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Posts posted by (PSN)Radehx

  1. 1 minute ago, TKDancer said:



    yes i have seen the videos and actually used the combo, its boring


    its bad and boring, staying still in a puddle waiting for enemies to die and pulling more enemies with my little arm tentacle is boring, this isnt a ~me~ thing, lots of people have voice that even tho his dmg is now amazing, puddle promotes a boring playstyle


    also hydroid is very much NOT power hungry and rage + healing undertow is a thing, plus his energy pool is decent, even better with his prime SO how would using his 4 mess with his energy economy? u target an area and that area remains covered in tentacles, u can only have 1 area with tentacles so it doesnt make sense to spam it meaning as long as u have decent duration u wont be spaming swarm

    Rage won't work past low levels since he can't come back from the dead like Wukong/Nidus/Oberon.

    Undertow allows me to apply my damage at less energy than being forced to use my 4 every time I want that damage...which is why it would make it much less energy efficient for him to be a damage dealer. 

    Forcing him to use his 4 for damage would make him LESS mobile...not more. If you wanted the same mobility and energy efficiency as now with undertow, you'd have to recast your 4 more often...which is obviously more energy hungry.

  2. Just now, TKDancer said:

    an invincibility state with self heal aug would 100% not become pointless just cause it doesnt have infinite dmg scaling lmao what


    puddle promotes a boring playstyle, it promotes staying in undertow as much as u can, transferring the infinite scaling or at least some scaling to tentacle swarm(% of total hp done as dmg when tentacles slam at people, similar to frosts snowglobe)

    He kills stuff in puddle so incredibly fast, you really don't have to stay in it for more than a few seconds. I'll stay in the puddle as long as it takes to kills stuff in the puddle, after that I move to the next batch of enemies. Have you seen the corrosive barrage & puddle damage video? 

    Also, from an energy consumption standpoint, moving his scaling damage to his 4 would actually make him worse to play imo. He's already pretty power-hungry as it is, making this worse won't help the frame...especially in PoE depending on enemy density.

  3. 4 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

    >transfer some of that scaling dmg to Tentacle Swarm

    That would make using puddle pretty pointless...and allow Hydroid to apply his scaling damage at line of sight ranges, which would make him a bit OP imo. Saying this as someone who likes the frame. 

    The one change I really want, which imo wouldn't make him OP, is letting us drag enemies in the puddle if we use our 2 while in puddle. Would make it easier to "mop up" smaller groups of enemies. 

    Many frames don't have their 4 as the most powerful/useful skill. Wukong's best skill is Defy. For Saryn, spore and molt is way more important than her ult. I always try to look at the whole package of abilities, not just individual skills in isolation. 

  4. 13 hours ago, Kagemitsukenshi said:

    You know puddle can be fast and fun it can be activate in mid air and you retain your momentum so you can bullet jump as much as you want or even use your archwing ->melee->puddle and get all the enemies you need to

    Puddle jumping is fun once you get the hang of it. It's basically an extra "tank" because you're invulnerable while liquid. You can be fast with puddle, kind of, you just need to use momentum.

  5. 14 hours ago, TKDancer said:

    i still think they should transfer some of that scaling dmg to Tentacle Swarm


    all of you going "dont be a puddle then!" are ignoring OP's main point that hydroids strongest ability is a boring slow puddle

    Puddle needs to be slow for balance imo. His scaling damage is pretty amazing, so making puddle slow and forcing you to use energy for his 2 if you want to go faster is a trade-off. Just requires you to adapt your play-style. 

    At range he can strip armor reliably and CC stuff and up close he's also a pretty amazing scaling damage dealer. 

    He'd be OP if he was good at everything at once ;)

    All frames have trade-offs like that. Ivara has perma-stealth, but gets a speed penalty. Nidus needs stuff to be somewhat close to apply his skills. Wukong's damage output is pretty S#&$, but he can't die. Others need to apply headshots or hit certain body parts to apply their buffs. Always trade-offs.


  6. You don't have to sit in the puddle all the time! I only wish using your 2 in the puddle would drag along enemies. 

    Hydroid will be pretty cool in PoE since his 1 and 4 work on line of sight...so you can strip armor and CC stuff from very far away. That buys you time to get closer. And you can do that faster using his fast 2. 

    You only really need to puddle up if you jump into a group of enemies or a strong enemy...or if you need cover or health regen. Hydroid's pretty fun to play mobile :)

    Next to Ivara, Hydroid will probably be my go-to frame for PoE due to the ability to strip armor from afar and travelling quickly with his 2. 


  7. 4 hours ago, Berzerkir said:

    Okay, joke's been going on long enough. When should we expect an ACTUAL rework? Cause a rework would have meant puddle was removed, not given synergies.

    The only change puddle needs is letting us drag enemies along. It's great damage mitigation and you don't have to sit in it all the time. The synergies (especially with mods) do great damage.

  8. 7 hours ago, NergaI said:





    So basically, you want to make him a lot weaker and energy hungry...no thx. Rolling if you accidentally get banished isn't that hard. 

    The one suggestion I'd be fine with is team bullets being able to hit stuff under stasis. But I totally disagree with turning his rift walk into a skill again, it would make it almost impossible to play him fluidly. 

