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Posts posted by LifeNine

  1. That's pretty interesting, but if Ordis means the second dream, then why does he say not to split it. The Lotus is taking the Tenno out the the second dream (cryostasis). Isn't that splitting the dream?


    Here's how I think it all ties into the lore.

    "Maintain the habitat. Maintain the Operator. Mobilize the Tenno."

    "You are the Tenno. You are the Operator. Ordis is the Cephalon. Ordis is the ship."

    This is Ordis remembering his duties/role from when the Tenno were active during the Old War. Ordis is kind of glitchy, so he is saying these out loud when it should just be part of his coding.


    "Do you remember the Old War, Operator? Ordis seems to have... misplaced those memories."

    After the Old War, the Lotus put the Tenno into cryostasis and hid the memories about the Old War from Ordis.


    "Do not lift the veil. Do not show the door. Do not split the dream."

    Ordis was reprogrammed to never reveal the past to the Tenno and had those memories blocked. All three of these sentences can refer to hiding something.

    Do not lift the veil: lifting the veil reveals the truth, so do no lift it.
    Do not show the door: behind the door lies the truth about what the Tenno did, who they are, and who the Lotus is, so do not show the door to the Tenno.
    Do not split the dream: this dream is the current illusion the Tenno see. The illusion that the Lotus is there to guide them all and is here to save them. If you stop (split) this dream, then the Tenno will see reality where they would be aware of what they did in the past and who the Lotus really is.

  2. I used to like parkouring in maps, but with the way things are now, interacting with the environment doesn't really seem to play much of a factor in parkouring. In parkour 1.0, I rarely coptered. Instead I will jump off boxes and pillars and such to move. In parkour 2.0, jumping off objects in the environment doesn't really help you travel. Jumping off boxes or other environment doesn't give much distance or height, so there is no reason to do it. Also, the jumping height seems to have been increased. This makes it harder than it already was to parkour off the boxes in Grineer maps.


    With parkour 2.0, the movements seems to revolve around bullet jump now. Bullet jumps gives both height and forward velocity. On top of that it can be used anywhere. I'm using it so much as part of everyday travelling that it feels like I'm coptering in parkour 1.0. Arguably, parkouring, I'm talking about wall hopping here, is only useful for resetting Bullet jump/double jump.


    Problems with wall hopping:

    • The delay to register a wall jump is too long. The warframe has to touch the wall for a noticeable amount of time before jumping. For small surfaces, like flag poles or similarly thin objects, it is impossible to parkour off of them in parkour 2.0. In parkour 1.0, I can successfully parkour off those objects and get where I want to go.
    • It depends a lot on where you aim. While this is good if you want to move along a big surface - it lets you move up, down, etc to correct your movement, but for small surfaces, where I tend to parkour most of the time, I end up jumping in the opposite direction of where I want to go. This illustration demonstrates what I mean. You have to aim away from the wall the moment the jump happens or else you end up going into the wall not away from it. This means you have to flick the mouse the moment before the jump happens to ensure that you stay close enough to the wall to register a jump, but are aiming away to jump away.
    • There also the problem with hitting uneven surfaces. When wall hopping vertically, if there is a small bump in the wall, you can sometimes get stuck and not be able to go past it. You end up jump wall hopping forever while hitting your head.


    Not sure if this is a bug, but I'm still able to wall hop while holding space. I do not need to keep pressing jump.

  3. well i cant open my options anymore for some reason.....

    Was that after you installed the 15.7 drivers? Try uninstalling your old graphics drivers, then installing the 15.7 drivers.


    If you are still having problems after that, maybe try this forum dedicated to windows 10: http://www.tenforums.com/


    Create a post in their graphics card subforum and give them details about what hardware you are using. Specifically, what graphics card you are using. For example, I'm using a AMD Radeon 6850.

  4. how

    amd raedon i believe....

    Open Catalyst Control Center (you should have this installed if you installed AMD drivers).

    On the left hand side, click Information.

    Click Software Update.

    Click Check for updates button.


    This should be the easiest way.




    Go to the AMD website (http://support.amd.com/en-us) and download the drivers for your graphics card.

    im downloading amd catalyst 15.7, am i doing it right...

    try re intalling.....

    15.7 should be the latest one, so I think that is what you want.

  5. And where does it spawn? It is NOWHERE to be found.

    I had to run Titania around 10 times to get it to spawn. You will know when it spawns. It is pretty hard to miss. This is what happens when it spawns.


