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Posts posted by (PSN)cleefsentence

  1. 10 minutes ago, Omega said:

    Let's all invest in Kohm rivens right now because DE will never end up nerfing them?

    A super-op weapon which disposition will never be changed as confirmed by DE directly.

    Can you imagine the market of these rivens in some months? The prices they will reach?


    DE you're creating a monster that someday will eat you.

  2. So we all know that DE has lowered the disposition of the more popular and strong weapons in the game like the Plasmor, the Lanka, the Amprex and many more. There is a weapon tho which rivens are still untouched, the Kohm ones.

    The roll that anyone wants on a Kohm riven has +120 status chance, roll a 119% is not good because then to reach that sweetie 100% status chance before multishot you still need that damn 60% 60% mod. Believe it or not but people would pay even 20.000 plat for a groll riven that has +120% status chance. That's a lots of plat and money, REAL money that people use to get what they like, in this case god rolled rivens.

    In the Riven Workshop topic [DE] Connor wrote this:


    EDIT: Wanted to clear up one comment I'm seeing lots of. Many of you have mentioned the Kohm as well as Detron - These weapons were marked for a reduction, but we opted not to change them, because some players depend on these Rivens to achieve 100% status chance. Because of this, small disposition changes had the chance to make a much larger impact on these weapons, so we have left them as is. 

    as stated by this phrase, seems that DE doesn’t want to touch the Kohm disposition because there are people out there that without the 120% status chance can’t (they literally DEPENDS on them) use the weapon anymore, implying that the Kohm without a disposition of 5 that permits to reach the +120% status chance would be too much worst if compared to before.

    Well, this is completely wrong and i want to show you how the Kohm does’t need that 100% status chance to be fukin op and how the unchanged disposition of it maybe hides:

    1) An huge ignorance by DE about the game weapons power

    2) Reasons related to the market that these rivens have

    3) Other understandable reasons that i would really like to listen by DE


    alright, cut to the chase let’s see how my "not so godly" Kohm riven performs versus lvl. 150 corrupted bombards and heavy gunners, the strongest enemies you may will encounter in the game cause of their armor value so high.


    oof, the Kohm totally need a 120% status chance roll to be usable… literally unplayable without.

    Jokes apart, I can say without any doubt that the Kohm can perform extremely good even without a 100% status chance so why DE decide to not touch the Kohm disposition? Because there are players that depends on that 120% status chance? Oooh so sweet by you DE to think about players, really, no jokes here.

    But hey, there are people that maybe depended on their Plasmor with +fire rate riven to enjoy it without waste another slot to put an utility mod, or people that depended  on a +critical chance on their Opticor riven to reach a 90% crit chance so they can use hunter munitions. Like those guys that need that 120% status chance to not use another slot for the 60% 60% mod.

    I want to end this topic with this phrase: "all are equal before the law but is the law equal to everyone?"

    Think about it. Cya.


    ps. i'm not asking for a nerf of the disposition, just inviting all to think about this move of DE.

  3. 33 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

    1- mod for it then, if it’s not enough then get used to it or don’t use it at all. The reload is here to balance out the strength, ‘good to use’ is a subjective thing and irrelevant 


    2- again, the sobek is an auto shotgun with a big magazine and the reload refreshes the whole mag. The strun is a semi auto (iirc) shotgun and each shot is reloaded SEPARATELY


    3- 2.7 for the whole mag, not one shell. Don’t wait until the magazine is over, you have to reload after each shell whenever you have time to 

    1- This section is for feedbacks and requests, if you don't like this just change topic

    2- I don't care, for me the reload take to much time and like people asked a change for sobek i'm asking for the strun

    3- Same as 2

  4. 3 mods and still

    1 hour ago, GinKenshin said:

    1- it's already a really strong weapon, which is balanced by the long reload 

    2- I don't think it should be compared to the sobek, since they have different firing mechanics and reload mechanics 

    It needs to buff, it's perfectly balanced. If you want a faster reload then you can mod for it, that's the point of the system 

    1- Strong doesn't mean good to use

    2- Sobek reload was awful like the strun wraith. The reload buff wasn't really needed but hey, we got it

    3- I have 3 reload mods on it still 2.7s to reload

  5. 15 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

    Is it really worth it arguing in favor of part of the game just because you can't get it's rewards? 
    Also there's no comparison with raids since the reason why these were removed was mainly the high maintaining cost ending in a really low return of investment, not low player count alone.

