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Posts posted by InquisitorMaximus

  1. 20 hours ago, Kaiashii said:

    Pues bien lo explico por aqui ya que en el video estaba cansado de esa mision y bastante molesto.

    Despues de tirarnos unos 40 o 50 minutos en esa mision (si,se que en el video digo 90 porque mire el tiempo jugado en steam y mas o menos era eso lo que llevaba dentro del juego y estaba cansado para pensar,sinceramente)lo que paso fue que al matar la ultima cabeza de lephantis y depues de gastar mas o menos 40 restauradores de municion de grupo pues el boss se bugueo y nos tuvimos que salir.al principio estabamos 4 en la mision,pero como lo vieron muy duro pues se fueron y nos quedamos 2 contra ese maldito bicho,a continuacion os dejare el enlace para que lo veais y para ver si los creadores podran devolverme las cajas de municion por lo menos o algo,porque en serio,no es para nada justa esta situacion.

    PD:aclaro que esta no es la primera vez que me pasa algo asi,me paso lo mismo con vay hek en la tierra unas 6 veces pero en esa situacion solo perdi tiempo y no me importa. 


    Si gustas yo te ayudo a eliminar a Lephantis; las "pizzas" de municiones, energía, escudo, salud van por mi cuenta =D así no te sientes tan frustrado.

    Si te parece bien la idea contáctame en el juego (mismo username que aquí) mi zona horaria es UTC-7 y normalmente me conecto alrededor de las 7:00 PM... ojalá que con ésto te sientas menos enojado. ¡Éxito Tenno! =^) :community:

  2. 2 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

    oh so it is a class of sentient then? ok then.

    Most likely, Eidolon is a Greek word (ειδωλον) for "image" or "representation", "astral copy" or even "phantom", the modern word in English "Idol" and its derivations come from this Greek root, so considering that DE guys always backup their lore and creations with some really nice history/mythology bites, I think Eidolon(s) will be a myriad of enemies we will face =D

  3. It also depends of what path you choose Tenno, if you want to go for a balance game style, or you prefer to gear up for endless missions with friends in the Void or if you want to explore, level-up and gain MR.... there are as many different ways as Tenno, each with a list of interests, affinities and enjoyments... I would definitely recommend you Inaros (because is fun and a demigod in the battle field), Ivara which is a genuine source of joy when you're playing solo and you want to set your very own challenges (going undercover, using sleep arrows, exploring how you can dash-wire the entire map, etc).... I would also recommend you fun weapons, I love my Silva & Aegis with the Final Harbinger stance, throwing your shield at enemies, pirouetting frenziedly  and furiously is just too much fun, put a couple of Arcanes and a max leveled Berserk and wow, you really kick a*s and enjoy it... You maybe want to take the completionist path and try to complete the codex or your Mod collection, or clearing the star chart... so many ways you can go, so many paths you can enjoy and in which you might find the feeling of progressing you are looking for... 

    Good luck, Tenno!

  4. 24 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Chains of Harrow: Update 21.1.0


    Channel your inner crimson warrior with the new Guandao Collection! 

    Slice through your enemies with the Guandao, a towering polearm, or take them out from a distance with the Zakti pistol and its lethal toxicity. Adding the Mozi Syandana will ensure your enemies only see a flash of red before their last moments, if they see anything at all…

    The Guandao Collection includes:

    • Guandao Polearm - Harvest the enemy with this towering polearm.
    • Zakti Pistol - Fires razor-sharp darts that anchor themselves in their target before erupting in a plume of toxic gas.
    • Mozi Syandana - Windswept ribbons of crimson evoke the war-kites of ancient Earth.

    Me start reading.... finding out new weapons:




  5. I prefer to take the lazy lane and go completely Aristotelian about it: in Aristotle's philosophy only compounds that are alive have souls, I'll assume Corpus proxies and mechanization are not living compounds and therefore lack of soul, since it is the soul what make things living. Furthermore, the proxies show no evidence of concern or involvement in any of the levels of entelecheia nor energeia since the proxies act in view of a given directive and not using an end within itself (prime characteristic of the form-soul within in-formed creatures).... so I'll go with no :community::crylaugh:

  6. 12 minutes ago, Jobistober said:

    Since U21 dropped, I'm getting Syndicate hit-squads and Stalker spawns way more than I ever remember them before. The other day, I had Syndicate hit-squads spawn on me (not someone else) 4 missions in a row and Stalker twice, all in one night. Whereas before, I remember these encounters happening not as often. But now, they seem to happen more often than not.

    Not complaining, I like the extra challenge. Just wanting to see if anyone else is experiencing the same thing of if it's just my luck.

    In my case: I have. I've been having encounters with syndicate hit-squads more often, actually I had my first encounter with the New Loka hit-squad for the very first time after the update even when I'm more than rotted in the eyes of that syndicate lol....

  7. 4 hours ago, MagPrime said:

    I think you're right.  I was experimenting on a random post, and the overall rep only went up when I hit "like" then went back and hit "upvote"

    That's interesting, In my opinion Reputation should be affected by "Thanks" and even "Fun"... to be honest the Thanks' little trophy is super cute haha... also "Confused" and "Sad", I'm not sure if should be let out of the reputation system.... :clem:

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