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Posts posted by InquisitorMaximus

  1. 5 minutes ago, NPetty said:

    i know i got the digital ticket(double check when i bought it on my account), but the baro is out now and i have no way to see him. 

    plz help

    Tears of the Tenno


    You're going to receive a code in the email you input when buying the ticket. The code has to be entered in warframe.com/promocode while login with the platform you indicated during in the Ticket purchase.

    However, no email/code has arrived yet. Interesting fact, during the last Prime Time, Meg said Baro was arriving to Earth's relay, which is currently destroyed on PC and ( as far as I know) on PS4' only Xbox has that relay working.... you'll never know ^^

  2. 51 minutes ago, kyori said:

    I am presently formaing my Rhino Prime and I notice his beautiful saint seiya gold iron skin is messed up after activating focus. It even return to the no-iron-skin look after being invisible (naramon) and visible again. While amidst all those visual defects, iron skin is still active.

    Could this be fixed?

    Although it doesn't affect the skill but visually it is just unbearable lol. Maybe this can be classified as fashionframe malfunction.... it affects fashionframe! lol

    I know is not 100% related to your post, but is Naramon's invisibility bonus (Shadow Step) still working for you after the Harrow update? Because I can't make it work for me anymore, actually I don't know if the other buffs (Deadly Intent or Strategic Execution) were actually working.... I was thinking "Ok, once the big reveal of TennoCon is made, I'm sure it will involve the Focus System improvement... but if Shadow Step is still working for you then it's just another nasty bug... I'll appreciate any hint ^^

  3. 43 minutes ago, Jukantos said:

    The Second Dream: Progress stopping bug with the Pendula, broken completely, making Focus and any planet beyond Uranus inaccessible to new players

    This problem was solved, as indicated in the patch notes:

    "Fixed pillar hit-detection in the Cunning Drift Hall of Ascension (more improves to follow)."

    As you should know very well, Lua has 7 Halls of Ascension -one for each principle- (Agility, Collaboration, Cunning, Endurance, Power, Speed and Stealth) the Hall for the Cunning Principle doubles as the Pendulum Hall in the Quest. 

    Some people in this thread reported that they tried and the hit-detection is indeed fixed, making the Quest viable again.

  4. 1 minute ago, Ned-2600 said:

    Wait does Warframe use the lighting of Razer peripherals? :o 
    Any love for lighting up our Logitech peripherals in the near future? :)

    Is new, since the Harrow update, but it has been giving some troubles... actually Razer is a TennoCon sponsor =^P

  5. 8 hours ago, OrigamiChik3n said:

    I understand your point. It makes perfect sense mathematically. But we're not playing math simulator. For all i care, chances to get certain item in certain mission can be 99,9% but if i can't get said item to drop in 100 runs, it's just a meaningless number. I've read multiple complaints by people who "do Pogo runs for 2 hours every day" and still can't get the damn neuroptics. To them the drop chance, whatever number it is, is just a load of [swears in Grineer tongue].

    The thing is, a lot of us already have work. If a game that we play to relax after a day of said work becomes just another work... Well, guess which one gets the all flak.

    I totally agree with you: a game we play to relax after work should not become another boring/troublesome task to do. However, I (personally) like to be sensitive to the fact that achieving balance among free-to-play/money-sustainability/drop-probability/player-engagement (just to mention some factors) is a complex task the developers and the community need to review continuously and revisit constantly, always open to accept both positions, always open to concede and understand the "whys" of the "hows" of each other. 

    This is not new at all, RNG has been with us humans since we came up with the games idea, every time we roll the dices the probabilities are determining what kind of reward/punishment we're getting. Games have been evolving hugely and that's awesome, the fact that nowadays the developers want to open up (even as slowly as DE) and at least hear what the gamer community have to say is awesome, however keeping in mind the complexity of this task, is something that has to be constantly reviewed and revisited with an open mind and transparent attitude from both the community and the developers, and this include preventing rather than fixing very regrettable (and almost insulting) errors such as the Cyclone Kraken not dropping "as intended" or "using the wrong drop table".

    In my personal and very individualistic opinion, the presence of RNG in this kind of games greatly reminds me of board/role games I enjoy, such as D&D and Die Siedler von Catan where RNG is potentiated with cards, dices, the Master... etc... so the game is always changing, probabilities always defiant, always "new"... but of curse those are role games in which you have to embrace the pros and cons of your character, your situations, your decisions... probably too far from the Warframe experience in which we sometimes are looking for the same/ideal build or the same new frame to collect and later complain about how inferior it is to our old beloved Trinity (I'm not judging just sharing some toughs as respectfully as I'm able to).

    And, once again, probably we do need some secure bypasses to be in place so people will not feel frustrated about getting the same high-chance drop items 100 times, there should be some respect for the player on that regard (I guess).

  6. 1 hour ago, (PS4)enightmare69 said:

    Just got the digital ticket as im in the uk so can't just head to Canada... Any idea what time things kick off? Like.. When will the TennoCon relay be available? Im in a different timezone so dont want to miss it

    I'm not sure where in the UK you are, but considering that TennoCon is supposed to be starting at 11:00 AM  EDT (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tennocon-2017-tickets-31615169824) and the tickets mention that the goodies will be delivered at the start of the TennoCon, well then it converts as follow:

    11:00:00 a.m. Saturday July 8, 2017 in Canada/Eastern converts to
    04:00:00 p.m. Saturday July 8, 2017 in Europe/London

    You might find this site useful for converting time-zones/dates accordingly: http://www.timezoneconverter.com/index.php

    I hope this information helps you =^)

  7. 1 hour ago, OrigamiChik3n said:

    According to this Equinox Day Neuroptics Blueprint drop chance is 12,91%. I've run Tyl assassination 35 times. I should have gotten at least 4 neuroptics blueprints. I have none. I got bored. Tyl got bored. Manics in tubes got bored. We all decided to stop seeing each other.

