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Posts posted by LifeNine

  1. The only thing that I think sound might be important for is when they toss a grenade you can hear the beeping even if you don't see it, you can hear those roller bombs if they get stuck on the front of your warframe, you can hear Bombard/Napalm rockets while they travel towards you, and you can hear the enemies shout sometimes and figure out their general direction. These aren't super critical, and as Cebius said, "Your eyes are the best tools in this case."


    I don't really see a problem with headphones as long as you keep the volume low and don't use they for extended periods everyday, but if headphones are definitely out of the question I'm sure you can find a pair of speakers at what ever place sells electronics near you for $10-$30. For example, a quick search on NCIX gave me this cheap speaker: http://www.ncix.com/detail/logitech-z150-multimedia-speakers-midnight-4a-97095-1338.htm

  2. The in game UI says that the Latron Wraith is Alarming, but in game you can fire it and the enemies won't hear you. You can even get stealth kills with it. If the Latron Wraith is truly a silent weapon, which I doubt, then change the UI to reflect this. Else firing the gun without the Hush mod should alert enemies.

  3. When using the default energy colour, the sigil I'm wearing doesn't use the same colour. It defaults to a blue colour.




    Ember Prime's default energy colour is a orange colour, as seen in the fire on her helmet. The sigil I'm wearing is blue. If I change the warframe's energy colour to anything else, the sigil will also change to that colour.

  4. Encountered this bug when watching a kubrow fight an eximus unit




    Was not the host, was not my kubrow, and it shrank back after it finished attacking if any of that matters

    There is a bug here, but I'm not exactly sure how to reproduce it. I posted about it an another thread. Sometimes if you kill the enemy while the kubrow is attacking it with Unleashed or Ferocity, the kubrow stays that big.


    My kubrow became taller than I was for the remainder of the mission after it jumped onto an eximus. Normally, it is only waist height.



    Did you see what happening when kubrow attacks begemoth juggernout? That's what I call BIG kubrow. :D

    Just so people can see how big it is.


  5. Until it's fixed there is a workaround. Just copy your appearance to B/C slot and equip Conclave sigil. You won't need to change every time.

    The thing is I use the A/B/C slot for each of the syndicate I'm with, so I have to switch the sigil if I want XP. I don't really play Conclave, but on the off chance that I do, like yesterday, I didn't get any XP because I forgot to put on the sigil.

  6. Both the Conclave and Co-op loadouts use the same appearance settings, which means that if you equip the Conclave sigil you can't equip a syndicate sigil in the Co-op appearance loadout. This means that you have to change the sigil every time you go into conclave to get XP. Unless you have a slot on a warframe dedicated to Conclave.


    Example of the problem:

    • Equip syndicate sigil on back, then in Conclave mode you can't equip conclave sigil on the front. Visa veras.
    • Equip syndicate sigil on back, then equip Conclave sigil on the back. The Syndicate sigil will disappear in co-op mode. You have to constantly change sigils if you are going between Conclave and Co-op.


    • Make the Conclave appearance options separate from the Co-op appearance options, like the way the selected warframe and weapon loadouts are separate in both modes.



  7. I think there was a bug where if you enter a mission while still configuring your loadout in the arsenal, then you changes would not get saved. However, I think that was fixed a couple of hotfixes ago. I never encountered having all my taken out though unless I clicked the unequip all button.


    Try to reproduce it if you can. What were you doing exactly doing?


    And this should be in the bugs section.

  8. Agree with most stuff but:



    Probably someone isn't swarmed by disruptor-ed Maggots

    Can't say I have been swarmed by distuptor-ed Maggots before. I usually stay as far away as possible from them.


    Use radiation. Problem fixed.

    Ok it is a work around, but yeah it works :l

    Yeah, using radiation works, but you have to have a high status chance weapon. You also get a large damage reduction though. The heavy infested gets a -75% damage buff, half the infested units get a -50% buff, and anything with shields get -25% buff. The only way I can see this working is if you have a weapon that can guarantee a radiation proc very quickly and then switching to your other weapon to kill stuff.


