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Posts posted by (PSN)Radehx

  1. 3 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

    And it has literally nothing to do with anything I've said idk what you actually "quoted" here.

    Sure it does...because you said this:


    Idk what you're planning to do with it in srvival where the main and only goal is to kill as many as fast as you can.

    Implying Limbo can't do that is simply not true...he's VERY effective at it.

  2. 1 minute ago, -Temp0- said:

    There IS nothing else in warframe's gameplay. 

    Sucks in all beside mobile defense, no one cares about rescue because no one actually escorts the lad since there's no need. Idk what you're planning to do with it in srvival where the main and only goal is to kill as many as fast as you can.

    All understand how his powers work. No one has to go out of their way and melee everything and get rid of nullifiers for him, he highly restrickts other people's playstyle and options of engaging the enemy. There's nothing "complicated" about Limbo he's just inconvenient af to play with, especially since not all who play Limbo even know themselves what they're doing and why.

    Limbo is one of the highest dps frames. With Rift Torrent and the fact that procs won't stop until stasis stops, you can do sick damage. Rift Torrent gives you 1000-3000% damage bonuses depending on whether a Banshee's on your team or not. 

    You can criticise Limbo for a lot...not doing enough damage isn't one of those things ;)

  3. 1 minute ago, Hecro said:

    Idk, it works for me at every situation I've faced.

    Try at lvl1000 enemies...dagger wins, and it's not even close because I can still one shot stuff at that level while the Galatine can't. Again, not saying the Galatine is bad ;)

  4. 1 minute ago, Hecro said:

    You might want to play Berserker Galatine Volt with Cleaving Whirlwind and check later.

    That still falls off quicker at higher levels than a dagger with CL (which NEVER falls off, even at lvl1000 enemies)...or the Jat Kittag which scales with enemy health. 

    Not saying your setup isn't strong, but it is only to a point. 

  5. 18 hours ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

    Here's the problem: you're talking about Limbo, a frame that is used by players to troll other players. That you play him in a way that isn't meant to troll is lamentable. But you can't expect to enter a PuG with him and not expect to receive some kind of flack (whether for better or worse). 

    The only workaround is to gather a group of likeminded individuals who understand how you're using Limbo and have fun. It is too much to expect a bunch of randoms to give you the benefit of the doubt.

    I run a neg range Limbo and almost never get any hate tbh. The only time I hit my 4 is to regen energy a bit away from the rest, to protect something or if my team gets overwhelmed and needs a bit to get back on their feet. The rest of the time I simply use my 1 to banish stuff. 

    The max duration/strength & min range setup works great. I do realise most just run with the standard max range setup no matter whether they join public games or not. 

    I don't feel bad for accidentally banishing people though, all they have to do is roll once to get out. If they don't do that, it's on them...not me as a Limbo player. 

  6. Most efficient? Hands down any dagger with covert lethality...followed by Jat Kittag with Vulcan Blitz which is the next best-scaling melee weapon. Everything else falls off quicker at higher levels. 

    Stuff like the Atterax or Galatine are great at lower levels, but both fall off quicker at higher levels than daggers or the Kitty. 

  7. 1. Ivara: Incredibly flexible! Double loot, perma-stealth, opens up entire mobs to finisher damage for you and allies, can cloak allies and does damage that scales infinitely. 

    2. Wukong: Can't die and benefits from finisher damage allowing for the use of CL daggers. He's also godly with the Jat Kittag and Vulcan Blitz mod, which scales MUCH better than his 4. People say he's easy-mode, but that's only true in terms of tanking. You really have to use his 3 a lot to make sure his damage doesn't fall off quickly at higher levels. 

    3. Equinox: Want defensive gameplay or tackle long solo endgame runs? Use the night form calm & frenzy setup. Want the aggro team setup? Use maim. So flexible! Your team needs you to change roles from defensive to aggro during the match? No problem :)

    4. Nidus: My favorite tank before I got Wukong. He's godly too, but more geared towards stationary gameplay...so a bit less versatile imo. Still, the dude can't die and provides for a bit more team synergy compared to Wukong.

    5. Limbo: He's on a different level and very hard to kill if played correctly. Started out with the usual max-range setup but now strongly prefer the negative range max strength/duration setup because it works better in public games...and it's a sick strong melee frame since procs never end thanks to stasis. You're forced to use your 1 a lot more if nullifiers are around which makes him more challenging to play than simply hitting 4 and 2 all the time. Not enough people take advantage of his 3 (and augment) to boost melee damage SIGNIFICANTLY. 