    This is a loot game so yes.

    Conclave has maintaining costs too and no true return of investment. There is a specific team that works on conclave, fixing and rebalancing stuff every update, and they use dedicated servers for what i know.

  6. 3 minutes ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

    This is the exact kind of attitude due to which we can't have nice things.

    For me conclave has already nice things that i want but i can't get them because no one plays conclave and if no one plays conclave then just get rid of it like raids.

  7. The sobek had an awful reload some time ago, now the reload is ok even without the need of reload mods and the magazine of 20 is still here. The strun wraith has a magazine of 10 and to reach the same reload speed of the reworked sobek (2.7 seconds) needs all the 3 reload speed mods.

    Please buff the reload speed of the Strun wraith.

  8. 1 hour ago, Pizzarugi said:

    Actually, the people who should be the ones playing solo are the press-4-to-win frames. They have absolutely no need for teammates, considering they're able to do everything a team can on their own with one press of a button.

    So why don't they? I can wager it's the same reason why nobody else plays solo.

    I have fun too using nuke frames ya know, i don't use them just to farm fast.

    The excalibur venka guy has no right to tell me "man don't kill enemies!" in a public match and i have no rights to tell him "bro just use nukes if you want to kill". The difference between me and the excalibur guy is that i just shut up and deal with it if i see him killing only a enemy at a time every x seconds, because in a public match anyone can use what he wants.

    Nuke frames helps speeding up a majority of the content of the game for others people too like affinity farm in the usual hidron or the fast farm of parts for the last baro visit that brings the last shiny thing. If the excalibur guy doesn't like my saryn he can just play dynasty warriors.


    ps. The solo spawn problem (and the relic system) is what doesn't permits me, a nuke user, to play solo. Funny isn't it?

  9. Let's say there is an exterminate mission. If someone likes to spend 10 minutes just to do the mission because he's using a venka prime and an excalibur play solo. I prefer to not waste my time and do that mission in 3 min with a nuke frame.

  10. 4 hours ago, Melbourne404 said:

    I don't know about you, but I'm not terribly concerned about the rewards anyway, I just play arbitration survivals for the hell of it. If people want to extract, they can just die and keep their rewards.

    I'm more on the "get good rewards and if possible have fun too" side 🙂for example i do at least one tridolon every day but can't really say i like it (after you do something many times is a normal consequence), i do it for the arcanes that i can selll for plat.

  11. 58 minutes ago, Melbourne404 said:

    Well, people were complaining about how everyone usually extracts once they get the first rotation C in endless missions. Arbitrations were clearly designed to motivate people to not do that, what with the rotations being ABCCCC... and letting you keep rewards if you die.  Without that, plenty of people will still play it, but there will be a tremendous increase in people wanting to extract after 30 minutes instead of challenging themselves to fight even tougher enemies. With the system as it is, I can tell people to die if they want to leave, instead of having to contend with "But it's risky to stay, I don't want to lose everything".

    As for the logic behind it, it doesn't make any more sense than Lotus apparently going "You failed, so put back all those plastids, even though it may help our cause and dumping them is extremely unpragmatic", or the fact that you lose codex and somachord entries after you have already scanned them. But we just deal with it, don't we?

    Personally, I think of it as we died, so we didn't manage to bring anything we got in the mission with us, and the Arbiters just gave us the rewards after we made it back out.

