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Posts posted by InquisitorMaximus

  1. 11 minutes ago, DiBBz said:

    its because its being done differently. the bot is being told to run across a certain path with the assistance of visual aids. so they have clearly mapped the entire corpus outpost tileset. but i doubt the bot would be smart enough to aim and fire at enemy's unless its just spraying in one direction. as to weather or not the bot is smart enough to know where to go when the next extractor location appears. its quite hard to discern. but 1 way id know for sure is its movements. i dont think the bot would be able to preform the complex bullet jumps> glide > slide and then mixing it to maximize jump length and speed.

    Well let's combine those methods, obviously! Since I totally agree with the pseudoscience we are using in this thread, obviously!

  2. 5 minutes ago, DualParadox said:

    It's true! Some even start forum threads and can keep arguing on a subject for days. Seen it happened many times.

    You Sir, are a winner! (post scriptum: This reply was not generated by a forum bot)

  3. 1 minute ago, Teran0vA said:

    Seeing the responses I guess that's why its not in. If you don't know how they act it will probably be hard to spot. They are far beyond simple macro's. They work with visual cues that tiger complex behavior. They can defend themselves with guns/melee, fetch fuel and move to next waypoint.

    You mean...... Like a player? :shocked:

  4. 5 minutes ago, DesFrSpace said:


    When MOST Players in a Game is consisted of BOTS.

    The Game itself is truly AUTOMATED.

    No longer consider a "Game", but Simulator run by Bots.


    You NEVER think about it, but "What if NPC" are Bots too".


                                                DAWN OF THE MACHINES (BOTS).

                                                Ages of BOT-some.                            

    This logic is undeniable!


  5. 3 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    Never ever seen any bots here, not even people who acted so stupid that i started to think that its just some bot program.

    Well, if somebody can make a bot that is able to "farm Hieracon up to 1200 using visual cues", then [DE] seriously need to hire them to fix the AI of Kubrows, Kavats, Specters, Ghosts... F*ck, I'll even throw some money on a fund rise campaign to hire those people!  

  6. 1 minute ago, DiBBz said:

    ive played this game for a very long time.... never once seen a bot what so ever... 

    What I always wonder is how people distinguish a bot from a World On Fire spammer? Based purely in the results, in some instances it is practically the same thing isn't? 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Block_sendo said:

    how big will the plains be? skyrim size? or like kinda PS2 sized open world? I'm one of those guys whos gonna go exploring and I don't wanna find everything immediately I wanna find kewl things and get lost every now and then. 

    3 square kilometers (apparently)

    Megan said in an interview with wccftech.com "What is important for us is to create an open space and still maintain the level of graphic intensity and fidelity that we have delivered in previous builds. Could we create a larger space? Sure. But do we want to? Not certain we do. The size of the space is not our goal." so you can get an idea.

  8. 1 hour ago, Cubewano said:

    1. While it's delightful to know poe is going to at least have a day/night cycle, is there any chance for the world to also have periodic changes in weather such as rain/fog/windy/etc? If not now, is there consideration for it in the future? I just find side details like that so very enjoyable. (i also can only imagine what kind of weather could be baked up for future planets if this kind of practice was adopted)

    I 100% want to know about weather possibilities!!!! It makes most of the game alive and more enjoyable...

    1 hour ago, Cubewano said:

    2. Since Warframe is officially becoming a fishing simulator, are we going to get a log of what kinds of fish we've caught over time, or perhaps even a fish tank in our orbiter that we can keep all our greatest catches in? Us losers love ourselves some vanity projects. 

    Well, we already see the top of a fish tank serving as the floor of the Helminth Infirmary (or something alike), so probably we finally are going to go to the deck below... =D

  9. 1 minute ago, Proditor_Asteri said:

    Q: When you said "Operator Warrior" does that imply massive changes to the Operators? Is this implying the Operators will grow up into adults that can fight?

    JUST IMAGINE THAT!!!!!!!!!!! That would be awesome, and would also explain why Scott and Steve sometimes said "up to now you where nothing but an emo kid, we know, we feel your pain" or something similar =D

  10. 6 minutes ago, FireSegment said:

    infact ... i believe they choose the word "Cetus" have more based on the meaning of the word being "Whale" than named after a constellation. They want to connect the people of Cetus harvesting orokin .. meat with us harvesting oil from whales in the 19 century.

