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Posts posted by Ruby_Rose_

  1. To be honest there is nothing i would not bring - that provided the user has some finesse in building and some skill in using the frame.


    Personally i think it's more a question of how easy it is to do it than of whether you can do it.


    Nyx, Loki, Nova, Vauban, Mirage, Ash are probably the easiest to use.


    Imho the ones that are the hardest, or require more effort/team coordination, are Ember and Excalibur.

    I agree, those are pretty easy to build for end game. I disagree with Ember being harder to play, at least not the way i build her. Ecal is pretty easy too, he pretty much just spams blind most of the time.



    if you define endgame by long survivals/defense and raids i'd say good CC frames, vauban and disarm loki in particular. that and vamp trinity.


    that insane Tactical Alert with heavy melee only vs lvl 100 enemies was a good example of how CC makes VERY hard challenges doable.

    CC definitely does scale well, or at least better than most damage into the late game survivals and defences..


    Many of them if you know the optimal builds. 

    :) You said many, but not all?


    Just out of curiousity, I see veteran players post introductions for the first time. Why, and what prompted you to do so now and not early on?

    Well, I planned to. I just got distracted from doing so shortly after thinking about it xD More or less, it just kept getting postponed.

    I have been around a long time, but I've had at least one hiatus so far. I try to no play one game too often now, so i don't "burnout" on it.


    Hello there~ Welcome to the forums~ Hope to see you in game :D Cool intro btw. Is your fav colour blue? *random guesses* xD

    If you're in trade chat, you more than likely will. :) Blue is definitely up there. but the color WAS in the post.. it just randomly disappeared from it though.

  3. Just a simple question to everyone here on the forums.


    Which warframes do you think are or are not endgame viable frames? Why do you think so?


    Now personally, I believe ALL of them COULD be endgame viable. With the right builds and knowing how to use them of course. So I ask again, which do you think are actually viable and which aren't?


    To clarify: My definition of Endgame at the moment is Raid level or higher enemies. Those moments where you need more than one specific frame to be successful. I say this because, while it may not be a true end game, it is more or less the most difficult content outside of extended Defences and Survivals.


    I'm more or less looking to do some theorycrafting, but I honestly want to see what people think. So expect me to reply :)

  4. Well, it's not a bug. I think De just forgot to account for frames that actually will stand still doing various things like you were, mesa especially.


    Will they fix it? Probably if they see it's a relevant issue.. Given the amount of greedy pulls mags out there, I'd think I would be already


    To clearly answer your questions:

    1. Yes

    2. No.

    3. Probably a bug. or a Feature not working as intended.

  5. I'm Ruby_Rose_. Previously, (about a year ago now) I was known as SweetieBelle_ (because I am, or at least was, a brony). This Introduction is quite overdue, and I feel like it needs to be done now. I will make details stand out with colors, so you can avoid potentially boring stuff.


    According to my Profile It says I've been here since June 7, 2012. This means I've been around since U8. To me, it honestly seems like it's only been a year since I've started, but time does fly apparently.


    Anyways, here's a little detail about me as a player.

    I'm currently MR17, slowly working towards 18. Seems kinda low for the amount of time Steam and the in game time say I've played. It's probably due to me spending too much time in trade chat, or not wanting actively level weapons or maybe theorycrafting. I am a Founder, just a lowly Disciple though because that's what I could afford.

    I currently reside in the Flow Clan, as a Co-Warlord. I've been in Flow since nearly its start.


    (Just for reference as far as playing Vs. trading, Steam says I've played 1,718 hours.. Actual time spent is missions is 917:18:00.. so roughly about 500 or so of the difference is trade chat the rest is modding. Surprisingly, I close my game when I AFK.)


    And a little about me as a person.

    I am a gamer, like big time. I spend most of the free time playing them; so much so I started a YT that had a great start, until hardware failures caused me to not be able to record anymore. Will I link this YT channel of mine? Maybe if there were WF content, which I hope to do eventually, after a few upgrades.


    I am a bit of an artist. I draw a little and of course with minor video editing experience and the like from the whole YT thing. Nothing particularly fantastic, as anytime I try to draw my own idea, they never seem to be able to pop out of my head and on to paper. So I mostly find Images I like, and redraw them by eye. They are usually pretty close to the originals too.


    When my free time isn't spent gaming, or doing game related things like theorycrafting, I fix computers, tablets, phones and other stuff like that. Why? Because it's something I do for fun. I do still get paid to do so.


    I'm pretty analytical too; which is part of why I find theorycrafting, spreadsheets of data and other stuff of that sort fun.