    I'm not sure if we all are getting the rule of probability right for these cases:

    How some people think it works:

    ((( MISSION X ))) ITEM A=30% chance | ITEM B = 25% chance | ITEM C = 20% chance | ITEM D = 15% chance ITEM E = 10% chance **** Therefore, "if I do Mission X 30 times I'll for sure get ITEM A to C couple of times and ITEM D and E at least one time, because I already paid the "common-item-fee" "...

    How I understand it works:

    ((( MISSION X ))) ITEM A=30% chance | ITEM B = 25% chance | ITEM C = 20% chance | ITEM D = 15% chance ITEM E = 10% chance ****  Therefore, every single time we do the mission, we will have the same highest provability of getting ITEM A (same for the other items probabilities), as the rule of infinite probability applies, I could even get the same ITEM A 300 times because it has the greater "raw" chance....

    I do understand that there could be a secure-bypass that ensures that a player getting 200 Ayatan Treasure gets an increased chance of a Riven Mod (for example) during the next time he is trying that very same mission, but so far it doesn't look like that, but rather very raw probabilities, this is just numbers determining what we get each time...


  8. 3 hours ago, Auranapse said:

    Haha I'm happy you do! Here's the corrected image(which I'm actually happy with), using white 255, 255, 255, which actually isn't that bad now as compared to the past according to the posts. The bloom is actually just right in my opinion.


    It looks much better really cool, at least inside the Landing Craft... the thing with the bloom is that its highly dynamic so sometimes you can't even look at your emblem; good thing you made it simple and with sleek lines... looks really cool =^)

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Adamant80 said:


    2. Every time I load into a game my screen flashes exactly 3 times as if it is having trouble making the transition.


    6. when using the melee and secondary together after pressing E I get stuck in melee combos by hitting mouse1 ( i think it thinks mouse 1 is also melee after some point). I also get stuck in melee combos sometimes just by pressing E a few times.


    8. The bot that tells you when Baro is coming and also deathsnacks claim Baro will be here Friday yet DE claims Saturday. Does this mean we miss a whole day waiting for a code or will there be two places he shows up?

    I'm having exactly the same problem as you describe it in #2, I'm happy is not only me (I have to say)... Are you, by any chance, using nVIDIA's GTX-980Ti? My guess is that some issues are related to the nVIDIA's GeForce Experience optimization or something... but I couldn't been able to fix it... #6 is also happening to me, getting stuck with the melee, but in my case not even combos just "melee-stuck", although that happened rarely, two times so far after the update...


    #8 I think is because we will actually have 2 visits; the standard bi-weekly visit, although as far as I know that will be in 9 days as shown in both deathsnacks.com and the Wikia (Orcus Relay) the other visit will be on Saturday, that will be the "TennoCon Void Trader" visit, happening on July 8th as DE explained and as indicated in the TennoCon tickets...


  10. On 25/5/2017 at 9:40 AM, Auranapse said:

    Well I got itchy and changed whole logo to 200 200 200, then using the grey on the other layer to place in the middle, added a outline with a similar colour and I kinda ruined everything..


    Seems like the grey I had is see through for some reason(Alpha was 100% though), and the edges seem to have some weird blurring.

    I actually wanted my logo to shine abit more, I'll be submitting a support ticket for this one.




    But it looks awesome!!! =V 

    I really like it.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, SenorClipClop said:

    I mean, if you're saying he did all that on one leg and with 3 fingers missing, at half level and half build, then yes, he did do that! I also took him on a Sortie today and he forgot his Thurible in the ship, but still managed to provide Energy.

    Now we're understanding each other :community:

  12. On 2/7/2017 at 4:28 AM, SenorClipClop said:

    ... Yesterday I took him into a Void survival for 40 minutes before running into issues. He was only level 15, no Forma and only half a build, but he held his own for a good long time...

    He was also missing a leg and 3 fingers on "the thurible hand" at the moment, so he is awesome :nerd::community:

  13. Is anybody else having problems with the Naramon Focus' Shadow Step? Probably is because of the new coloring, but since the Harrow update the Shadow Step ability is not working anymore, the ability supposedly "grants 5 / 6 / 8 / 10 seconds of invisibility when inflicting critical damage with a melee weapon for the duration of the mission" (in game description) but right now is not working at all, with any of the crits (regardless if the hit marks yellow, orange or red)...

  14. Is anybody else having problems with the Naramon Focus' Shadow Step? Probably is because of the new crit coloring, but since the Harrow update the Shadow Step ability is not working anymore, the ability supposedly "grants 5 / 6 / 8 / 10 seconds of invisibility when inflicting critical damage with a melee weapon for the duration of the mission" (in game description) but right now is not working at all, with any of the crits (regardless if the hit marks yellow, orange or red)...


    PS 1: Requiescat In Pace Monachus Bellumcorporis Dicitur "Harrow" ("Bellumcorporis" = my best translation in latin for "Warframe" :nerd:)... Oh Harrow, your life was short but full of hype and sighs for coveted Melee-Riven Mods... Requiescat In Pace :heartbroken:

    PS 2: The Harrow' experience:



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