more standing for the day. You will have to wait for it to reset at 12am UTC.



    Actually, there's a correction I need to make. You can still earn standing after the number reaches 0. You can still earn the standing reward from syndicate missions, but will not get any standing from killing enemies.


    Note: The standing reward from syndicate missions will still count towards your daily limit if you have not reached your limit yet.


    I.e. if you really want to maximize the amount of standing you get per day, you can play regular missions until you have reached your daily limit (The number on the syndicate terminal shows 0), then do your syndicate missions.

  5. The hotfix 17.0.5 patch notes mentions a change that would allow bullet jump to remove latched on projectiles (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/505953-hotfix-1705/).


    Bullet Jump will now remove latched-on enemy projectiles.


    The only things that latch onto Tenno in the game are Latchers, the little rolling balls thrown out by Seekers, and Infested Maggots as far as I can recall. However, neither the Latchers or the Infested Maggots are removed when doing a bullet jump. Only a roll will remove the Latchers and a roll or a melee attack will remove the Infested Maggots.

  6. Im sad because I want to fight 25 stalkers at once, but need 2 more scans


    Thats actually pretty much the only reason  to buy it anyway, because by the time you get the scans of enemies, standing, and MR..... You've already learned whats effective against what

    You can only spawn 20 units at a time in the simulacrum, and not all units are there. You can't spawn the stalker.

  7. Each PLS drop is now worth +4 seconds of life support time instead of +6 seconds - is SH*T!

    I swear it was +3 seconds before. Of all the times I played survival, I remember seeing it jump up by 3 seconds whenever I pick up a PLS capsule.

  8. You should probably put this is the bugs section then with some before and after pictures.


    I tried it on my secondary and sentinel and it seems to work just fine.


    Were you using default colours on your warframe by any chance? I think there may have been one colour that became grey for me when I had my a warframe colour defaulted. Since the defaulted colour was white, I probably didn't notice it.

  9. Glad you explained why the RAM number in the game fps counter differed from the task manager number. I've been wondering about that for a while.


    I'll keep an eye out for any memory leaks, so far, since the RAM usage was put in, I have never seen it keep climbing. I'll report back if I have any information.


    • Fixed the Drekar Ballistas incorrectly using the stats for Heavy Gunners.


    The Drekar Scorpions have the same stats as the Heavy Gunners as well. Was that intentional or was it a mistake like the Drekar Ballista?

  11. I'm looking forward to how this turns out. Mag's my favourite frame and I've been playing her forever.


    It would be cool if you were able to make the helmet out of tinted glass or something similar to what they do with motorcycle helmets. That way you can get the swirl pattern on the helmet and still be able to see through it.


    Motorcycle helmet example:


  12. Either I'm really lucky or the spawn rate isn't that bad. I ran into this tile a couple days ago, but I didn't know there was a Kuria here. While looking for Kuria on Ceres today, I got this tile in maybe about 10 missions. I was either doing an Exterminate, Capture, or Spy mission solo at the time. I can't remember which one.


    I'm still missing 12-2, 13-2, and 13-3 on Ceres though. I've only been in the 12-2 tile once and I found the Orokitty there, but that was before they can be scanned. I don't recognize 13-2 at all.


    Also, I don't think there is anything wrong with the reward. People have been hunting Orokitties way before there was even a reward. Now, there's a way to track which ones you've found and you get a small bonus for finding them all. It's like Kthal said, part of the fun is just finding them. Just be glad you don't have to actually search because all that has been done by other people and they have put together a full guide. You should just play the missions and if you run into the tile go scan it. That's more or less what I did. I play the missions on Ceres for fun and scan the Kuria as the tiles spawn for me. If I get frustrated that the tiles are not spawning after playing for a while, I quit and try again another time.


    Unless you like to have everything in the codex scanned, like me, I don't see the need for you to scan the Kuria because it sounds like you don't really like the reward and you're just making yourself very frustrated over it. The way I see it, it's kind of a lose lose situation for you.

  13. Will Mag's skills get a refresh? I'm mainly talking about Bullet Attractor because there are extremely small number of circumstances that this skill will be useful, it cost 75 energy, and there is a long cast delay when casting and when the enemy dies.

  14. It's not a bug. It's just how rolling is in parkour 2.0. Rolling makes you move forward much faster and further than before. Doing that in air just adds to the momentum you get from your jump.


    From my own playing in game you don't need to aim glide before rolling. As long as you roll immediately after your double jump you will move forward pretty quickly. Doing bullet jump, double jump, and then roll seems to be the quickest way to move from what I've found.

  15. It's simple: Allow the paint separately armor and syandanas(painting both at once is not cool!)

    I thought you can already. Unless I'm completely missing what you're saying. You choose the colours of you warframe, then you go to accessories and choose the colour of your syandana. If you wan the same colour scheme, you can press the copy main colour scheme button.

  16. I could be wrong I just remember seeing something on the forums a while back about complaining over something like this but as I said I could be mistaken

    You definitely do keep the slot. I sold the Strun Wraith that we got some time ago because I had the Strun Wraith from when they first released it, and I still have that slot when I sold the weapon.

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