    Beside, the place locate on ... Earth, so it don't really make sense for the name to be a costellation, i think (we see the moon :3 )

    You are right, the Cetus Colony is 100% located on Earth, there is no way the selection of the name is related to the location of the colony itself. 

    That's why I mentioned that the selection of the name was kind of an Easter Egg or even a wink if you prefer connected to the lore we have regarding the Sentient and the colonization of the Tau System. 

    Regarding the connection of Tenno/Cetus inhabitants with whale harvesters from the XIX Century, it is hard to grasp for me (personal perception) outside some aspects of the aesthetics :]

  11. NOTA: Ésta es una traducción personal de un post de [DE]Danielle en el foro general. Lo comparto con los otros Tenno a quienes les pudiera interesar:


    Café: ¡Listo!

    Teclado ergonómico: ¡Listo!

    Práctica de tiro de aves en las Planicies: ¡Listo!

    ¡Tenno! Empezando desde eld día de hoy, el equipo de Warframe estará enfocando toda su atención y poder de desarrollador en la ¡Actualización 22 (U22): Planicies de Eidolon! En un esfuerzo por entregar a los Tenno la tan esperada actualización súper rápido, no habrá actualizaciones para PC entre hoy y el lanzamiento de la U22. Tendremos Hotfix si las circunstancias lo demandan. 

    Como ya nos apremia saber cuándo llegará la U22, Rebecca y el equipo de desarrolladores estarán cubriendo lo que podremos esperar durante el siguietne Devstream #98 éste Viernes, 15 de Septiembre a las 2 p.m. ET (puedes convertir tu zona horaria aquí https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html):

    ¡Recibiremos publicaciones con información del estado de la actualización periódicamente para mantenernos al tanto!

    [DE]Danielle nos agradece por nuestra paciencia.


    Pueden checar la publicación original aquí: 

    ¡Saludos Tenno!

  12. 28 minutes ago, motorfirebox said:

    I love it!!!, and I think that piece of lore can accommodate a G8.5 V without much problem, what if the Orokin traveled to Tau Ceti expecting it to be habitable and found the star unable to sustain human life due to the actions of the newly sentient :v

    [I'm almost positive this has been widely discussed because is quite easy to grasp from that entry]: The warframes were created to fight against the Sentient, since inboard the space ship is "A Tenno inside its Warframe" (old piece of lore) that means that the Sentient invasion is ongoing and the attempt to flee from the Sol System might be directed to a system different from the Tau System; after all the Sentientes were sent to the Tau System to prepare it to receive the Orokin colonizers but probably the Sentients failed or "decided" to not complete the task, changing their directives and turning against humanity. I think this is at least a possibility =P 

  13. 41 minutes ago, motorfirebox said:

    I've always been highly skeptical of the Tau Ceti thing. The Tau system is supposed to be centered around a blue star; Tau Ceti isn't blue. 

    Indeed, Tau Ceti is G8.5 V in the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram; actually it because it is in a similar spectral type with the local star, Tau Ceti was selected as a "Tier 1" target star for NASA's SIM.

    Why the Tau System's star should be a blue one? 

    40 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    Maybe the star turned blue at some point like in that sh*tty sci-fi movie were teenagers get turned into the bicentennial man by a radio frequency.

    This is somehow possible, Blue Stars can be in a wide variety of stages of their lives but all are "evolved stars" that have largely exhausted their hydrogen supplies, this is a cause-effect relation for the color, are blue because those stars are super hot, a huge mass means that the stars "burn" more fuel and becomes hotter, any star with 10 times the mass of the Local Star is going to appear blue to our eyes, but that also complicates the habitability of the system for life as we experience it here on Earth.

  14. 18 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

    Just started? remote observer has been happening for months now, as indicated by your link being the 13th edition of it.  There've been dozens of suggestions posted on those threads and we've yet to see any actual improvements to the game based on them aside from people using those threads as bug report repositories because DE may actually read them.


    I meant to refer to this particular thread... Thanks for the overly kind and well educated clarification :]

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