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Posts posted by ArchPhaeton

  1. I'd priorize, in no particular order:

    Rhino Vanguard

    Frost Squall (strength)

    Trinity's Aura (Duration)

    Volt Storm (Strength)

    Banshee Chorus (efficiency)

    Ash Locust (Efficiency)

    Ember Phoenix (max energy)

    Excalbro Pendragon (Strength)

    Nyx Vespa (Efficiency)

    Mag Headphones (energy max)

    Saryn Hemlock (Speed)

    Booben Esprit (max energy)

    Both Loki's to suit your builds, Essence (Efficiency) Swindle (Range)

  2. I'm not sure if this is considerated appropiate (game is supposed to be for mature audiences anyways)


    I made an artistic nude based on a painting by Gustav Klimt. Feel free to remove my post if it's not appropiate.




    This is the painting from which I drew inspiration.



    That and Mag Prime resting is a pool of blood from fallen enemies amongst the fires of war.

  3. Wow what... your views on Trin and Valk...


    Valk seems much more useful now with melee 2.0. I don't see how that Warcry is "useless", the thing gives you a brutal melee boost. Ripline = good mobility. Hysteria has ankward animations but can still rip enemies specially with a fast melee equipped and the Warcry speed boost, and now has vampirism... The least I use is the Paralysis but well. I had Valkyr forgotten for a long time until m2.0 came out, now I take her for some fun runs.


    About Saryn, yes she definitely needs a revamp. With melee 2.0 contagion feels like a wasted slot. Looking forward for this.

  4. Just go farm. They will drop eventually.


    Do you really think they will make them so easy to get? This was obviously orchestrated to keep us in game grinding for them.


    Best way to have a happy life is play for fun and not worry bout them. Maybe they drop maybe not, whatever.


    Wanting something is what leads to frustration in this game.

  5. I guess the problem with Desecrate may not be the desecration itself but the fact that the body is dumped light years away makes it harder to loot w/e it drops (if it drops anything after desecration) as you may not even notice whre the body landed.


    I see more selfishness on the unrealistic side, a balanced physics seem to be the rational/logic way things should be and that's where my vote is. OP has all my support.


    Edit: Yeah for desecrating purposes just take a slashing weapon, it will benefit your business overall.

  6. I read your post, you spoke about cover and some acrobatic moves.


    I support prone/etc moves (like the dive) as they may contribute to the flow and chaining of movements (thats how your idea sounds)


    I don't support "cover systems", and I don't want more "cover mods" clogging the already devilish RNG ritual. That's just my opinion.


    Maybe DE will implement this kind of stuff somewhere in the future, more ninja moves.


    EDIT: If you say there's no "cover" because there's no button to stick your back to an object, I don't have much more to say ;p

  7. Word from a farmer:


    You will need Nekros. I will attach my Nekros build, I have him balanced so I can hold my own if there are no friends to watch my back.


    So fleeting makes Desecrate cost like 30e,

    Constitution reduces the hit from Fleeting and makes you stand up quicker after those annoying rocket procs,

    Siphon builds energy which is stored in Flow,

    Stretch gives a considerable range increase without affecting Terrify/SoD

    Focus aka Intensify powers up Terrify/SoD for those close calls.

    I often use Soul Punch to take out stuff like the annoying drones, or to CC heavy units.


    Haters may argue this isn't "maxed" "optimized" etc. but this has given me a good balance between farming and surviving (and rescuing allies)


    Guns: Get a primary that slices, my choice is Flux Rifle


    For Flux you could put a max heavy cal but since I use it on other guns I haven't ranked it more (accuracy loss is horrible) also elemental mods according to faction.

    With this setup I can take on heavies up to about lv40, from that point on it starts falling off.

    Note: currently slashing guns seem bugged, they aren't splicing enemies anymore.


    Secondary: a properly built Brakk or any of those OP secondaries to take you after lv40 enemies (Minute 35 of a Survival or so)


    Melee: Dragon Nikana OP but I take Orthos Prime because of its insane range. Spin attack low-mid lv enemies and a nice CC ground slam.


    You could also go for a full Desecrate build (max fleeting and overextended) if you have a good pal to back you up.


    Hope this helps you business.

  8. FPS drops and crashes, crashes and more crashes.

    I have been told by Support that my PC struggle to run the game, but again I run so many other contemporary games and they don't crash so often.


    Taking a break from WF, if grinding wasn't enough now your grind sessions crash.

  9. I never heard of people desperate to have unrealistic staff mechanisms. Everything in excess is bad, and OP stated the point very well.

    I mean they just fly off, no acceleration, just a cartoonish thing and that ain't cool at least for us.


    I like the staff moves and the general Bo reinvigoration but the flying enemies are a no-no, regardles of the superhuman tenno hypothesis.

  10. Is it correct to assume you come from the ME series from your alias?


    Personally I dislike cover systems, I find they are unnatural and break the flow of play. I'm used to take cover myself and do that stuff "manually".


    I also played ME and found the cover thing rather annoying.


    But the moves you talk about are interesting. More tenno agility is always welcome, specially if they're ninja.like moves.

  11. @Batwing Nobody said to remove Bo.

    @Others Nobody is asking to turn Warframe into a simulator.


    Of course the launching phenomenon looks funny but I agree it has to be toned down a bit. Warframe is about badass ninja death gods, not a ninjago cartoon.


    Re-read OP:


     ...I dunno if anyone else shares it, but I really wish DE would fix the physics to semi-realistic levels...


    I completely agree with semi-realistic. This game is mostly about fantasy characters, weapons, enemies and environments, but there's a certain threshold to make it look serious, and the current staff physics break it.

  12. Hello fellow Tenno,


    As a dedicated farmer, I had chosen the Flux Rifle as my main weapon for those long, mystic sessions. This is because despite it being lackluster somewhat, it sliced enemies in halves that fed my Desecrating powers.


    Lately I'm not seeing it slice enemies anymore. Is it just me? Or was this changed?


    If so DE pls make it slice enemies again. Flux not slicing basically has no reason to exist.

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