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Posts posted by (PSN)Radehx

  1. 2 hours ago, Ernestasx said:

    Well, i am a bit disappointed by this rework because it made him even more energy hungry, and that sucks. But Hydroid can easily be fixed with a few simple changes...

    * His 3 should drag people with it like his 2, it would be so amazing and it's a really requested feature.

    This is the key change I want! 

    As for being energy hungry, it's a non-issue if you fit Pilfering Swarm and treat it like an "energy" mod providing you with energy orbs rather than a farming tool. I run 3 of his augments including Pilfering Swarm and as long as I have enough energy to drop the squid garden on top of a few enemies I can easily keep energy at acceptable levels. You don't really have to spam his abilities all the time.

  2. 0ePCupX.jpg

    In the process of putting another 2 forma on her to fit Primed Flow and an Exilus. No Amp aura because the 8% gain isn't really worth it for me...and I still melee with her quite a bit oddly enough. CP would probably be the better choice, especially in teams. Considering Growing Power and Power Drift once I'm fully done with formas. 

    You get around 55sec of shooting gallery for 13 energy and 47sec of shattered shield for 19 energy. Peacemaker is dirt cheap at 3.75/sec and 6 to cast it. 

  3. In groups, pretty much all of them...solo, some have it easier than others. My favorites for long solo runs are:

    Ivara: Perma-stealth, endlessly scaling damage, headshot bonus, double loot, can cloak allies and amazing hard CC with sleep arrows opening up everything to finisher damage.

    Nidus: Amazing tank, can come back from the dead without interrupting gameplay, effective CC and scaling damage.

    Ash: Invisibility, armor stripping & endlessly scaling damage

    Limbo: Best CC in game (can stop time), crazy melee damage bonus, status procs never end as long as stasis is up and he can be totally invulnerable against anything but nullifiers. He's a crazy melee frame!

    Wukong: Great run & gun frame that simply can't die. Has endlessly scaling damage with cloudwalker and a CL dagger. 

    Hydroid: Can enter an invulnerable state, extra loot, has healing, crazy scaling damage based on enemy health, Volt-like speed with tidal surge and can strip armor at line of sight. 

    Equinox: The calm & frenzy sleep setup of her night form can carry you into very late endgame without the need for stealth. Super versatile frame that's also great in teams. The calm & frenzy build still lets you use maim just fine.

    What unites those frames is always a combination of the following:

    - Stealth (Prowl or Smoke Screen)

    - Ability to survive one shot kills at super high levels (Defy or Undying)

    - Invulnerable state (Rift Walk or Puddle)

    - Scaling damage (Puddle, CL daggers, Virulence)

    - Armor stripping (Corroding Barrage)

    At very high levels you need a way to either strip armor or do damage going around it (slash, CL daggers)...preferably nicely scaling damage. Eventually, all "normal" tanks will still go down to single shots...so having a way to come back from the dead helps if you don't have stealth or an invulnerable state. 

    Some of the frames above are better than others for certain game modes. Limbo for example makes any defensive missions super easy. You can basically meditate and just sit there. For long survivals, Ivara is imo top dog due to prowl giving you double loot...making it super easy to keep up life support. 

    In fact...Ivara can do everything well. She's my favorite high-level content frame. Nidus is generally my pick if I want more "tanky" in your face gameplay...his abilities synergize soooooooo amazingly well. Limbo is a ridiculously strong melee frame that can cheese most missions, especially rescue or escort missions.

    Banshee is amazing for dps team support, but with Shadow Step gone, she's now super squishy and really needs a team for protection imo. Not saying you can't make her work for solo stuff...you're just making your life harder than it has to be. 

  4. I'm glad they changed Naramon. The old version removed all challenge from the game and turned it into a boring button masher of a game. 

    At least existing stealth frames require tactics and have drawbacks, the old Naramon only made people happy who hate any kind of challenge.

    And no, the last thing Excal needs is a damage boost...

  5. My top 3 strongest frames are Ivara, Nidus and Limbo. 

    Ivara has perma stealth, double loot, headshot bonus, opens up everything to finisher damage, can cloak allies and has endlessly scaling damage. Survival endless run queen! She doesn't care if something is lvl20 or lvl2000.

    Nidus's skills synergize so amazingly well! He tanks like a maniac, can come back form the dead without having to interrupt gameplay, has great CC and scaling damage. You have to use ALL his abilities to make him turn into a monster. 