    I read it and was like:

    OMG it looks like a buff for healers.

    Imune to weapons???

    Disrupters imune to powers???

    Infested new master race

    It's been like that for a while. The wiki mentions the aura's effects. It's not immune, but heavily reduced.




    Lel if you camp it's a death trap. When those healer come.

    if you a mobile group. Those are like pancakes. You hardly notice them

    I was thinking more along the lines of a defence mission. In other mission types, you can easily run away and engage where you have an advantage, but in defence missions, I don't think being mobile is really possible because we have to defend the pod.


    First of all, you are mixing something up. Ancient Healers are Void Infested and in the Void there are only Healers. If you encounter an Eximus Healer, it may have the Disrupter theme assigned to it.


    Second, no to the changes, they are fine. If you have problems:




    Because of all the whining on the forums thier spawnrate was altered already and further spawnchanges are comming soon.

    Either I wasn't clear or you misunderstood what I wrote. I was talking about the Healer in two separate cases. One as Ancient Healers in infested missions and the other being Corrupted Ancients in void missions. I was also only talking about the damage reduction aspect of their aura's. Healers reduce all incoming damage while Disrupters only reduce damage from abilities. What I'm saying is that I think the Healer and Disrupter should fill their own roles in combat, but currently the Healer fills most of the Disrupter's role by also mitigating ability damage. I would like to see them fill separate roles and not have them overlap as much as them do now. It's the same with Healers and Nullifiers in the void.


    You can use radiation, but your not going to have a fun time killing stuff because of the radiation damage reduction many of the units have.



    The coming spawn changes are not due to people whining on the forums, and as far as I know there wasn't any spawn changes before. Please point me to the patch notes or something if there were some spawn changes in the past. Glen said, "It all started with looking at performance problems and ended up being quite a lot more involved." The coming changes was a response to the performance in defence missions

  9. Currently, the Healer's aura reduces all damage from nearby enemies and increases its health when nearby enemies gets attacked and it stops them from being crowd controlled by stuff like impact/blast procs.


    The Ancient Disrupter's aura reduces damage from all powers, but the Healer already mitigates almost all the damage from abilities. I don't really see a point in having both auras do the same thing with one (the Healer's) being better than the other. The damage reduction from Healers already mitigate almost all the damage. The energy drain buff from the Disrupter doesn't really do too much unless you are trapped by the mob units, which at that point you'll probably be dead.


    This is the change to the Ancient Healer's aura that I propose:

    What if the Healer only reduces damage from weapons and NOT abilities.

    I.e. Healers will keep its allies safe from weapons, but it can be killed by abilities. Disrupters will keep its allies safe from abilities, but they can still be killed by weapons. If both Healers and Disrupters are together, then the infested basically can't be killed and either the Disrupter or the Healer must be killed first.


    In the void, the Nullifiers work in a similar fashion to the Disruptors. They block out abilities, but they also provide a little shielding from incoming fire. The Healers will keep everyone safe from weapon fire, while the Nullifiers protect everyone from abilities. If Healers only protected against weapon damage, then fights against the Corrupted can go like this:

    • Shoot Nullifier bubble to expose Healer
    • Use abilities to kill them or shoot the Healer


    Instead of:

    • Shoot Nullifier bubble to expose Healer
    • Shoot Healer to kill it
    • Shoot Nullifier to kill it or shoot the bubble again because you had to reload and the bubble reappeared


    This can help with lower ammo weapons in the void because it takes nine shots with a Latron Prime the bring down the bubble of the Corrupted Nullifier (seven for the normal Nullifier). Maybe only seven or eight to just expose the Healer. Killing the Healer will take one to four shots. Then killing the Nullifier will take another one or two shots. In total it takes 12 to 15 shots to kill them both. This assumes 100% accuracy and I was shooting fast enough for the bubble to not reappear.


    Would this change to the Healer's aura be fair? Or should Healers keep mitigating all sources or damage?