    6. Saryn: DPS figures...EVERYWHERE! Halves enemies' health for your entire team. Pair him up with Oberon and you strip enemies of both armor and health, making them A LOT weaker and easier to kill. 

    Wukong & Nidus have the luxury of coming back from the dead if you F*** up, the others are toast at higher levels where you can get one-shot. Ivara's probably the strongest frame if you play slow and methodical, and hands down the best farming frame of the lot. Equinox allows for the most versatility during team matches, allowing you to switch roles from aggro to defensive and back in the same round. Saryin offers great team utility making everything much easier to kill. 

    Limbo is a god solo, but requires real skill to work in team matches...and if you play on maps with nullifiers, because you have to use your 1 way more, forcing you to become vulnerable for a short sec while you cast it. 

  8. Played him exclusively this week...here are my observations:

    - His 1 is imo FINE. It does decent damage compared to other first abilities and the CC scales nicely. Is it the best first ability in game? No...but good enough.

    - His 2 is godly and the main reason to get the frame imo. You sacrifice AOE/CC and a strong ult and in return, you can't die unless you fall asleep. This makes Wukong a great frame to revive allies.

    - His 3 is FINE. It's a great "get away" ability, even if you normally don't kneed it. However, the stun allows you to use finishers. You can fit a dagger with covert lethality and that scales infinitely. If you have a high status weapon and hit enemies before using his 3, those status procs benefit from finisher damage bonuses! So not only is it a decent CC ability, it also boosts your damage. It also briefly opens up a larger mob to finisher damage for your allies.

    - His 4 is a disappointment. Damage isn't horrible, but nothing to write home about. The range gain isn't enough for me to really use it a lot. 

    Fit whatever primary/secondary you like. For melee, I like daggers (Karyst can use covert lethality and has good status damage), Atterax (slash procs!!) and my current favorite, the Jat Kittag with Vulcan Blitz. Imo the Jat Kittag is what Wukong's 4 should have been! It scales with enemy health and is therefore pretty great for high level enemies...

    I use his 1 against nullifiers and stronger single target enemies. His 2 ensures I can't die no matter what. His 3 boosts my damage and instead of his 4, I just use the Jat Kittag. 

    With Rage, energy's not a problem. I run at 153 duration, 175 efficiency, 150 range and 40 strength. I just use his 1 for single target CC and don't use his 4, so no need to boost strength. I can keep defy running constantly and spam his 3 as much as I want. Your 3 also allows you to reset your 2 safely. 

    Just like Ivara, it feels almost like cheating playing Wukong. You can't die and if you take advantage of his 3 and pick a decent melee weapon like the Jat Kittag or a CL dagger, he does great damage too going around shields/armor thanks to finisher damage. 

    Objectively, his damage is a bit worse than Excal, but not by much...and he's definitely less squishy. He has 1 godly, 1 good, 1 decent and 1 horrible ability. 

  9. Overall: Ivara (perma-stealth, scaling damage, double loot, amazing utility)

    Honorable mentions:

    1) Equinox (crazy DPS, scales amazingly well with a calm & frenzy setup)

    2) Nidus (can't die)

    3) Saryn (makes killing easier for your entire team...also, fashion frame)

    4) Limbo (totally OP solo or with a team set up for him)

  10. On 7/7/2017 at 4:24 AM, Chipputer said:


    Likewise, I would argue that Nidus is one of the poorest designed frames in the game. His 2, 3, and 4 are fine. His 1 is his fatal flaw. All you do, as Nidus, is spam his 1. You use the other 3 powers when necessary (generally you use 2 to control a group so you can press 1 on them), though his 4 is basically a, "lay this down at a highly trafficked area when it's off cooldown," sort of thing and his 3 is, "decide if you want to be nigh immortal or you want to buff yourself and a party member." He's good but his gameplay devolves into spamming his first power nearly endlessly and, as a result, I cannot view him as anything more than a powerful distraction.


    Nidus only really shines if you use ALL his abiliites...and don't just focus on spamming his 1. The other abilities aren't "optional", especially at higher levels...they are a mandatory part of his strategy.

  11. On 04/08/2017 at 7:58 PM, TheCometCE said:


    1: Equinox - What DOESN'T 'nox do? Infinitely scaling damaging ult, hard CC, setups for finishers, mod inheriting clones with Duality, and debuffs for additional damage output and damage reduction. They may be a little overwhelming at first, but Equinox is hands down the most versatile frame ingame, and can take anything beyond the point of absurdity.


