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Posts posted by ArchPhaeton

  1. A smart clan tier downgrade option is definitely needed.

    Once i had some 20+ players, now it's only one member besides me that are active, and now stuck with Shadow clan resource prices.


    If it was exploited, their job as devs is to bring up something that isn't exploit-able! Rather than cast a curse on all the lonely Tennos out there.

  2. @Spartan086  

    I've gone through all of those "alternate steps". What I'm saying - the process of achieving certain stuff by mindlessly repeating missions (and some go for long) is tiresome, boring and makes you feel like quitting. I won't hide my OCD which will never be satisfied due to some event stuff I missed, I'm not demanding to insta-own everything because of my playtime, what I say and repeat: the journey should be as enjoyable as the destination, and the overwhelming mission repeating just makes you feel like quitting.


    @Other Tenno

    Yes I've done it all - took breaks: small breaks, long breaks, played for fun etc. But at a certain point you feel like working towards earning something, that is when you face !ragequit.


    Particularly playing a void to get a void key feels pretty trollish.

  3. Defense rewards now stack. Interception now stacks.


    keys galore.


    RNG no longer exists, only profit exists .3.

    I guess you enjoy stacking 3 T1 caps , a rare core and an orocell... and then the keys give you another key...  the RNG is very real bro.

  4. Wow, 43 billion credits and only 400k kills.  You find an exploit or something?

    Lol nop... I can only think of the couple times I bought cred booster. Did a lot of quick T3's and a lot of Sechuras when it was free. But even that won't add o.O

    About my kills, well I main Nekros and I let people hoard the kills - I'm not a bloodthirsty kinda player.


    I don't complain about working for my stuff, but the journey should be as enjoyable as the destination, and that isn't happening here.

  5. Hello community, old player here.

    Just wanted to put this as feedback to the devs.


    The RNG beast has won this battle. I'm done.


    It has always been part of the game but I've reached the point where accessing the game content has become such a  chore that I'm just not willing to go through it. With the insane amount of items scattered in the Void, the even more insane amount of fusion cores and void keys between them, all the time and energy invested to get a shot at a 1% (?) or so drop rate item... that's not fun at all.


    I'm not ranting about Archwing - I think the time gates are better than the time+effort+resource+luck gates that end-of-mission rewards are. While not ideal, the time gates introduced with the Quests were a step forward, definitely.


    Now for the smarties that will feel like posting "pay if you want it fast" "this is another kiddie rant" "the game is free" etc. well you can save your smart comments because:




    As seen in Steam:



    I made most of my progress (about 98%) without spending plat on other things than slots, a couple cosmetics and a forma or potato here and there. I got most of my guns and frames by playing, and enjoyed it for the most part - which just isn't happening anymore. And I'm not alone - many of my hardcore WF buddies have either reached this point and switched to other things, or are getting there.


    If you're lucky with the RNG rolls or rich to pay for anything you want that's good for you! But here in third world we have a different landscape and can't just dump ridiculous amounts of money in a game.


    DE, i know bills must be paid, but this is not fun anymore.

    As much as I like the game... I'm worn out.


  6. I prefer leaving something securely building for 3 days in the background, than insanely burning keys over days for no success at all.

    Not saying it's a good thing, but at least is not the time+effort+resources+LUCK gate that RNG is.

  7. Again, its just an idea to make Warframe appear slightly more realistic.

    Besides, I dont rly see the need of RNG at all, so why not get rid of it completely?



    I don't see the need of making this "more realistic", this ain't no simulator...

    On the other hand RNG is necessary i.e. for having a reason to play, for Prime Access having a reason to exist, etc.


  8. This has been an issue as old as the first tenno.


    DE don't seem to care that much about it, this is demonstrated by the fact that NO FUNCTIONALITY has been implemented to stop leechers and this goes way back, many updates have passed since this became an extended practice...


    REPORTS HAVE NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER support just pastes a generic message saying your report is taken seriously etc etc.


    And I don't mind the "putting to shame" in forums, if the proof is solid like in OP they should be brought to public light IMO. This kind of people is what spoil communities.


    For the record, I support the idea of a personal banlist.

  9. I'm impressed that after so many protests against the RNG walls our dear Devs find even more ways to annoy us with new, evil forms of RNG


    Maybe they have a whole staff section specialized in coming up with RNG systems?


    I'm not even trying. Will be playing plants vs zombies while this gets reviewed, and if it doesn't then #GG.


    Like the song says, ain't nobody got time fo dat!

  10. That's just how it was designed, people are free to trade whatever they want.

    I feel your pain but that's just how it is. I doubt DE will change anything. Trading already killed the feeling of achievement you had before.


    I suggest you stick to selling lots of cheap stuff i.e. corrupted and nightmare mods, anything else is not worth the time invested.

  11. I disagree with OP.


    This is because as he wrote it, the main complaint is about damage mods taking a lot of mod space and makes you potato/forma a gun several times to get the most out of it... Sounds more like someone is lazy and wants most guns doing max dmg for little effort.


    I don't have a problem with the current system, you always have 1-2 slots to slap in a mod that covers the weapon specific drawback and can choose to take out some dmg mod to increase versatility. The time it takes (which isn't even that much) to level up, and the effort to max mods, makes you feel like you're achieving something, and as many have said it is now completely bypass-able via trading.


    The system may not be perfect but I don't think this is the answer. There's still a lot of changes coming in the future, let's see how the game develops into a better system.

  12. Sadly it's how Archistopheles said.


    This can be very annoying in Survivals, when you need the bodies for desecration and profit but each kid decides to take point at the 4 cardinal points of the map, regardless of how much you ask them to regroup.


    And that's why I either play solo or with people I know.

  13. Reading this post I got impressed by the obtuse, fanboy-ish way of thinking of people ranked as "grand masters", no wonder they voted for something like Nova at the design council.


    @OP and @(PS4)billy-d-squid I salute you guys, you have proven that there's still gray matter amongst the playerbase.


    The Mprime problem is basically the same for most damage-based powers, OP until a certain level then "just a debuff" after that point. To address this the Dev's would need to focus on making most skills scale with enemy levels, something I'm not seeing happening lately, or sometimes only partially.

  14. Why not change the arcane blueprints to normal blueprints? So we could build the new versions aside of the arcane ones?


    Also, same question, are the built helmets trade-able or their blueprints?


    Can we sell an arcane built helmet and use one of the arcane blueprints to re-craft it?

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