  10. When you try to equip a defrosting kubrow from the arsenal companion slot UI, there is a choice to rush the defrost process. The UI doesn't show that it requires platinum though. This can lead to people using platinum that they didn't mean to because the UI does not indicate rushing the defrost will cost platinum.


    Please add an icon to the rush button to solve this. Other players said that the incubator UI tells you that the rushing process will cost 10 platinum.


    Picture for reference:


  11. There's also that bug with all the crewmen that can make them shoot 6-7 times in a second. If a crewman is ducking behind cover and shooting above his head, you better hope you are no where near him because you will die instantly.


    On a T2/3 capture, a player was running to extraction, and there were some enemies waiting in that room, like every void mission. That player starts running around the corner to go up the stairs without clearing the room first, and then I hear 6-7 bangs in a second or less and that player falls down. That was kind of funny watching it happen, but the sound of those bangs are probably the scariest thing to hear in a mission.

  12. I imagine the A at the start of name is derived from Akimbo, which is slang for simultaneously using a weapon in each hand.

    I believe that was how the devs were naming the dual version of the pistols until they broke that naming convention with one of the dual wielded weapons.

  13. Weapon Swap Speed

    I would be nice to have a faster swap speed because that would allow you to adopt a more in your face style of game play where you fire while trying to get closer to enemies instead of firing while moving to safety. By the time you empty your clip, you may be close enough to pull out the melee weapons to stack hacking away at them. It's not really a viable option for higher level enemies, but may be kind of fun for the low to middle tier enemies. But we already have a mod to make swapping faster, so if people want to adopt such a style they will have to equip that aura to make it work.




    Definitely need to be reworked. I said a couple of times in thread on the forums that the Bombard's missiles are way too deadly for the following reason:

    • Their missiles are very hard to see. I usually can't see them, but will only notice the smoke trail. The Corrupted Bombard's missle are easier to see, but both are easy to miss if they are aiming right at you.

    • The missiles can turn 90 degrees in a small hallway and follow you

    • The missiles can turn 180 degrees if there is more room

    • The roll to side mechanic doesn't dodge it because the missile will still track you

    • They fire in volleys of two or three, so if you manage to dodge the first by running at it and sidestepping at the last moment, the second or third is most likely to hit you

    • The blast proc chance is extremely high. In the simulacrum, I think it was around 30-40% proc rate

    • The blasts go through walls, so you can take cover from all the fire



    Forma Drops

    I'm fine with them being sold for ducats.



    Transmuting in the Foundry

    Transmuting Forma to Orokin Catalyst or Reactors sound like a neat idea, but I don't really have much use for that because I'm sitting on over 80 finished potatoes.

  14. Other than killing bosses that don't have weak points, which seems to be becoming more rare with each new boss overhaul, there is one other use for Bullet Attractor that I can think of. You can cast it on a group of enemies to provide cover while you go revive a teammate. However, the downed teammate just kills whatever is affected by Bullet Attractor, so it's kind of pointless.


    These are some interesting ideas. Some seem to be combinations/variations of other warframe abilities. For example, Magnetic Hindrance is like Mesa's gun jamming ability and Bullet Deflector is like Zephr's Turbulence as Camelslayer said. They will be considered duplicate abilities in my opinion because they are so similar, so maybe something else is in Ordis (sorry, had to make that pun).


    I kind of see Arresting Hindrance as a directional Silence or Radial Blind, but it does a little damage. I don't understand the negative effects on Mag though. Something like Radial Blind can be cast over and over with no negative consequences, so I don't see why there's a need for this skill. Other than that, this skill might be a good fit for Mag.


    Here's my thoughts on Mag's skills and my ideas for fixing them:

    (it's somewhat long so I put in a spoiler tag)


    I think pull is ok, but ever since DE made Pull's pull strength weaker, it doesn't really pull anymore. It sort of looks like some one just pushed the enemies over from behind. The enemies within 5m or so will end up behind you though. Basically, this ability doesn't really do what it was intended to do anymore, which is to bring enemies into melee range (I know Mag is kind of squishy, so melee is not the best. But I think that's what is still says in the ability description). Also, Pull needs to apply the physics from the enemies head or upper chest area to make them fall over railings and small obstacles. There were so many times - and I mean a lot of times. I've been playing Mag for over 800 hours now - I wish I could have pulled a bunch of enemies over the railing and into a pit or down to the level I'm on, but they just end up on or behind the railing and just get up like nothing happened.


