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Posts posted by TheGambler_BR

  1.   Snow Globe is immobile too. It's practically the reason everyone uses Frost. My point is, that he's not totally 100% as useless against high level enemies. You just have to focus on different strategies to take advantage of the situation. With Armor 2.0, a buff for Overload may not even be needed. The idea of my post wasn't to say "HEY USE VOLT YOU WEENIES" It was a tip on how to better utilize him. I'm not saying you have to follow my advice but it may at least be useful to someone. Especially for players that want to really use volt effectively but can't figure out how.


    Thing is... snow globe offers bullet immunity from all directions, in addition to a slow to melee units. it's also considerably larger, and costs less.

  2. This is exactly my point. This is probably why Volt hasn't been fixed earlier because sycophants who picked him and speed leveled him to 30 without even tasting the cuisine are all saying he's fine. He isn't and every Volt lover I know already realizes this.


    I love the word sycophants. Difficult to use it, though.

  3. I haven't tested thoroughly enough to say so, but if I had to bet, I'd say it pierces.

    But maybe that's because I move around a lot.

    I don't know.


    Regardless, even if it doesn't pierce, it's 100x more awesome than it used to be. If you're looking to make it (and sort of have some spare resources), do so. :)

  4. Serration, as said, works just fine, and so does multishot, by the way.


    There is no need for puncture mods, either, as ignis now has a massive AoE that pierces as well.


    I don't know how long it is, but on an infested defense on corpus ship map (the tileset you get in Io and Callisto), while standing on the Pod you can hit enemies across the left bridge. So it's pretty long.

  5. does you try Multiple Electric shield with Puncture mod shotgun one shot a 60-100 level boss at 100M ?

    Volt is OP, you just don't know how to use it



    Volt is EXTREMELY situational.


    What you just described is a specific situation, with a specific weapon, with specific mods (let me remind you that puncture on shotguns costs 10+), facing a specific type of enemy. 



    Whereas any other frame (even ember, or nekros) have a skillset you can use (somewhat effectively) in any situation. And when they don't have the ideal skillset, they tend to have stats (such as armor or health) to give them a little extra survivability in those.


    Volt? Volt does not have that.

  6. Shock is pretty good.


    Here, let me introduce you to Pull. 375 armor ignore damage with a fast cast and an incredible disable, that requires no aiming and can hit any enemy in a up to 60-meter long cone in front of you.


    Too strong?


    Then here's Shuriken! 500*2 serrated blade damage with an extra fast cast and capable of dealing extra damage through weakspots.


    Still too strong?


    Let me introduce you to Venom, then! 8x5 poison DPS that can spread near-infinitely. Aim (or a shotgun) is required though!


    What, not weak enough?


    Mind control! A 30-second disable targetable at 50 meters. 

    Slash dash! 500 serrated blade damage to any enemy unlucky enough to be in front of you, with CC resistance to boot!

    Soul Punch! 500 physics impact damage with splash!

    Rhino Charge! 650(!) damage, with knockdown!


    Hell, even FIREBALL is stronger than shock currently, due to its dps being able to hit weakspots (hit a sonar'd enemy, deal 1k fire damage DPS, profit)

  7. They have the worst damage system I have seen in any game. The UI is something that came out of 1990. I understand these are devs that came from "the old school" but so much in this game is way outdated. Use technology  and advancement to your benefit. I understand they never intended on people putting so much time into this game but it's 2013 not 1995 so get with the program DE. 


    I love the game and the devs, but I'm forced to admit you're completely right.


    The damage system is a mess. There are DOZENS of different damage types, and some are completely redundant mechanically. Some are made only for specific interactions (such as forcefield, which ignores armor without multipliers - something poison or physics impact, for example, already did - but it adds a ragdoll effect to it)

    The armor scaling being exponential is also a HORRIBLE decision, especially when you have content that drops enemies whose HP and armor values are so high, you NEED one of the armor-ignoring weapons, several debuffs multiplying your damage, and an invincible bullet-proof shield just so you STAND A CHANCE.


    What worries me the most is the time it took for DE to acknowledge the issue and work towards a change. I remember, sometime ago, when their official position was "armor is working as intended" when it was crystal clear it was excessive.

    When their design philosophy wanted every weapon and frame to be equally useful, yet the game numbers clearly told a different story.


    I am anxiously expecting the armor revamp, but I wouldn't be too surprised if they somehow failed to do it properly, as much as it pains me to say.

  8. I know Warframe is a Co-op game and all, but there needs to be something for the lone wolves to enjoy, too.


    How about instead of straight up dying, you lose your shields and health instantly becomes 1? If you're not careful, you can die right away anyway, and it doesn't instagib solo players.

