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  1. I got the riven challenge "Find 3 caches with an active sentinel present". Doing this in a public squad with someone else doesn't progress the challenge when I find a cache, but doing it solo mode does give progress when I find a cache. So it is missing the "do it solo or alone" requirement tested on earth sabotage caches with diriga equipped
  2. For at least a week now there is a bug where enemies get stuck in necralisk tile set. this is one location where they get stuck on the stairs, although the picture doesn't show. https://imgur.com/a/ZfyxWl1 the stairs here are right next to the netracell red circle room (behind me). enemies just stand on the stairs next to each other and stop moving in our direction. all of us where in the room behind me and not close. I was running diriga with helstrum again. not sure if getting stuck only happens in netracells but it halts all progress there. just had a 30 minute netracell <33333
  3. In the duviri paradox quest after Teshin died you have to control a huge worm/wyrm/whatever. The instructions are that you can press one key to climb and another key to dive. It said that I need to press "A" to dive but that did not work. My settings had no key bound to the "Move Down (Archwing? Symbol)" action, yet it still said I need to press "A". So I had to bind the key and it worked. If I did not realize this I could not progress in the quest. Related:
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