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Posts posted by ForumSmurf

  1. so we have identified the core issue. Its not that some people have to run 1000 times and some people get to run it 3 times. Its that most people run it a few dozen to a hundred times and some people choose too see this as light grind while some choose to see it as the worst farming in game history. 


    Its actually a battle of perception.

  2. So. it didn't take me 100 runs to get rhino? I just finally got serration. ANd I know people including me who still don't have split chamber.

    your quote left out this part i think its important. Its possible to have that one annoying frame you just can;t find the systems for. But to claim this happens every time is statistically going to be very low and realistically dishonest.  



    BTW 100 runs is low. If you concider that high then we are not the the same breed of gamers. 


    i actually go into a warfraem hunt expecting 60-100 run farm. I never claimed to get any less. We just see it differently. 

  3. Anecdotal logical fallacy. https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/poster Just because YOU got everything easily doesn't mean everyone else will.

    it does. I can't be lucky 70 times in a row its not possible. I refuse to believe that. Its possible to have that one annoying frame you just can;t find the systems for. But to claim this happens every time is statistically going to be very low and realistically dishonest. 

  4. the difference is you can run void for a year and not get the latron prime (just an example I don't care if you got it in 4 runs) , ever

    its not very likely but its possible

    with token system that wouldn't be the case would it ?

    philisophically yes but tahts just not what im seeing in game. I've gotten everything and i just dont see that one year philosophical hypethetical situation. But in a token system everything has to be fully grinded out. Thats why when a game like lol uses it . It takes years to get everything. Not hours. Not weeks.....YEARS.

  5. you see thats your problem now your double talking you lost sight of the debate. The debate is Warframe is grindy or not grindy compare to lol not game balance. You've done nothing to prove lol is less grindy while i've given solid facts as to why lol is exactly 10x more grindy. Thats called double talking logic fallacy debating tactics. Please remove game balance and content value from your argument we are talking about Warframe takes alot of time to grind which i have debunked it doesn't.

  6. i implore you to learn logic fallacy because you've just committed like 5 but besides the point. Arguments aside. 4 weeks of hardcore gameplay and i own 90% of warframe content and have about 7 million credit surplus. After 2 years of Lol hardcore competitive play. I still have about 8 champions i don't own and about 30% runes that are non competitive left. Facts do not lie only ridiculous logic fallacies. 



    2 years compare to 4 weeks. 


    i have zero dollars invested into lol obviously if i invested dollars in both games these measurments would change but then thats not a fair assessment of price/farm/grind value.

  7. pffff, clearly you've never gotten unlucky. I had to run jackal 60 times before I got the systems, that took, EASILY 2-3 hours.


    i've factored that in but its a statistic i've controled. When i'm getting really unlucky. I equip my absolute best gear and volt. And i run like 100 times in 1.5 hours. Farming in warframe is controlabe farming for a lol champion is not. Again your talking about mere hours. In lol we have to talk about weeks for just your first solid rune page. 


    An average Ap carry rune page can cost up to 43 thousand ip. I remember finishing my first run page an counted that cost and it ended up being 23k ip. It took me 4 weeks to farm it.

  8. you want to math battle? because i will take the price of every champion and i will find the average and i will make you see how much it costs. I have over 90 champions im not clueless about lol's pricing. 


    The average is around 3500ish ip that's about 25-30 hours of game play depending on how much you win. And you know as well as i know all the cheap champions are the old ones. Who wants to play that S#&$. 

  9. ...if RNG favors you. Otherwise that 8hrs looks wonderful for a champion at max price. There are plenty of cheaper champions.

    8 hours per day for a week. Thats 56 hours. to play a new character. I don't care what people say about warframe rng. 1.5 hours absolute maximum to farm a frame off the boss's If people are claiming otherwise they are lieing. 



    Lets see 56 hours vs 1.5 hours. thats almost 30 times more farm to get one playable character. Lol vs warframe. I own 90 characters on lol and am a diamond player im very familiar with this game. It takes about 1 year of solid play to get an account going with max runes and a decent champion pool to compete. This game i got everything in 4 weeks. Literally 90% all game content in 4 solid weeks. 

  10. League of legends. Play 8 hours a day for an entire week to afford one 6300 champion. Thats a token system. here all i gotta do is farm a boss fro 45 minutes and i get a whole new champion to play with. People who play warframe im afraid just aren't gamers. Srs play any other game and you'll see this is like giving away its content.

  11. No thanks. Weapons passives I sure want, but the way you put them... "+2% damage" UGH. NO. It's already hard to even get those abilities in the first place, but to get beyond the insignificant boost you need to grind EVERYTHING.

