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Posts posted by ArchPhaeton

  1. -snip-

    we don't know what kind of strain that many entities could have on the servers themselves, maybe people doing this on Viver causes some memory leaks?


    I wonder if we've know that much about how much damage Viver can do.

    I'm no internet expert, but dayum bro you went overboard there.

    I feel the need of quoting this , pure gold for people to have an idea of the issues at hand:


    We thought about this before, but games are handled by the host and not a dedicated server.  The actual gameplay quality is based off of whoever is "Leader" of your party.  The impact Viver has on servers is just as much as any other map as your reward data is transmitted to it on completion (Or lack of).


    Anyways, Viver grinds do not affect the servers any harsher than doing a normal survival.  Also, memory leaks mostly matter client side, and even though they affect servers a bit too, Warframe has always had a decent memory leak going so you cannot just pin years of problems on a relatively new issue.

    And yes, probably we will end up dealing with it. I doubt they will change this mod cap. Let the grind games continue...

  2. -snip-

    I should really be working no? *hurries on back to work*


    Your work is here with your fellow Tenno.

    Keep sharing your arcane wisdom, it is much needed.

  3. Hey guys, maybe DE just disliked people leveling up fast and getting a bunchaton loot (even if it took a game life to reach those capabilities) and thus disposed of it.


    The game since I know it has been "pay2rush" which let us get almost everything for free at the price of burning your life away in it.

    Viver and anything similar in the past, present and future of WF threatens this model (even with all the people buying boosters to make max profit out of it). It should be no surprise to see these nuked beyond all recognition: it threatens the game economy model (in theory, because IMO the more people get the more they will want, so they will just play more and more).


    Remember at the end of the day business is business, and without the dev's profit ninjas would probably not be playing free. Just a random thought I had, meaning no offense to anyone.


    You know, there is the possibility this nerf is here to stay, and we will just have to deal with it. Just like we dealt with all the previous frame, weapon and mechanics "nerfs".

  4. -snip-
    Thing is, Warframe isn't very rewarding for "playing" the game for fun,


    This, this a million times. This is the root of all evil.


    As a seasoned player, I've been through it all; from playing for curiosity, playing for fun, hard grind for X resource, X prime part, hard grind for rep (done it about 5 times, way too hardcore)


    And as much as I would like to just play for funz, you basically get nowhere like that. If you want to progress you will either have to grind hard, really hard, or throw your dices in the dark waters of Trade, or... buy it out


    BTW, did a Viver run a couple hours ago to test the "nerf", and while i kept moving all around the place, the overall loot was greatly reduced, including but not limited to mods, resources, even ammo drops.


    About the perpetual discussion of this Viver problem, Erusa put a very complete picture.

  5. -snip.

    Since Trinity is all utility she never gets any fun to kill.



    Found the error.

    Trinity is Trinity, not Nova/Rhino/ w/e.

    Or while we are at this, let's give Mol. Prime healing properties, Rhino Stomp temporal damage immunity, Volt Overload an electric shield for the squad, Oberon's Heal a fire damaging aura... the list could go on and on.

  6. If something has to be done with Viver, is put up more mission nodes that yield a lot of exp.

    People will just keep playing... There's a reason you see ODD's and Sechuras going 24/7 even with the infested buffs.

    Most people don't play other game modes such as Ext, Cap, etc. because they are quite unrewarding exp-wise, and that's how 90% of the star chart is dead most of the time.

  7. -snip-


    Braton Prime seriously needs a buff but it's not quite a god-awful weapon. Just requires a lot of additional work to make it viable (like Supra).

    Even a 6-forma Supra isn't really reliable- You either waste a slot with fast hands (which barely helps) or suffer the eternal reload. Many guns have larger clips with faster reload times.


  8. I have no complains about the system. The occasional scammers here and there, but I see no need to complicate this when there are more relevant problems at hand.


    For those with no idea of trading... google-wikia is your best friend.


    It looks like you started yesterday and wanted to get everything by buying it out? There are limits in trading as to encourage people to actually play and achieve their stuff, seems to me.

  9. Nice thread

    I don't think they will modify them tho, very few art ("subjective") assets have been changed during the time I've been playing (I can recall Nova's and Oberon's bellies for example ;D )

    Suggestion, attach small images of the sigils (I know we can see them ingame, but having them in the post would make a better reading).

  10. He's still the Stalker, he'll still hunt you down mercilessly the same way Hek and Alad V have been sending messages from their many graves.

    Nope, if you can fight him whenever you want, he losses a lot of stalk- even if he still pops up randomly.

    Just no.

    A special boss would be awesome, who knows? Maybe an old orokin automaton, or something.

    The special stages of the mission are key in this idea, to break the usual rush-ahead assassinations become.

  11. Any "Quest" is not limited by time

    "Event" as the name says, are time-limited.


    I have issues from time to time, specially making everyone lag when I host no matter what, but I don't get constant connection-losses.


    Agree tho, a lot of "new content" is pushed in to feed the kiddies that ask for more and more three days after every big update, bringing along a lot of technical issues... But who knows maybe that's how the devs roll.


    "It's beta!" is not a valid argument, sorry.

  12. @Zakharon good thing you edited that, was totally un-needed and made you look bad.


    As I said being able to directly take on the stalker would make him a stalker no more. This is a good concept, specially with special, non standard stages, otherwise it would be another [rush-to-boss -> fill-him-with-bullets -> evac-repeat]

  13. 1. Thanks for the fixes.

    2. I'm impressed at the massive quantity of XP users... and all the effort put (wasted from my point of view) to make a 2014 game run into an OS that was released in 2001. <Just saying>.


    Keeping the game operative in 32bit systems is understandable, but XP? o.O

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