    - Lights flicker, similar to Stalker, but only once.

    - keep moving to the next room and look around. You may see some dead Grineer. Follow those.

    - When you get kinda close, I would say within 20-30m you will hear noises. It's like loud breathing sort of noise. Follow the sound.

    - You should see a bright, glowing, blue thing floating and scanning stuff.

    - Scan it.

  6. All the changes were mentioned in the U17 patch notes (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/498793-update-17-echoes-of-the-sentient/) under Chroma + Stamina Related Changes:

    • Arcane Chorus Helmet - This helmet is worn by Banshee, and adds Power Efficiency, but reduces duration of Aim Glide and Wall Latch.
    • Arcane Flux Helmet - This helmet is worn by Nova, and increases duration of Aim Glide and Wall latch, but reduces Health.
    • Arcane Storm Helmet - This helmet is worn by Volt, and increases Power Strength, but reduces duration of Aim Glide and Wall Latch.
    • Arcane Gambit Helmet - This helmet is worn by Vauban, and increases velocity of parkour maneuvers, with a reduction to Power Duration.
    • Arcane Scorpion Helmet - This helmet is worn by Ash, increases duration of Aim Glide and Wall Latch while sacrificing Power Efficiency.
    • Arcane Menticide Helmet - This helmet is worn by Nyx, increases velocity of parkour maneuvers with a drain on Shields.

    What Missing Codex entries/rampart codex problem


    Many things are missing from the codex. The new underwater Grineer units are not there and the Blunt is not as well. The Rampart doesn't show up or is very small when you click on it. The box on the side doesn't show up either when clicking on the rampart.




    What Strun Wraith and possibly any shotgun that loads shells one at a time


    The Strun Wraith as of update 17 reloads shells one at a time. If you are reloading, you can interrupt the reload by sprinting. Every other gun allows you to reload while running (possibly away from enemies). However, you are still able to keep reloading if you start reloading and then do a bullet jump.





     1. Equip Strun Wraith

     2. Fire some shots off

     3. Reload

     4. Sprint and you will stop reloading. Bullet jump and you will keep reloading.

  9. The time it takes to detect a wall jump is too long in my opinion. In parkour 1.0 I was able to just touch the wall for a brief moment before jumping where I wanted to go, but with parkour 2.0 I have to be touching the wall for about 0.5 seconds for it to jump off the wall. This makes it hard to jump off small walls, like pillars. It also doesn't look as smooth as parkour 1.0 because the warframe just face plants into the wall for a little while before doing anything.


    The following combinations I feel like should work, but the stuff I have in bold cannot be executed right now.

    jump, double jump, bullet jump

    jump, bullet jump, double jump

  10. That's a very old picture. I think it came out some time around when Mag Prime came out. We still don't have shade prime, so I don't think we will get it any time soon. We just got Carrier Prime as well, so not for another few months at least.

  11. Not the tile I was talking about in the video, but it's something similar. The second Earth tile I've escaped from is the messy tunnel system of metal coils. Hard to explain what it's like, but I only ever saw it twice and I've only escaped it once - pre-recording software.


    @MZez: Not sure how that would work, but I'm sure there are ways~

    Hmm, I don't recall a tunnel system of metal coils on Earth. It must be pretty rare. The place in my video requires both tiles to spawn next to each other with that same connection to work, so it's pretty rare to see.

  12. For the other Earth escape, are you referring to this one? I recorded this a while back. I was able to get to a tile or two over and kill some stuff and then return to this place to get back to the map. It would have been nice to have a sniper and greedy pull in that situation, but I didn't have any snipers and greedy pull wasn't in the game yet.


  13. Bullet Attractor

    This is where my suggestions is going to change Mags late game survivability:

    The best way to explain this is by showing you this clip

    Watch it from 0:45-1:03

    It't is going to be toggle ability, which drains energy per sec(Drain is also affected y the dmg dealt)

    While this skill is active, Mag can still use secondary and melee weapon as well as her powers

    Toggling the ability off throws all bullets back in a cone



    This is just Nyx's Absorb, but you are still mobile. Good idea for staying alive, but I would like to see something different. I was thinking along the lines of, "If the enemy dies while affected by Bullet Attractor, all enemies in the blast radius has Bullet Attractor cast on them." This can be used to blanket enemies and provide cover. Bullet Attractor still needs the cast time brought down, the explosion delay removed, and possible have the explosion radius affected by range mods though.

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