    Plus, the "primes boost primes" will end up into broken things. As of now you could go up to 9 primes, 11 with the founder ones. Orthos prime with +220% damage and +110% attack speed? BEFORE MODS? Why yes please! Oh? I need to fork up 200$ AND grind 60 weapons AND grind all the primes AND level them up? I think I'll pass finally!


    I'd rather have something you can immediately identify, understand, and play with. Like orthos current boost to slide attacks, acrid poison... See the other passive thread for that.

    the ones you pointed out don't work that way. In the description it only takes into account the prime of that type. Not all primes.

  12. No one thinks the content itself is bad.

    The delivery of said content was atrocious.




    what followed was a resurface of VERY old wounds that combined with the very recent Datamine.

    Showed what a lot of people in the community were already thinking for months....

    DE gives 0 S#&$s about US , the Community as a whole , the Design Council or any of our feedback, constructive or otherwise.




    2 times have they completely lied to our faces about changes to loot tables, which affect the platinum market place.

    ask how many people wasted packs and packs of Void keys and got nothing to show for it.

    it is that which is now a festering wound that will never heal in the community US who have been here from the start have seen this happen time and time again.




    This apology is but a mere PR move to save face and try to salvage the situation... 

    Nothing here is blown out of proportion , it is in fact very much in proportion to what has been done. 

    A Pr bullcrap driven faced company NEVER EVER apologizes. Apologies puts you in the most vulnerable position one can possibly put themselves. And only people who are trusting would do that to themselves. When given the golden poo award EA still refuses to apologizes but arrogantly comes out saying its a load of Bull crap everyone loves and buys our games. 

  13. Much of the frustration you're feeling is mainly due to balance. But the game as a piece of swoftware has evolve tremendously. Things are much less broken/buggy. I don't fall through floors anymore. Theres real multi core usage now that noone is taking advantage of. UI changes several times each one becoming better. Besides balance things just aren't as broken as they use to be. Im not afraid to click things anymore.

  14. core changes need much more work and are probubly being worked in the background with much longer release cycles. In the mean time you can't expect them to not pump any superficial things out because these are different departments at work. Artists have to keep working and pumping out art content. Artists are not programmers. The core things you talk about are probably really hard and there's probably a group tackling them. 

  15. Aside from the new boss, and that's being extremely generous, what new content are you referring to?

    dakka, mag prime, nekkros, 3 melee, 4 clan research weapons. A whole new tileset ( i treat a tileset like some mmo's pumping out a region) the detail and artistic work needed to make a complete tileset appears to be tremendous work it ain't like dumpnig rehashed content out again this is real new content)

  16. its rediculous because it's been 4 work days since patch u10 release. Monday-thursday, today doesn't count. Have you ever worked a job? there's only so much you can accomplish in a Four days. All this hate and blame is justified if it was liek some mmo's i played were S#&$ was left for months with no contact from the DEV's. But mere days jesus!!!!


    DE is not producing a game on a AAA hundred million dollar budget where they can afford a legion of 70 testers. i worked as a tester many years ago at Microsoft they literally had 90 testers. We are DE's testers so expect S#&$ to be broken and unbalanced. 


    You can't live life expecting everyone to make everything perfect but we can expect good people to try and if they fail to fix them in a timely manor. DE has never done anything opposite of this.


    Lastly im a hardcore player and i've gotten all U10 content in 4 days. It didn't take long. Anyone else thinking this game is a grind, i suggest you never play another game because it will be hell and you will taught the real definition of grinding. This isn't grind this is gameplay. Take league of legends for example it takes a solid week of playing to earn enough in game money for one good 6300 ip champion. It took me an entire year to get a few dozen good champions. In this game it take me literally 30 minutes to farm any character i want and another 30-45 minutes to farm the materials to craft him. 



    Things no other game developer does.


    1) talk with community on a daily basis about real internal development hurtals and progress.

    2) pump hotfiz's by the dozens daily until its fixxed. Some games i couldn't loggin for a week but DE would have patched something that severe in an hour

    3) implement things we suggest on a regular basis

    4) make a short twitch blog bi monthly talking to us about their development.

    5) go to games convensions regularly like they and we matter.

    6) Rebecca

  17. If they would have done this the first time it came up instead of saying "we fixed the tables" and "we'll buff the weapons" I think everyone would have understood. As it stands they blew us off and at best didn't look deep enough into the problems. So now days after giving us halfassed answers in the livestream they will have to fight to recover the trust/connection with many players.

    Yes we are a giant ball of rage, but a lot of times we do know what we are talking about. Look harder next time DE before saying "it's fixed" the first time.

    that is rediculous you know its been 5 work days since patch days since u10 release right? Have you ever worked a job there's only so much you can accomplish in a week. All this hate and blame is justified if it was liek some mmo's i played were S#&$ was left for months with no contact from support. But mere days jesus!!!!

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