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Posts posted by (PSN)cleefsentence

  1. Yesterday i took a max range equinox and went to an exterminate lith fissure killing all the enemies so fast that my teammates can't even see them appear on the screen. I used to play mag and wipe 90% of the enemies in axi exterminate too. Saryn is not the only one that can "steal the fun" from teammates, what is so good about her is that she scales so you can use her on high level too

  2. I stopped play wf around march, now i decided to return and try to catch up the nightwave 2 to get all the 30 rewards. I completed all the challenges of this week and after relogging in i was expecting to see all the previously weeek challenges but just a part of those were recovered, i completed them and relogged but just one appeared to be recovered. I completed even that and this time after relogging in no challenges appeared at all.

    For what i know there is a catch up mechanic this series that give you the chance to complete ALL the previous challenges when you complete all the challenges of the current/past week but that's not happening. It's a bug or what? Clearly i can't catch up anything like this.

  3. I'm happy for new players but from DE to not refund those crafted is a meh decision.

    Prices will going down obv, on consoles people can still sell them for a good price to those that aren't informed, but rip pc.

    The best thing for me is that next plague i can get only forma without worry about bp and materials.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Sunai_Moonswing said:

    Due to the amount of events we've had, they did push it back by a month or two to avoid burnout. Because some of us take the grind seriously!

    Not saying that others don't. But we're still humans with needs!

    A friend of mine farmed more than 200 forma last plague.

    He still have less than 30 tho.

  5. From my experience of when i was an eidolon hunter, to be the one with the most damage in your squad and cap the eidolon very fast you need:

    - Very good riven

    - A buff frame (vex with chroma or few shields stacked together if you're volt, better if used together)

    - An huge build up sniper combo (just shoot at the eidolon every time he's on the ground, you deal 0 damage but you can buff the sniper combo)

    - One arcane momentum and one arcane acceleration to help you reach an high sniper combo very fast (or even two acceleration if you're toxin chroma, they stack and you have a reload buff with the green color so no need momentum)

    - A sarpa with shattering impact to remove an huge chunk of the eidolon armor (or 3 corrosive projection and 2 coaction drift if pre made)

  6. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)francinebaby said:

    Hey Alucard, I am on ps4, and I was also given a ban during double resource weekend. I was informed by support that my account was flagged because I triggered mission results that were impossible under normal means. I am so frustrated because I ran a lot of kuva, sold some rivens, and did a other general farming, however nothing stands out as to me as being odd. Support will not explain what I did to trigger the ban either, which is maybe the most frustrating part of this whole thing.  

    Lol banned because you're too good...

  7. 6 hours ago, Chewarette said:

    Imo the damage reduction could be applied on her 4. Make World on Fire deserve its name, transform Ember into a Phoenix-fiery-wtf-thing, where she irradiates fire everywhere, with the excuse of "damn she's so hot that projectiles melt before reaching her".

    Make WoF impressive ffs !



    1 hour ago, jakesullycom13 said:

    Where did you hear that Ember is getting reworked?

    Yeah is pretty new to me.

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