    Don't know the pc situation but until now any of my public runs ended before even reach the second C rotation cause someone died in the first minutes (record is a mr18 guy that started an interception died after... 2 sec?) and others get scared to continue, or if no one dies when enemies starts to be around the sortie 3 level they decide to extract because too hard for them and not worth the pain. If the host leaves you're pretty fuked anyway because host migration bug so to take no risk you have extract too and bye C rotations. The recruitment section can't help much, tried many times to recruit but never get a full team that want to do an endurance and enjoy the infinite C rotations. You can't run solo surv or excavation because the spawn is very low and surv is the mode that i see 70% of the time. Mods drops even in AB rotations for a 2.5% chance vs a 3.5% chance of C rotations, not this much difference (all the mods i got were from AB rotations).

    Let's say you get all the mods and just want to farm endo, well do more than 30 minutes doesn't really worth it anyway because the max endo reward is 2000 and there is the risk of getting a statue that needs a lot of stars or can't sell it for a good amount of endo. If you know what to do you can farm the arena on sedna and get 400/600 endo every run, takes 3-4 min and no need stars.

    About logic, lets say we die: the loot collected is on the frame, if our frame die we have to get him back (like in the war within) because we can't teleport him on the liset right? So the only explanation about the missing loot can be only one: someone stoles that loot from the frame itself. In arbitration the culprit clearly is arbiters operator that waits at the arbitration room exit i wrote about so my suggestion is to dismiss that guy so we can keep the loot 😄

  12. 1 hour ago, Melbourne404 said:

    Okay, I was low-key accusing you of moving the goalposts, but whatever, never mind that.

    Oh, I saw your previous posts. I wasn't just saying out of the blue that arbitrations are good, I was tackling your point that elite alerts should punish death because unskilled players should git gud. I was explaining why I consider your reasoning in them was flawed. So it won't do any good to just read it again, would it?

    Here's a tldr version: If you don't die in arbitrations, which are all endless missions, it doesn't necessarily mean you're good, it just means you ran off before the enemies got too tough. Removing rotation rewards upon death would reward cowards who flee when the going gets tough.

    I don't really want arbitrations to punish you and don't give rotation rewards on death, i was just asking why i can keep the rotation rewards (that theoretically are what all players goes for when do arbitrations) and not the materials (something that if you get it or not is pretty the same because a veteran has already enough of them or can farm them easily so why not give them too, they are more important than rotation rewards?).

    Like i said in a post i'm imagining this scene after a fail: a guy of arbiters is waiting for you at the arbitration room exit when he tells you "hey you died in our super elite mode made for veterans so you'll get punished: you can keep rotation rewards but put here all the nano spores you have!". Seems a pretty no sense situation for me. I was expecting to see nothing at all, because well if you die can't really claim something do you? 😁

    ps. Obviously a game mode like that would be very stressful and played by less players.

  13. The hemocyte reaper is bugged as hell. I lost 5 minutes only waiting for him to attack me so i can hit his weak points. It bugs 30% of the time and is pretty annoying ya know.

    This is not the first time plague is on, fix this problem when?

    ps. I'm on ps4 but can't post in the PS4 section for reasons i don't know, i can open topics only on the PC section.

  14. 3 hours ago, Melbourne404 said:

    Pretty sure your original post was more "why can't I keep the loot?" and less "why can I keep the rotation rewards?" 

    Yeah, you were definitely more focused on what you didn't get than what you did get.

    Besides, would you be saying git gud if someone died and lost the rewards after 3 hours of arbitration? Because, reminder, these are endless missions. Not dying doesn't mean you're good, it just means you fled before the enemies got too tough.

    Anyways, I'm fine with the rotation rewards being kept, because it allows us to fight to the death instead of, you know, everyone running off to extraction 30 minutes in. I have enough people wanting to extract 20 minutes into arbitration survival as it is (honestly I don't get why they do that), so the last thing I need is a system that rewards running away and punishes staying and fighting. Losing everything wouldn't reward getting good, it would reward cowardice.

    My original post point was "i can keep the rotation rewards and not the materials?", i don't wrote about rotations reward in the open post because i opened it in the verge of a "wtf" moment but i wrote about them in the other posts so if you have read them i don't see why are you remarking something that is pretty clear.

    About the "arbitrations are good like this bla bla bla" i'm pretty bored to say the same thing again and again, my opinion is already explained so who want to undertsand it see my previous posts.

