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Grand Master
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Posts posted by Arlayn

  1. If your not feeling confident and do not feel like dieing alot, the safest, easiest, quickest way to level would be any and all defense missions mainly the first one on Mecury. If your a good shot and can take out small objects like the little robots that create shields you could do a corpus Defense mission as well, at least the enemies die quicker. Just a small suggestion, and if your really good at doing the boss missions it is great and all, but Vol can become a nightmare and kill you alot if he gets close, and Jackal has some kind of one hit kill attack(I was never able to look at it directly to see exactly what it does).

  2. I am still playing and went ahead and got the Grand Master pack. Plus I read in other threads people are spending money on platinum. I do not see an end to this game any time soon. When it is finally released more people will join more freely then things will become really fun. Also Burston is pretty good if your good at headshots otherwise I would have to say leave it be. I have already shoved plenty of mods into the Burston to make the damage very painful when aimed at a head. Also a Strun is decent if your using Rhino with high armor, and plan to run into enemies with Iron Skin active. Closer you are with a shotgun the better, not to mention faster, and stronger then a close range weapon.

  3. Theres no way a Tenno would ever think of using the tchnocyte virus. They seem like the honorable type as if deep in tradition. Protectors in a way to prevent mass deaths or extinctions. Due to the fact they only awaken during great wars. Its still a tad bit much to have a wind shield following you around. Now that I think about Rock abilites and Tree abilites might not work so good in the middle of space on a ship. The lighting being shot out of a hand is explainable but random trees and boulders... to a degree I can see it happening in the mining asteroids but thats it outside of that it would be impossable.

  4. I have been working on my Ash warframe and have finally unlocked all four abilites and found I cannot use the fourth. Then I learned I needed a reactor so I got the reactor, but there is no button or indication of how to use the reactor. Am I supposed to max out the warframe or am I missing something?

  5. I like those ideas. Landslide, Tempest, Frost, and Volt. Sounds like a Elemental hellzone, but Don't you think Hurricane on Tempests seems a tad bit much? It follows you and throws things around? Sounds too much thats like if they gave Volt an offensive lightning barrier that stays around him everywhere he goes and blows up anyone that comes close in a Godly fashion. Which be very epic, but I find it too much. What if the hurricane is a one time deal? as in you use it in one spot and it stays there for a very short period of time throwing things about and stopping enemies from following you and eventully goes away. It would make Tempest alot less Godly.

  6. New anime seem to be in a slump lately so I have been going backwards hunting older anime and watching the ones I have not seen. So far I have started on Zone of the Enders, and Samurai Gun. However if I had to say which Anime of all the animes I like I would have to say it would be the movie/ 6 part anime series Karas... LOL funny you take Warframe and Karas... and they are almost identical now all we need is a suit that turns into car or plane. Seriously though if your playing this game and you have never seen Karas, I suggest you go find it now and see it. Karas is currently a two part movie though so you have to be careful when you get it as in "Karas: Prophecy" is first and then "Karas: Revelation." I know I know I am advertising it abit but I really think the movie deserves more attention even if it is old. I think alot of the old anime deserves more attention.

  7. Sometime in the future, someone needs to make a fan kit. I notice on alot of official game and tv show websites they offer a fan kit on their site for download included wall papers, pictures, and various other tools to create fan sites to support the game. I think it would be awesome when the game goes Open Beta, or finishes beta they (the people behind Warframe) make a Fan kit to spread more News about the game. That would be an awesome idea.

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