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Posts posted by Arlayn

  1. So... what am I looking at in this picture? Also I would buy platinum like its going out of style if they had a ship system that required platinum to customize, upgrade, acctually obtain the function to use it. I can see a massive thing going on there. Ecspecially if its clan related. I can see myself buying furniture, wall paper, colors, decorations, extensions, training, boost/buffs, like tubes with warframes that each player can put only one copy of the current using warframe inside of and can only be updated by that player... That would just be plain epic...

  2. I think we need a far more complicated system then that... one thats easy but have multiple points in time to report. Like during mid game match you can hold the button for picking itemsand there be a report button next to the items like to the right of it. Then it shows a list of things your reporting could be bugs, or players, etc... then more detailed things... this way the reports that go to the who ever is looking at these reports gets a more organized form of them. However I doubt a reporting system like that will come out any time soon... maybe during the full OBT or full release they might do this.

  3. ugh grinders... I hate getting left behind with shockwave moas... you either get lucky with kill happy new players, or get unlucky with players obsessed with completeing missions... both can end badly... EDIT: oh woops I read that last post wrong I thought it came after mine here let me copy that one below this one and post it here.

    Im seeing hackers/cheaters ingame now more frequently...even just minutes ago ingame a player named **** was teleporting around with a ember. He was even able to pick certain locations to teleport too within the map, for example we got to a elevator, he stepped into it and then he teleported to the exact room we were supposed to go before we even hit the switch to go down....

    Acctually you can do this with anyone... its called jumping off the cliff towards the platform you want to end up on. Its technicly not a cheat since there is no system preventing us from doing it. So when you fall off you end up spawning on the platform you wanted... sometimes below it... sometimes above it... Unless you mean walking through a wall... then thats a different story which usually only happens when a horde of shockwave moas gang up on you pushing you through the wall, BUT you cant use elevators so your pretty much stuck till you commit suicide. Now if they are literly teleporting not using any known game mechanic in the game... then it may be a hack or cheating

  4. I had this problem alot... which is why I decided to stop playing during the OBT weekend but then I heard a rumor they will get to stay. Not sure if its true but I am coming back on today no matter what. I just hope I don't end up in another team where my squad bickers with each other, or abandons me. Yeah I agree the best way to deal with this issue is if you end up in a game with a group like that and your 100% certain of it... run ahead and kill everything so they never get a single kill LOL.... I am usually nice about it and share, but sometimes it becomes irritating to the point I get abandoned, killed, left for dead, no backup, no buffs or support... nothing...

  5. I personally went out and grabbed Dark Sector the game a few days back you dont get Excalibur till chapter 8... and even then... The game barely has any change or difference. If anything its just looks, but you do get to duel another Tenno who I think is Mag... Also you fight anicent looking jackals, and grineer... well a Grineer that would put the ones we fight now in Warframe to shame its just THAT powerful... and a pain... Also I still think the Glaive the three pronged throwing weapon should make an appearance in this game. All in all it is an emotional thing to have abunch of random people tell you your dreams cannot be because nobody is into that... psh... people would have been into it if they just let them have their way. Now the end result is an awesome game that is coming togetherin an awesome way. EDIT: please make all Excalibur skins ever made concept, and used lol...

  6. "The plan called for Dark Sector to be a multiplayer-oriented online shooter, building off Digital Extreme's success with Unreal Tournament, but much larger in scope, with players having the ability to fly ships, earn bounties on their heads, and have lasting consequences for death."
    I am not the only one who saw that right? Although all those other ideas sound quite pretty just that one line about ships just sounded too epic. Seeing as pretty much most of the dream ideas are being thrown into this game, anyone think there is a chance they might add flying ships to this game? Even if its just a random mini game that would be cool, but if we get a ship to customize and do special unqiue missions with them that would be just awesome... Whats the opinions on this?
  7. Display name history is usually a button used when you can change your user name. Why do we have a button like that? Are we able to change the names, or is it something being planned on in the future? Maybe a name change would be neat in the future now that I have played the game more but who knows.

  8. Gorgon uses up alot more ammo for some reason. I had to add a ammo max mod to it to get a better use out of it, get as many of the clip extenders. The Boltor is a rifle, can be used as machine gun but it can fire one round at a time if your careful. The boltor has extreme accuracy and it looks pretty cool and funny when you can pin people in funny ways to objects. Gorgon on the other hand I had issues using. Great attack power if you get at least one damage slot, then accuracy is all over the place. You run out faster trying to kill an enemies with a Gorgon then you do with Boltor.

  9. You can run swing, you can tap to normal swing, you can hold for a heavy swing, you can slide and swing, you can jump and swing, there is a few other special combos but they are extremely hard to pull off one of them has something to do with wall running though I did it once and it looked epic, cant figure out how to do it again though. There is also a way to do a flying kick, You have to find a way to do a slide in mid air though for it to work then you will do a flying kick into someones face, hard to do but worth it to see it.

  10. That is a good option I mean it is Closed Beta. Come back in Open Beta or when its released fully and you will have tons more to do. I gurantee it! No Billy did not posses me for a second there but even he could Gurantee new things to come in the future for this game lol.

  11. fat, and slow... I feel ninja like running on walls, climbing up objects, sneaking around, flipping through the air and sliding down stairs to shoot enemies up is no where near fat. Ziplining across the battlefield, or even using a sniper on a zipline which I have only manged to get one kill doing that but it was epic. You need to play the game alot more, and alot longer to see how awesome this game gets.

  12. This isnt a real Open beta. Its a test open beta it will go back to closed beta soon. There is a chat... you can talk to your squad with the T button or apperently hold C to talk in game with a mic. Melee is fine... works better then Lost Planet 2 lol. Attacks definitly do not look the same. There is a combo system... They dont have the same skills, dash is an epic skill.... and wait why am I answering them all are you Trolling us with these questions or what?

  13. I can tell you Avalon head for Excalibur/Prime definitly improves him all around. He just seems better with it lol. What G3 said its mainly a cosmetic change, the buff and debuff is very small, and unoticable. Unless your playing Excalibur with the Avalon head... MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE.

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