  15. 43 minutes ago, Xydeth said:

    ur opinion and i would disagree.

    might be me but why do u care so much about 1 failed run ? if u regularly play "endgame" content then 1 failed run is no big deal since there are many others. everyone has experienced 1 shots out of the blue there, thats nothing new.

    No problem, you're free to think otherwise. For me makes no sense because arbitrations were selled as an elite content but in the end you're not taking an huge risk at all (you have 1 life but no loot lost so you risk nothing even if you die and you can leave the match too without losing the rotation loot i think, see many host leave before the rotation ends many times) but i can understand that for others this is ok, because is more easy to farm stuff even if they are not very experienced players.

    I don't care at all about the death, was just pretty strange so i reported it, the focus was on the loot. Anyway i play end game contents all days cause i run kuva survival with friends for at least an hour or more if all have time, i use a nidus specter and never died once if on his virulence and full health even versus lvl 200 enemies because as saryn usually i kill enemies before they can even reach me 😄 With an ancient healer around too (that gives 90% dmg reduction and protection against status chance) a saryn prime with full health (1000 hp and arcane guardian) on enemies only lvl 80/100 can't die in one shot. I checked if were toxic ancient around but nothing so what infested enemy can one shot in that situation? That's why i think was a bug.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Erytroxylin said:

    How? Nothing should be one shotting you at that point unless you're using a tissue paper frame with no vitality or armor.

    I don't really know, i was running an umbral saryn with arcane guardian rank 3 and killing any enemy around. The operator had full health too (around 40.000) and we were both on nidus specter ravenous with an ancient healer specter too.

  17. 7 minutes ago, Graavarg said:

    You can have the rotation loot because this system allows players to fight on until they die without losing everything (you WILL lose everything if you quit/abort).

    Like with all and any failed missions, you will not get the extra loot (or the affinity bonus) if you fail. That is not absurd 😉.

    The drawback of this system is when random pairings happens with high MR expert players and "just unlocked the starmap"-players, as the latter might die after one rotation while the former could go on for an hour (even as the only one left alive). I am NOT 100% sure about this, but afaik you will also lose the rotational loot if you leave (after dying) before the mission as a whole actually concludes (everyone dying or extracting). This leads to the option (after dying) of either leaving and forfeiting also your rotation loot, or staying in the mission as "dead" and watching some random player(s) continuing the fight for X minutes. Now, seeing good players fight with their preferred frames might be instructional and even fun, but if they manage to go on and on and on (which could easily happen in infested survivals, just as an example) just sitting there watching could become a bit boring after, like, 30 minutes or so … 🙂

    This mode was selled as an elite super mode where you will get punished if you are not good. Can't really see a sense if you can keep the highest rewards even if you die and not a bunch of materials. After the loot screen i was expecting to see nothing at all.

    This is my opinion, maybe a bit strange yeah but for me had more sense to keep the materials and not the rotation rewards (cause elite mode for elite players where git good or nothing).

    Free to think otherway.

  18. 35 minutes ago, Yagamilight123 said:

    Yes , it has more sense that you recibe absolute no loot if you fail .... but as always , this game its desing for people without any skill and new players ... if you lose the rotation reward people would cry a lot , pretty much like you now .

    I'm annoyed yes but i'm not crying at all bro. I have farmed all what the mode can give already in less than 10 arbitrations and died only one time so this mode is too much easy for me, this time i was farming endo for the incoming baro visit (that brings primed charged shell).

    If the mode is set like this ok np good to know but for me doesn't have any sense to give you the highest reward and not the normal loot when you fail he mission. If you want to punish the fail do it in every aspect, don't be a coward.


    25 minutes ago, Hitchano said:

    If it was a bug that killed you then report the bug. As to the decision to only give rotational rewards, I understand it. The point of the missions are the rotational rewards and if you just got everything when you died and failed it wouldn't be consistent with the rest of the game. 

    I don't need to report anything, the rotation loot were safe (wow the punishment!)  and i opened this topic just to express my "wtf" feeling. If with extraction i had no loot at all this topic it would not even exist.

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