    If DE keeps Pull, they should make it so that enemies that are further away get pulled harder, while the enemies that are closer don't get pulled as hard. This makes the enemies fall into a general area close to Mag. Also physics should be applied to upper torso or head, so the enemies won't get caught on small objects in the environment. It makes more sense to pull from the head in my opinion. If I can pull anyone from a distance and I'm trying to kill them, I would pull they're head and try to snap their neck or at least have their head hit the ground first.


    Shield Polarize:

    Same thoughts as you. The ability is fine as is. It won't really save you from high level Bombards, but it's good for offence when there's some shielded units around.


    Bullet Attractor:

    Only real use is on enemies with extremely high HP. For example, maybe level 90+ Grineer type HP and armour values. Anything lower than that and just shooting the enemy will probably be faster than wasting the time to aim and cast then kill. My Latron Prime can kill raid mission Grineers (level 70 - 90) in about 1.5 seconds, so with a cast time of 1 second, which roots you to the ground, + 0.75 seconds to kill, 75 energy, and it not being able to immediately recast for protection from gun fire, this skill have no real purpose except for killing Phorid or the last phase or Vay Hek faster, which arguable can be done better with Nova's Molecular Prime.


    If DE decides to keep this, they should at least make it cast faster, make it cost less, make it direct bullets to weak spots to make it usable against most of the bosses, and make it able to recast the moment the enemy dies. I've tried many times to cast this on a group of enemies only to have them kill me in the 1 second it takes for the bubble to appear. It's probably better to just replace this one though. I don't really know how to fix this skill right now to make it useful.



    This isn't really that great of a damage ability, but here's what I wanted to do to Crush a long time ago. I think I mentioned it in another Mag thread, which is ancient by now, but here it is again with a little extra bit that I just thought of.


    We can keep the damage the way it is, and we still have three separate ticks to bring in new enemies. But enemies caught in Mag's Crush will be spun around her and brought inwards. The bodies will act as a meat shield for Mag while Mag is casting the ability. Any enemies shooting at Mag may have to bullet hit the ensnared enemies' body if the body is in the way. In other words, more bodies caught in crush will give Mag more protection for the casting duration. The enemy bullets will do damage to enemies caught by Crush. At the end of the skill, the enemies caught in crush will spin the opposite direction and be thrown outwards and the thrown bodies can knock down other enemies that it hits.


    I think that will look pretty cool to have enemies spiral in when cast, then spiral out when thrown away. It also provides more CC time because the bodies will have to travel for a little bit before they land, and they can also knock other enemies down. This was my idea as a push ability to Mag's Pull.


    Hopefully DE will take a look at Mag soon after Frost changes get into the game. Mag's been my favourite from from the start, and I don't see that changing any time soon.



  15. I was playing today, July 14, and after playing any alert or invasion mission (I don't remember this happening when I was doing some solo missions, which were not alerts), the Lotus would pop up and start listing all the current and some past invasion/alerts that are happening. The alert messages would pop up near the bottom right, while the Lotus would say there's an alert. If she's done talking and the alert messages haven't finished popping up yet, then she would inform you of another.


    This would go on for about a minute until all the alerts/invasions are listed.

  16. If you haven't used Zephyr yet....why are you even posting.


    Like, why?

    Because I want to know how the new system will affect Zephyr's Tail Wind ability and Zephyr's slower than average fall speed. For example, if Zephyr is doing the aim glide move, how slow will she be falling. Is it slow to the point where she's practically hovering? And if she falls slower, does the enemy accuracy increase, relative to the other warframes doing the air glide, because of the slower movement?


    Zephyr will most likely be the Queen of parkour when it comes, her reduced gravity along with Tailwind, Divebomb and jet stream augment look like it will compliment Parkour 2.0 very well.