    Limbo is untouchable! He has the best "tank" in game with rift walk, he can stop time and has the best CC in game (imo), status procs never end as long as stasis is up, he gets a 300-3000%+ melee damage bonus with his augment, and he can spam Cataclysm at line of sight which rocks in POE. Amazing melee frame with the strongest CC in game. 

    There are frames that do some of what the above do, maybe even in a way where an ability is a bit better...but the above offer me the strongest package. All of them can do long endgame runs up to stupid levels. 

    Wukong gets an honorable mention because he's such a hilarious run & run frame in that you never have to worry about dying ever...easiest "don't die" mechanic on the planet. Hydroid Prime gets a high five for his amazing armor stripping, fast 2nd ability giving you Volt-like speeds, and scaling damage.

  6. 1 hour ago, (PS4)lhbuch said:

    Good details m8. Ill give it a shot, ty.

    Test it a bit to learn how much health you gain per proc...that way you can adjust your proc tank to the situation and not waste energy channelling too much when you don't have to. 

    Need a crazy short term tank? Whack a lot of enemies once or twice each with life strike for a crazy short term boost to health.

    Just want a small buffer to take out a nullifier? Simply whack one or two strong enemies with life strike instead of a whole mob. 

    By the way, if you don't want the proc tank, the super min duration Limbo is fun too. I run at 17 duration, 160 efficiency, 145 range and 175 strength. You basically keep on recasting rift torrent and stuff constantly falls down as it gets pulled back into the rift every 3sec. You remain in the rift constantly if you pull stuff in through your 5sec Cataclysm and only have to face enemies that are on the floor. Since Cataclysm is only up a few secs and you have medium range, nullifiers aren't really as much of an issue as for the max range Cataclysm setup.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

    The LImbo troll frame actually caused me to fail a spy sortie that I was about to salvage because LImbo dropped the sphere....

    Which completely cut me off from using the hacking console that I was about to solve within the time limit.

    Needless to say, I was not a happy camper because of the forced failure.

    You could still hack in operator mode despite Limbo, rolled to get out of the rift or collapsed his Cataclysm with bullets...or communicated with the Limbo of course...but yeah, that's the one change I wouldn't mind, letting other team members (not Limbo!!) hack consoles while in the rift. 

    A lot of other frames can really hinder others too. Nova can be a total pain in the &#! in survivals for example totally screwing up enemy flow and therefore life support. 

  8. 4 hours ago, (PS4)lhbuch said:

    No CC and 65 armor? Extra dmg wont save him.


    You can actually stasis stuff in Cataclysm and create your own little mini tank with life strike procs that never end as long those enemies don't die. Allows you to fight weaker mobs that aren't subject to stasis outside the rift.

    Only really works to "tankable" levels of course. 

    Here's how I play Limbo most of the time:

    195 duration

    95 efficiency

    58 range

    223 strength

    I fit the rift torrent mod and my main weapon is a viral/slash Lesion with the Relentless Combination, Condition Overload & Life Strike mods.

    This setup is imo better for most circumstances, especially in pub games because you don't just freeze half the map at once. It's also much easier to deal with nullifiers since I can strategically place my Cataclysm out of the way from them.

    95 efficiency works just fine as long as you spend the vast majority of the time either in rift walk or cataclysm...which you should anyway because Limbo isn't really a natural tank.

    Melee damage is totally sick tbh. I halve enemy health with my Lesion's viral procs and then stack slash procs to finish them off. As long as stuff is subject to stasis, those procs never end! Relentless Combination also blows up my Lesion's combo counter at crazy speeds since slash procs go towards the counter...and Condition Overload helps too. In short, he's a melee damage monster.

    I tried a lot of different ways to deal with nullifiers because they are hands down Limbo's biggest weakness. Max range setups totally fall apart because you can't use Cataclysm anymore with them around. He can't really fight outside rift walk or Cataclysm because he has no tanking skills other than rift walk and stasis. 

    So you kinda have to get creative a little. If you fit Life Strike on a melee weapon that doesn't just 1-shot stuff, you can get a tooooooon of healing slash procs for as long as enemies stay alive and stasis stays up. So if you whack 20 dudes you put in stasis just once with Life Strike, you can then fight outside the bubble and have a pretty respectable health regen. 

    It's good enough to keep you alive while parkouring or sliding into a nullifier. Life Strike procs from 10-20 higher level guys nets you a pretty respectable health regen. 