    Currently, I've made a total of 2 spreadsheets that are WF related. One for trading and one that makes comparing weapons just a little easier, as well as shows their potential as a weapon, including for PvP 2.0. Will those be linked? Don't need to. They're already linked in my forum Profile!

    Aside from those two things, I do have one other small-scale project in the works in terms of theorycrafting. That maybe be out soon, but I will probably make a GD post about something relating to the topic soon (probably within the hour xD).


    That's pretty much all I have to say for myself at the moment, feel free to ask me anything you like about anything I've mentioned, about me or my time on WF.


    I apologize if anything I said seems like bragging of any kind. I'd hate to be seen as that type of person. I just highlighted things that make me who I am as a player and a person, sorry if the colors are a bit annoying. :)


    (can you guess my favorite color? :3)

  6. I was looking through the list of currently available PvP weapons, and of all the MK1 weapons, only the Braton isn't present.


    This just confused me, as the other 2 are present. I get people hate the MK1 Braton and all.. but excluding from PvP?


    Jokes aside, It's not there and probably should be. All other Braton variants are present, and all other MK1s.

  7. Hello again :)


    After a long hiatus from Warframe, I've returned and so has my project; with some minor improvements. To keep this part short, I will just say It was helpful back then, as it was updated more frequently than sites like wftrading and I kept it up through fluctuations and new items.

    However currently, it's in a state of being "behind". More or less out of date currently. I'm slowly working on getting it up to date again. 


    Unfortunately that was only for PC too, but Now I plan to expand it across all 3 platforms! Of course, being a PC player, that WILL take cooperation from the PS4 and XB1 communities to get that to work to full effect. But I will manage them still. It'll be awhile before those kick off to fully still, but the option to submit data for them is available.



    I guess I should explain what this project is/was at this point. As the thread title states, it's a Community Economy tracker.

    A resource "For Tenno, By Tenno" for the Trading community mostly. Newer traders would also be able to follow the prices listed and make quick and easy trades, just like anyone else could making it easier for them to get in and trade.

    I edit it by myself currently, to avoid misguided attempts to skew prices via false information/data.


    Current checklist of to-dos:This may take awhile Tenno. :P

    • Adding new Void Drops, Syndicate stuff and other tradeables that have popped up.
    • Adjusting prices to be more accurate to current market
    • A new way of allowing the community to submit data Already finished this mid-post :p

    Going to track and follow this page as well, for general feedback.


    So where can I find this project of yours?

    It can be found and looked at by clicking this link: 



    If you want to contribute and help me get it up to date faster and keep it up to date, use this form:



    This form is for ALL 3 PLATFORMS. Please click the correct radio button for your platform. :)

    This is crucial for PS4 and XB1. For me to have data to be able to expand and cover those platforms as well..


    For mass Price suggestions, please PM me. Will reply when I can.

    Or add me in game if you really want.


    Leave a reply or Comment if something should be corrected in aspects other than prices. You know, just feedback :)


    Anyways, thanks in advance to anyone that wishes to help with this project of mine.


  8. The idea is probably to give code out to people who actually followed the thread and watched the stream.

    Except I don't recall them ever mentioning it on stream at all.


    Not to mention the people watching the devstream that probably went to sleep after because of timezones, or just don't check the forums after devstream.. because not many do that either.

  9. Im looking for active long-standing clan, invite me!


    IGN Monolake


    i want to be in the flow too please invite me ;O)



    Hi there it sounds so shiny and nice, i would like to get an invite! :) 



    i want to be in the flow too please invite me


    I would love to join this clan. My body is ready; Invite Please!

    IGN: Drivn

    All of your invite are now sent!


    Welcome to Flow~

  10. One-time thing for a compensation event.


    I hope they never come back personally. They're kinda broken. Free fully ranked mod of any number of ranks with no cost? Please no. 


    That'd actually take the joy out of having rank 10 mods. Not to mention the sense of progression and dedication that comes with having ranked one. That and the only slightly valuable thing on the trade market would crash to literally nothing.


    I suppose the few legendary cores that were given out when the whole Steel Charge thing have all been traded and used, or that they are sitting in players' inventory. Legendary cores currently cannot be obtained outside of trading.

    Trust me when I say, if you want them you can still buy them. Bit costly both credit-wise and plat wise. Like 1m credits and ~250p.


    I'd much rather spend 1m credits to just max one and for go the plat cost.

  11. If you deleted them, that's your problem and should have contacted customer support right away.


    Because after a certain time frame after deletion they can no longer recover items that were accidentally deleted.


    Side note: All event mods and items have the chance of being seen again, so just be patient. You'll see it again without the need for a "special reimbursement program".

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