  9. Just now, (Xbox One)Deadly Moves said:

    Ah ok, ive not had chance to use Wukong yet. he's currently cooking in my foundry though.

    His main advantage is the ability to come back form the dead...or never die at all. His actual tank isn't nearly as strong as Rhino, but him coming back from the dead totally makes up for it.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Shadilay said:

    I can solo to an extent, 50-60w with my frames but the xp you get is close to nothing. That's due to the affinity/xp system, kills from your WF don't level up your weapons. If it wasn't the case, I'd have carried EVERY single group that I pub with.

    The only real solution to this is pre-made teams I'm afraid. 

    I got the same issue when it comes to Limbo. There are ways to play him well with a neg range setup, but no matter how many Limbos I tell, I still mostly see max range 2-4 spammers in public games.


  11. 24 minutes ago, Avynire said:

    Probably for fun max P flow and effi ivara to see how many km I can kill an enemy with navigator.

    Elytron nuking grineer settlement from 1,5km away.:devil:

    Yup, also think Ivara's navigator will be sooooooooo much more useful now than before. Still think its energy usage is too harsh...

  12. Up until recently, my favorite has been Ivara because:

    - Double loot trivializing Survivals

    - Endlessly scaling damage

    - Perma stealth...and can cloak allies

    - Headshot bonus

    - Hard CC with sleep

    - Enemy radar making focus farming easier

    And then Hydroid came along...and PoE is on the horizon :D

    I love that Hydroid can reliably strip armor from suuuuuuper far away, has scaling damage, gets extra loot, can enter an invulnerable state and also move kinda super fast with his 2. I still think Ivara's the stronger frame, but I think Hydroid's my new favorite...especially once PoE hits. 

    I run Hydroid with a viral/impact Zarr, viral Pox and viral/slash Nami...which means I can nuke armor from afar, half their health with viral procs and just finish off the little health they have left...Hydroid makes enemies turn into paper :D

    Wukong gets an honorable mention because if all you want to do is "run & gun" without having to worry about dying at all, no frame does that better than Wukong...no matter the enemy level. Limbo gets love too, but only the min range, max duration/strength setup with the rift torrent mod giving you 300-3000% melee damage bonuses. 

  13. Hydroid Prime (to nuke armor from any distance)

    Zarr (viral/impact)

    Pox (viral)

    Nami (viral/slash)

    Basically, nuke armor from afar and then hit them with viral & slash damage. Loving his 2 for mobility now tbh...it's bloody fast and you are invulnerable while travelling with it. 

    Might give the Vectis Prime a go depending on the sniper rework.


  14. Your proposal makes sense...but...Hydroid really doesn't need a buff and the one you propose is very situational anyway. One small change I'd like to see is if you use your 2 inside the puddle, enemies get dragged with you while remaining in the puddle. 

    He's a very strong frame and will be even stronger once PoE hits...so he's in a good place right now. Make him stronger and I'd be worried about DE's nerf gun. He's not OP now because his main dps is very range-bound, but at the same time, I really don't think he needs a buff...and I'm saying this as someone who's elevated Hydroid to my 2nd "main" after Ivara ;)

  15. Hydroid is actually a pretty cool melee frame!

    I strip armor reliably with his 1 and then smash stuff either with my gas Zarr, viral Pox or viral/slash status Nami. If you strip armor with his 1, half their health with viral procs and then hit them with gas/slash damage, all enemies turn into paper. 

    Most of the time, I am OUT of the puddle when playing Hydroid. The only time I'm really in the puddle is for defense or if I find a tightly-packed group of enemies I can drown all at once. Most of the time I'm jumping around stripping armor all around me while hitting stuff with melee viral/slash. 

    His 2 is pretty cool too, more so when PoE comes out...he's fast as hell with it. His passive isn't bad with pilfering swarm...you get a couple extra energy obs out of it which helps. Also provides a tiny bit of CC, for FREE.

    The chaps who claim he forces you to sit in a puddle all the time are the same guys who think all Limbo can do is hit 4 and then 2. 

    Don't think Hydroid needs a nerf tbh. He is only super strong in a tiny area, which is the key tradeoff when using his abilities. Frames like Equinox on the other hand can nuke entire rooms with even more damage.

  16. 1 hour ago, shiro.OoKami said:


    Im still wondering if Growing power is worth the change in aura polarity.  

    Personally I prefer Energy Siphon. In rare cases you end up with zero energy and at least with energy siphon, you can hop around and dodge for a couple of seconds before having enough energy again to drop the Kraken and get Pilfering Swarm rolling again.

    I don't feel "underpowered" with 165 strength and never really felt like needing more. Haven't done any 3hrs+ runs though.

  17. He's fun to play now, especially once you realise you shouldn't sit in the puddle 100% of the time. 

    I'm one of the few who seem to like his passive too. Often I drop my 4 to block some entrance and then leave to fight somewhere else. Being able to drop extra squids with slam attacks while keeping the squid garden up is great for extra loot.

  18. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)Chris_Robet said:

    All valid points. I think you and me are more at a playstyle disagreement which can't be helped.

    Not saying sitting in the paddle is generally bad...or that people who like it shouldn't do it. Mostly posting this for people who say sitting the puddle all the time is all you can do with Hydroid. 

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