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Posts posted by ArchPhaeton

  1. -snip-


    If all the vets move on, then It could be a good thing for warframe, the ones that really enjoy the game will keep  playing.

    This statement doesn't make sense to me. Most active "vets" are still there because they are the people that really like the game. I may not be a vet but I've seen a lot of people playing for a month, getting all the "OP" stuff just to never be seen again.


    With these pay-to-fast-progress mechanics, WF will become more and more something of casual play, leaving the hardcore playerbase with a deep disappointment...


    Guess it's a matter of time, money rules after all.

  2. Thanks a lot DE for eliminating the sense of work and worth for this game....




    No more sense of achievement whatsoever, now any kid with a bit of plat will roll around with Prime Orthoses.


    Of course some stuff was ridiculously hard to get, but making prime BPs tradeable as a solution, rather shows a bit of incompetence to solve the problem.


    On the other side, this might as well be a nice opportunity to make some plat... ho ho


    EDIT: More "buy able" clantech weapons? I know the company has to make money, but to the people that actually enjoy playing the game, achieving stuff, this feels like a punch below the belt.

  3. I support GSrevolution's point.


    The game is supposed to have a certain development. It's not like you can't play without serration/hornet/forma/potato in your first 2 weeks.


    Sure you can play alone or with clanmates but it's not always the case - sometimes buddies aren't around, and doing things in team speed up stuff like Invasions. I remember a patch once included something about matching similar-rank players so newbies would not get overwhelmed by people with OP and flashy stuff, guess it's not fully working.


    And as mentioned in other threads, give new players some special, slightly more interesting (difficult) missions to reward them the basic mods, just like uncle Vor generously hands us the Cronus blueprint, or add them to Apollodorus droptable. I remember helping a freshly joined buddy do a cap in Mercury, and the reward was ammo restore (or something like that) it could work that way too.


    My vote: They may access the planet, but don't give rewards or XP if they don't have the planet unlocked, and also don't leave it unlocked after the run. If you want to help, you can run the planets they have unlocked with them. Let the players play the game; this isn't Minecraft where newbies need to be given free cookies.

  4. No need to make things complex. Stat on/off toggle should be enough. Now there are helmets that are no-brainers, and that's another thing... Probably revamp them so there are no inferior ones but only sidegrades (why would I want more stamina anyways? there are even mods for that) or remove all stats and end of story.

  5. Sir, I completely approve this thread.


    My story: I turned off Music when I reached rank 5 or so. The Tenno drums sound ok and all but after a bit (I mean we do a lot of missions) you get bored of the same beats. I understand there might be budget ties, but hmmm it's been roughly 4 major updates since I joined and no scores have been added :c


    Incidentally, when I'm playing, I put drum&bass and all sort of instrumental music... stuff like Aphex Twin, that give me a sense of motion/action/something futuristic.


    Just something to be noticed: the music in-game, as repetitive as it is, is implemented in a way that goes along with the development of action, meaning it is silent most of the time and then build up when combats start/are near. You could consider this and make it so there's a "calmed" background music for the "peaceful/undetected" parts, and making it possible for it to transition to a more moved beat when fighting.


    Nice contribution... but I think this has to be done on the Dev's side, at least to be implemented to its full potential. Who knows maybe you can get a spot among them?


    PS: I liked the song ;p

  6. Ehh those guys are easy to take out, specially considering about everyone runs with Shred.


    If not, aim a bit to the side or to the head =  lancer gone.


    The knockdown thing is a different story. Overall I don't see any problem with this, tho breaking them like the corpuses helmets would look cool.

  7. As it is, it's hard enough for new players to access useful rewards....


    ...New players SHOULD be able to hop onto taxies to get that juicy alert or to gain these sweet 50 k for leveling something up...


     I have to disagree there. When I started to play around update 8, I knew nobody and had to grind a bit here and there to level up, get funds, find mods etc., eventually being able to get further into the star map.


    People are too hasty. They just start and want to wield synapse and all the "OP stuff" in a week or less (seen this; after they get that stuff they dont play anymore). Let them play the game. With trading it's even easier to get the uncommon basic stuff.


    Besides I rarely potatoed or forma'ed anything til I had some good time playing. They're not "I must have this or I cant continue having fun" items.


    As I always say: everything comes eventually. No need to babyfeed anyone.

  8. If they were on another planet they would be as common as morphics.


    Personally I don't have a problem going back to Jupiter every now and then, you don't need that many sensors anyways.

  9. Funny to see the people posting "smart" replies as "carry health packs" "put Vitality"


    We are not stupid, most people already do that. Problem is even with that, you get mowed down fast and rather randomly. More than once I bled to death because the proc chops health way faster than the health regen restores it.

  10. This removes the feel of accomplishment you got after completing Ember Prime and Orthos Prime after 2 weeks of farming/camping Caps at Recruiting chat ;D


    Maybe the % could be softened a bit, 1% drop chance means you could do 100 runs and not get it, and that's rather discouraging.


    EDIT: Also with the new drop tables stuff seem easier to get, my buddy got Ember P helmet in 2 runs.

  11. This thread again? Same people whining?



    Frost 2.0 may not be perfect, but hopefully he will be eventually upgraded just like Rhino.


    Also the DevStream said it: Frost was press 3, eat potato chips frame. Change was needed.

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