    If you havent used the frame how do you know her abilities will be irrelevant?

    I said movement abilities, so I really just meant Tail Wind. I was posting this at night and couldn't remember what the abilities name was. Also, I forgot that coptering will be reigned in to an appropriate distance. I honestly don't copter much, so I kind of forgot that whole side of the movement change.


    Zephyr's floatiness will most likely be improved even more when aim gliding, making shooting enemies while airborne even more effective when using Zephyr.


    Parkour 2.0 will be a massive buff to Zephyr. Why? Because coptering is going away, and there's a good chance directional air melee will be significantly nerfed. With those to pine cones in the fruit salad out of the way, there will be very few things left to de-value the massive mobility that Zephyr provides. Directional air melee is just a nerfed version of Tail Wind that all frames can use, and it's most likely going away with coptering.


    Take it from someone who mains Zephyr; parkour 2.0 is incredibly exciting to us Zephyr users.

    I'll take your word for it. I've been trying to find ways to get up to different levels and places since I started playing. I've found some, but the options are limited to certain areas in the tiles though. It looks like we just get much more control with the new system. I'll love to see how much easier it is to do my old parkour routes with parkour 2.0.


    Actually Parkour 2.0 would make Zephyr more outstanding again. Directional melee almost negates Zephyr's high vertical mobility, because everyone can do something similar with Tipedo and also without energy consumption. With removal of directional melee flying ability, Zephyr would be outstanding in her vertical mobility once again. Yes everyone would be able to reach high points, but she will be able to do that much faster.


    As for floaty thing, I actually suggested that as her passive a few times, but to be honest I don't mind if everyone get that. Maybe Zephyr should get an upgraded version though, and literally be able to fly with it?


    The only thing I'm a little bit worried is how her lower gravity would affect the usability of new parkour, as it might be hard to land on the ground on time, after jumping from wall to wall. I guess we'll see how it turn out in the end.

    I suppose it would be trading energy for speed then, like volt.


    As for the landing, you can look down while holding the forward key. It should bring you down a tiny bit faster. At least with the current system, looking up will make me go just a little bit higher in some cases for me to clear a jump. I'm not sure if this will change though.

  17. So this is more so a question to DE than a discussion, but anyone can throw their opinions here.


    Here's some background info:


    Recently, I've seen some forum posts about Steve's vine containing some short clips of parkour 2.0 and the progress, so I just looked it up and what I saw was amazing looking. The only thing I don't really think fits is the whole floating thing. Warframes don't really seem like they should be able to float with the exception of Zephyr.


    For those that haven't seen the vine clips, here is Steve's vine: https://vine.co/u/1162983057884917760

    (Definitely check out the link if you haven't seem the clips yet. They look amazing.)



    Although seeing the progress was nice, it made me wonder what would happen to Zephyr since all warframes will have the ability to float and jump/dash in air, which was a unique feature to Zephyr. In my mind, warframes are pretty heavy. The exception to this being Zephyr. Hence she floats and is able to maneuver in air.


    I haven't used Zephyr yet, but with the new movements that will be coming with parkour 2.0, Zephyr's movement abilities seem to be somewhat irrelevant (I know you can mod Zephyr to make those abilities move a lot further, but it still costs energy and has less control because you travel a fixed distance).


    So my question is this:

    Will Zephyr get a rework after parkour 2.0? Will parkour 2.0 make Zephyr's skills/frame type have less meaning?


    Please keep it civilized if you're discussing. We don't need another "Death of (insert warframe here)" thread.


  18. as for OP, I believe the front summersult distance is relative to your sprint speed. - except mirage ( I think she flipps faster?)

    for instance, Loki's front flip will shoot farther then saryns, I believe.

    but as its been said, it sometimes gets wonkey, and you can literally shoot across the map.


    I think the frame rate has something to do with how it works because I noticed that when I do a front flip and my frames drop at the same time I end up flying across the map. It's the same with coptering. If I do a spin attack and my game lags, then I shoot across the map.

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