  9. Armor rework won't change the issues with the current Ember. She has no UTILITY and her powers are close-ranged when she can't live in close range due to low shield/health/armor/speed values considering.


    Saryn's a half caster and half tank, and her skills offer close-range damage (except venom) and survivability.


    Ember's not a half-tank (not anymore) and her skillset ONLY offer close range damage, and little to no survivability.

  10. I don't think channeled abilities are a good idea.


    But I also do not like crush being yet another AoE massive damage ultimate.


    I like the ability to walk while crushing. It's good, and allows for some shenanigans.


    However, the damage MUST be changed to ignore armor - or better, be STRONGER with armor (AP damage, anyone?).

  11. Ah yes.You know what is even more limited?

    My Lato Vandal.So by that logic it should eclipse all other secondarys too.

    Waiting for the buff now.


    Limited access is a dumb point to defend a weapon that simply outperforms the rest of its weapon category.

    Its weapon balancing at its worst(as in there is none).


    Limited weapons should ONLY be reskins of current weapons. So those who came after don't feel cheated over.


    I know that, because it's how I feel about the old snipetron (before the event) and the braton vandal.

  12. THIS WAS POSTED ON THE OFFICIAL FEEDBACK THREAD. CHECK IT HERE: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/102831-ember-98-feedback-thread/#entry1183716


    Actual Gameplay (versus infested) opinion:


    First power: Fireball

    DoT is applied properly, damage per tick is the same as impact damage. Max rank ticks for 266 against level 28 chargers. 400 against runners and leapers (regardless of level) - but only 65 against level 26 ancients. That is LOW, painfully low, considering infested have a 2x fire damage multiplier. Need I remind you Ash's shuriken deals 500 serrated blade damage x2? That is 1500 damage to infested PER SHURIKEN, a potential 3'000 damage against the very same enemy type Ember's supposed to be specialized in taking out. And without any DoT shenanigans. Need I remind you guys DoT is supposed to deal more damage than burst in the long run?

    It also doesn't "paint" the floor/walls anymore. Enemies walk through Fireball's fire like it was nothing.

    It does have AoE, though, and sometimes it ignores armor altogether.


    Curiosities: It rewards skill greatly. Hitting a fireball at a vulnerable spot deals double tick damage.


    Suggestions: Make it tick faster, and/or for more damage. Make the projectile track the target upon cast (DoT on floor is what Fireblast does). Perhaps an armor reduction effect, "Melting" away the target's armor?


    Second Power: Overheat


    Damage: seems to deal 350 damage (rank 2) against any infested (ancients included), which makes me think it ignores armor. If so, would be a good addition. Needs testing against grineer and corpus.

    Damage reduction must still be calculated - to come later on.

    Lasts 15 seconds at rank 2, without continuity mods.


    Third Power: Fire Blast


    No utility AT ALL, as it was before. Lays a "wall" of fire that can be walked - and shot - through normally. Deals 200 fire damage, susceptible to armor reductions, and only when they're on the ring of fire. Being inside is just like being outside - no damage.

    Applies no DoT at all.

    So, all in all, low damage, coupled with stationary and no utility. Useless power


    Suggestions: STUN enemies caught by the fire ring. Add DoT while INSIDE the ring. Increase the damage, as it behaves like Burst damage instead of DoT.


    Fourth Power: World on Fire


    Unchanged overall. Bug that prevented targeting of more than one target has been fixed, apparently.

    Damage is still pathetically low, requires almost its entire duration to kill a single ancient at level 30. Tries to apply fire-based stun animations, but they last much less than a second.


    Suggestions: Draw inspiration from this, please. Greatly increase damage, make it ignore armor, add stun.



    Overall comments: There is NO synergies between her powers.

    Her new fireball does respectable damage against low-level infested, but suffers greatly from armor reduction as does the rest of her powers, bar Overheat.

    Her old Overheat allowed Ember to fully utilize her arsenal, as it expected her to be in the fray. It allowed hit-and-run tactics that are currently no longer viable.

    Her Fire Blast has been fixed, but still doesn't offer much to the table. REQUIRES a stun-type power for it to deal any sort of damage, because of its position-based, weak damage.

    Her World on Fire has seen no changes, which is a shame. Damage suffers from armor, as does all of her other powers. Targeting seems to be fixed, though, so she can now damage three(!) enemies at the same time.


    Perhaps, with the oncoming damage and armor changes, she might see some usefulness again. But as it stands now, she is WEAK. She's a pure-damage frame with no utilities, and, sadly, NO DAMAGE EITHER.

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