    I love Equinox (especially the calm & frenzy version for endgame), but when it comes to Duality...the AI isn't all that reliable when it comes to landing shots, unless they patched that recently.

  12. Solo

    1) Ivara

    2) Equinox

    3) Nidus

    4) Limbo

    5) Ash


    1) Nidus

    2) Saryn

    3) Equinox

    4) Trinity

    5) Banshee

    6) A good Ivara player

    7) A good Limbo player


    Overall I consider Ivara hands down the strongest endgame frame. They can't kill you if they can't see you. Infinitely scaling damage. Double loot. Revive queen. Provides your team with stealth. Opens up entire hordes to finisher damage for your ENTIRE team. In short, amazing damage and great utility...and the only trade-off is a lack of tank which is trivial given perma-stealth. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Fiftycentis said:

    you are talking of plat cost? (that atm i don't know nor i'm interested in it)
    because loki is way more simple to farm than ash, so if you give a value to the time spent farming it loki i the cheapier of the 3

    and talking of invisibility, octavia metronome is silent? because if the answer is yes, that's a better stealth (talking of the pure invisibility factor, not other bonuses) than both ivara/loki/ash(with augment), i mean, you get 30 sec easy, all the team can get the invisibility, you can recast it while active and it's cheap (also with passive bonus energy regen), but probably the most expensive of the four requiring also to do a quest before

    But...you'll be constantly teabagging, which is super annoying after a while (imo). You can provide your team with stealth too as Ivara. Most of my team mates get a stealth arrow to the face from me when I play as Ivara.

  14. On 8/3/2017 at 8:24 AM, Fiftycentis said:

    i want to mean that both are unseen, but probably i put the sentence in the same way i'll put in in italian, so it probably sound strange

    neither loki can be seen by the stalker, untill he casts dispel, and the same is for ivara i think (or at least, it should work the same)

    You can remain permanently in stealth mode with Ivara...nothing you do with her breaks stealth. And it's easier than with Loki because you get twice the amount of loot (and energy orbs) with her. 


  15. On 8/2/2017 at 11:13 AM, Fiftycentis said:

    ivara is quite useless in defenses/interceptions, so no, she's not the master race

    "They can't kill you if they can't see you"... well, they can't kill you if they can't see you and don't have a weapon too shoot with that can hit you at random (unless you are soloing the surv, in which case it's not a big difference if you are using ivara or loki)

    Sleep and cloak arrows make both defense and interceptions super easy. Max range sleep arrows make defense missions trivial ;)

  16. Ivara...the king of endgame! They can't kill you if they can't see you, and your damage scales infinitely. The movement penalty is a total non-issue since you can still parkour...and getting double loot is the cherry on top and makes survivals super easy. 

    At lower levels, other frames are more efficient...but at higher and endgame levels, Ivara = master race...NOT Loki.

  17. Just now, Jakorak said:

    There is no melee. This is secondary only Sortie. Powers do mediocre damage, this is a sortie. Limbo is not going to let down stasis to let damage happen, he is making every effort possible to just keep stasis going, so the game doesn't exist at all. I guess I need to bring one of the weapons specifically viable to break down stasis to any sortie mobile defense ever, if I want to be able to play the game.

    Right...so you're complaining one specific game type. 


  18. 1 hour ago, (Xbox One)OmniDevil said:


    Actually, I took what I learned from this thread in-game last night and easily saw how strong Limbo actually is. Didn't die once (was surprised how the randoms quickly caught on and switched to melee over primary while in the Rift) and each wave of enemies melted fairly quickly.

    Regarding the range, I definitely understand what you and everyone else has said. Even in an organized group, I can see how it can quickly cause problems, but with a smaller radius, giving more control over a smaller group, while not interfering with the rest of your group. With that said, would be better to essentially dump all range or stay within the default 100%?

    My standard setup has range at 88%...and I lower that to 50%ish for defence missions where I'm basically just keeping the target safe. 

    I run at 213% duration, 95% efficiency, 88% range and 208% strength with the rift torrent augment. Limbo's 1 seems a bit clunky at first, but once you start using it more and more you realise it's a great way to selectively banish stuff without messing things up in a somewhat large radius around you.

    Power strength doesn't really matter too much for the standard max range/duration setup, but once you slap on rift torrent it does matter. 

    Practice jumping in and out of the rift smoothly...because that's basically your tank ;)

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