    Takes a bit of practice to make it work though, it's not a simple "press 4 to win" setup. You should only fight stuff that isn't in stasis inside your (small!) Cataclysm if you absolutely have to or if those things are low risk trash mobs. Not just for tanking, but also for the energy regen. Stay in rift walk as much as you possibly can. If you don't carefully manage your energy that way you'll have longer down times which isn't cool.

    You also have to place your Cataclysm strategically, preferably somewhere where it doesn't bother mates...but still close enough to offer them a place to hide and get free energy. The negative range really helps with not just imposing it on others...and against nullifiers ofc. 

    It is super strong in terms of damage output...and as long as you don't mess up, nothing can really touch you. It's overkill at lower levels though and really only starts to shine at higher levels. Bit like Nidus in a way, he sucks too at lower levels. 

    You can also help your team by drawing fire, even easier if you fit Guardian Derision. If you can draw fire to you, who can't get hit by it, it'll make it easier for mates to tank. Wukong can do the same to make up for his lack of CC, because he also can't really die to enemy fire. 

    Paradoxically, duration is essentially your damage boost...the longer you can keep up stasis, the longer those procs will tick down, the more damage you do. 

  9. On 17/10/2017 at 8:10 PM, lulialmir said:


    because in the end, you'll need like 5-10 minutes to kill like high level enemies 

    This basically proves you simply aren't playing him correctly. Limbo slaughters stuff well into the high 100s in seconds. 

    Status procs never end as long as stasis is up, which allows for some crazy damage. If you add the rift torrent mod to that, you can get 300-3000%+ melee damage bonus on top of that. 

    The problem with Limbo is that his abilities are fairly complex, and there are quite a few special interactions you need to understand to make him work. One thing's for sure though, claiming he doesn't do enough damage is 100% wrong ;)

    He does great damage, has the strongest CC in game, can regen his own energy and revive his mates in all situations...he rocks! However, to make him work both the Limbo player and those playing with him need to understand how he really works.

    I used to rant about him until I really spent the time to figure him out...now he doesn't really annoy me anymore since I know how to adapt even to a bad Limbo player. In fact, I like playing with him in a team because he helps other frames to regen energy and also provides them with a safe space. 

    He works VERY well with Nidus by the way since Nidus' abilities work through the rift. A Nidus/Limbo tag team is awesome.

  10. I'd love to get an augment for his 1 that is similar to Hydroid's corroding barrage. Or one that gives guaranteed corrosive procs for his little maggots instead of Toxin. Would help a lot with armor scaling.

  11. No, his damage is fine because it's limited to a very tight range. If you don't like it, nerf Equinox, Saryn, Banshee and all the other frames that outperform him with nuking first. Of course that would be stupid too.

  12. 22 minutes ago, sunnyboy5 said:

    I rarely see equinox played by other players and whenever she is, its usually a maim build... but the true cc/survival god is Peaceful prov equinox. constant 80%slow and 80% dmg reduction is crazy and when used in conjunction with dark dagger + life strike she can take on any level enemies. 

    The only problem is, you or your team has to take damage to trigger the slow effect. I kinda prefer the calm & frenzy setup because it's less likely to be caught with your pants down...

  13. I'm way more annoyed by slow Novas slowing down enemy flow too much...or speed Volts @(*()$ with me. If I run into Limbo I simply roll to get out of the rift if I want to. At least he gives me energy if I want it and compared to slow Nova good Limbos are actually quite good at killing fast. Their melee damage bonus with the rift torrent mod is sick :D

  14. 8 hours ago, (Xbox One)Vile Slanders said:


    And this is just silly. Cloud Walker isn't designed to be a damage ability. Undertow is/was. Why would Cloud Walker need damage scaling when its intended function is stealth/invulnerability/mobility/and CC stun? That's like say Harrow's Thurible should get scaling damage because... No reason.

    It's not silly...because as it stands, Wukong has no damage ability that allows him to keep up with armor scaling in game. The ridiculously short stun barely allows you to cheese stuff with a CL dagger at higher levels. 

    The fact that undertow was designed to be a damage ability doesn't mean others like cloud walker can't be changed. 

    The whole reason to give him scaling damage is that compared to most new frames, he simply falls off too quickly. While frames like Nidus & Hydroid who've benefited from recent reworks can keep up at higher levels, Wukong can't. 

    Not even gonna comment on your "we already have power strength allowing you to scale" remark because that's obvious BS given it doesn't make up for enemy scaling. 

