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Posts posted by ForumSmurf

  1. Gunz: 2 is coming out so....

    Might want to check that out if your itching for some gunz gameplay :P

    nah i saw gameplays of it on youtube. Its kind of funny at its current underdeveloped state Conclave is more of a mechanical successor of Gunz the Duel thatn Gunz 2 is. All the things i found so fun about Gunz was shown to me in 500-1000 conclave today. Just everything down to the butterfly fighting.

  2. We can call this GunZ: The Duel just because you played Conclave matches. That's like 5% of the game, mate.

    It was an off topic comment to break the ice and show that there is something positive about conclave. Then i went into the real meat of what i wanted to say about the specific things i like about it. I think its called sensational writing.

  3. I was even attempting to butterfly which works. It doesn't exactly block shots but rofl coptering was essential against high rank players. Block shotgun is a suprisingly beast combo just like it is in Gunz teh Duel. Block and when they reload bam bam then melee.

  4. Srs after playing 1 hour of 500-1000 conclave matches. It brought so many Gunz the duel memorizes back to me we might as well call this Gunz the Duel. Players in the 800ish range present a much more intense fight. Yesterday when it was just 400-500 i noticed i was just mowing people instantly with my super formaed soma but today, It was actually intense. People didn't die so easily and there was alot of acrobatics. Definitely better melee fights. Everyone was blocking so against the really good players it was all about melee.

    Why not go the full route? 8 vs 8 CS style with objectives. Plant data mass/defuse data mass. Rescue hostage/keep hostages for a few minutes. Protect captain/find and kill captain. All out team death match.

    I must admit i was skeptical at first. I thought Pvp in warframe would be kind of lame everything is op but man against high rank capable players with real gear it was extremly exhilarating and tested the ninja in me.

  5. at first it seems rediculous but after 5 runs i got all my parts and i realize this only took 6 hours. Then i realized how lazy was i to serious moan over a half day of gaming to get what i want. If it was for something dumb and trivial maybe thats grindy but this is a whole new character to play. 


    Take league of legends for example to get a new character you need 6300 in game money (about 70% of the characters fall into this price catagory) and it takes a solid week of play to get enough. And here i was fretting over a 6 hours of farm and eventually did get Nekkros

  6. how can an athletic woman be less defined. That makes no sense. Both sides are crazy, people who want women to have triple D's in video games and people who want female heroines to have no meat. Im sorry but a woman that excercises/sprints/jogs/ works out a little is not going to be less defined. In fact she is going to have a very powerful frame, pun intended. Embers tricept and thighs are not actually a sexualization but realism. A special ops unit should have arms and thighs that thick, her six pack is even justified along with her perky and firm average sized breasts. Yes women have breasts. Its gotten to a point where if you even put normal sized boobs in video games, people scream sexism and sexualization when it was definitely not even overt. The female body types in this game are believable and not sexualized at all unless you concidered the mere fact of a female character sexualization in which case there's no way to remedy your insane feminism.

  7. I got Rhino, Frost Prime, Nyx, Vauban, Trinity, I'm farming Nova and Saryn and my Nekros will be ready in 2 days. And you are telling me, that I should buy 8 different scarves (400Pt) instead of 1-2 (50-100Pt)?




    It'll be a d*ck move, as stated before.

    "Oh, you bought scarf for your Rhino, but you want to use a scarf also on your Frost? Too bad, you need to pay another $5"

    not quite i actually want the opposite. But i guess noone read the post

  8. Do you guys think we should go down the road of Several Frame exclusive scarfs or should we just make every scarf for everyone. I kind of want to wear the nekkros one on my excaliber.


    Bought all of them. I feel so badass wearing them but i just feel it should be for everyone.

  9. Scarfs need the ability to be custom colored. The whole point of them is cosmetics and mine doesn't fit the color scheme of my setup. I think this feature is a core must. 


    That aside. I feel so badass wearing it :3 its a shame the nekkros one is exclusive. It shouldn't be IMO

  10. Hey my clan has fallen apart due to inter conflict and i'm suddenly left without a family. I'm rank 10.5 am very active, friendly, and helpful. Am very sociable and fun to play with. I'm also semi hardcore and always try to score high on events. I was shopping around for a clan and yours seems particularly interesting. Kind, hardcore, sociable, active players. 


    Im also an artist.



  11. You mean like our "Players helping Players" ?

    no that section doesn't accomplish what i explained. It ends up being a place to ask for general help. I mean an "advance mechanics" section. A section for advance information in warframe. To talk about DPS. To talk about item builds. "player helping player" doesn't draw the high lvl community into one spot to talk about advance things in the game. Talk about best places to farm certain things. Tactics for future or current boss's



    Dota 2 has a regular player help player section as well and generally its for people who have trouble last hitting or low in skill and are asking assistance to last hit better or learn a hero better. Completely different. I go to Advance Mechanics when i need to know if Undying's first skill 4 strength hp increase recouperates the health % ratio of your entire health or adds a flat amount and only experienced players can answer these kinds of questions.

  12. Every quality and advanced game i've ever played such as dota 2 has a forum section called Advanced Mechanics 



    Its a section for players to ask questions and help each other about mechanics of the game. For example a post could be: how does the Crit multiplier work with the base crit of a gun". Then people that actually know can answer. Other things this section will be good for is discussing gun dps, and generally just being a hub of information to really clear up everything that is so ambiguous and a trip to the wiki several times just won't help.



    That section in dota 2 is so great because everyone in that section loves mechanics nothing is too stupid of a question. Before if you asked a simple ans stupid question in general discussion, you'll be met with like 10 pages of go learn  basic dota you newb or learn to wiki. But with this section every question there is thoroughly explained by helpful members of the community. That section becomes a place free of trolls and angry people because everyone is there to either learn or help.

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