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Posts posted by ForumSmurf

  1. On a side note it was less then a year ago someone stole 3 Olympic swimming pools worth of Canadian maple syrup form their national syrup reserve. (I'm not joking either it happened)

    how do you transport that? That sounds like gallons in the millions. Even for a well established trucking company transporting that would be a huge task that would require at the minimum of 20 oil tankers. let alone a rouge thief. 

  2. I completely disagree with this. Bug fixes are a must, sure. But even if DE fixed every imperfection with the game I'm still not going to play it often. Why? Because the entire game is just killing things to get better things to kill more things with. There's absolutely nothing to work for other than that, and that isn't a good thing for a game to be like. 


    I rather have DE come up with something that's worth the hours aside from just killing things and building things to kill more things than to take an entire month to fix imperfections. 

    would 8vs8 defuse bomb cs:go style conclave entice you? :D

  3. I'm completely ok with serration not working on sentinel rifle and your rifle at the same time but you cant have it all equipped in your preloadouts. Its really frustrating because djinn uses pistol but i can't have a peset loadout to use my pistol mods when every single pistol i own already has the mods. 

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