  15. On 10/6/2017 at 5:01 PM, BornWithTeeth said:

    Let me let you in on a little secret: the Dark Split Sword, in dual form, is the best anti-Grineer melee weapon in the game. It has mad crit stats and a passable Status chance, base attack speed so high that you don't need a speed mod, and as a pure elemental weapon, you can mod it to deal both Corrosive and Radiation, meaning it absolutely shreds all Grineer armour types.



    This! Also kinda like the stance :)

    Honorable mention for the Nami (Hydroid sword) which is also pretty cool with a viral/slash build if you run with an armor-stripping frame.

  16. Hydroid...totally underrated because people think they should sit in the puddle all the time.

    Dude can strip armor at line of sight (helpful in PoE and high level content), CC stuff with 4 of his abilities with 1 giving you extra loot, heal himself and allies, enter an invulnerable state, kill stuff with scaling damage (5-10sec tops even for very high level stuff once armor has been stripped!!) and travel the plains with Volt-like speed with his 2 while being totally invulnerable. 

    Expected him to be boring mastery fodder, but wow was I wrong. Upgraded him to my 2nd most favorite frame after Ivara :D

  17. 14 hours ago, TheGrimCorsair said:

    You do know you can cancel your 2 into your 3 at any time, right? It'll drag all the enemies right down into the puddle. You can then cast your 1, stand up from puddle, and they'll all be stacked on top of eachother for a quick ground finisher. Bonus points if you use Jat Kittag with Vulcan Blitz to execute the ground finisher. Sitting in puddle to kill things slows the mission down.

    You should be moving in and out of puddle constantly, using your 1 to secure your immediate vicinity, and your 4 to cover your back. In really nasty sorties, like save, Survival: Elemental Enhancement: Toxin, you need to pick the location you own carefully, but still don't need to puddle camp to be effective.

    This! Good to see people are starting to understand how to use Hydroid effectively! 

  18. 13 hours ago, TKDancer said:

    my 1: only good for removing armor if u have the aug, the RNG CC that sometimes does wonders, sometimes misses everyone i want it to hit, S#&$ dmg(i do like it vs nullies tho)


    my 2: only good mobility in straight lines, being able to  cancel it via puddle is not good enough, should let us dodge out of it like we can dodge out of puddles, then it'd be,,, less bad


    my 3: best thing in his kit, and most boring thing, be invincible, do infinite scaling dmg, heal urself if u have the aug(and others) and u can even pull enemies to u now


    my 4: weird area denial that many times seems to ignore enemies, even as host sometimes enemies walk through tentacles, do they only grab a limited number of enemies?


    if u actually think hydroid "don't need to puddle camp to be effective" u are lying to urself


    is hydroid USELESS without being in puddle as much as possible? hell no, but his kit revolves around his most boring ability, and that is bad design, but as i said, people here tend to defend bad design for the hell of it


    it would be a much better idea if the tentacles did a % of an enemy's health whenever they slammed about instead of a puddle that scales its dmg over time

    1) His 1 reliably strips armor in 2 casts, 3 at most if you are really unlucky. And compared to other armor stripping frames, he can do so at great range.

    2) You don't need to "dodge" stuff while in your 2, you ragdoll stuff! The fact that you are invulnerable while using it, can get close to Volt speeds and CC stuff at the same time is good enough.

    3) His 3 provides so much at the same time...healing, scaling damage an invulnerability. And that of course has to come at the expense of something else...mobility in this cases. Same goes for a lot of other powerful skills. Ivara can't move fast in prowl for example. It's called balance!

    4) Tentacles are fairly reliable and they CAN snatch up multiple enemies, there is no hard cap. I suggest you read up about his abilities. 

    You can nuke armor in seconds and enemies will then die in your puddle in 5-10sec tops. Like I said, you are a complete idiot not really using his abilities to their full extent if you spend longer in the puddle! Hell, you can also fit a viral melee weapon...that way, you'll have armor stripped, health halved and enemies turn into paper thanks to the ground finishers you can apply.  

    Letting the tentacles do the scaling damage would be idiotic and unbalanced. It would cost more energy and letting Hydroid do this crazy scaling damage at a line of sight distance would be totally unbalanced...and I'm saying this as a Hydroid fan. 

    He's an amazing CC frame with 4 CC abilities, 2 of which have no range limits...and the extra loot is the cherry on top, just like his crazy scaling damage. He's got it all, invulnerability state, fast mobility, healing and scaling damage. The only trade-off he has is that the scaling damage is range-boud, which is required to make him still balanced. Few frames have as strong scaling damage as he does. He's a dps monster.

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