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Posts posted by agung.up

  1. we just need to get more mod. i know many people hate grinding, but actually, grinding is what i love from this game. i almost left the game because i get almost everything i want before, and the game didn't interested after you already see almost everything in the game. with this radical changes, i feel like a new player once again and grinding the hell out of it!

  2. woa so much discussion here.

    at first I hate the changes. it's too radical and as a person who played from a long time since early-to-mid closed beta, I know I shouldn't complain too much because.... well, we can't get everything we want.

    but after I play it for hours.... god, I love the changes! I almost left the game because there's nothing interested me before, but now I can feel the heat once again. farming mod and gold.... I don't even care if it looks repetitive. I let my lv 30 excalibur to sit quitely, and improving my rhino and ember. started from mercury once again, climbing step-by-step once again just like i never played this game before.

  3. day 3: i change the port in game setting. it worked for the first time i login, but dns lookup failed again at the next time i run the game.

    EDIT: now, i don't do anything, but the problem fixed it self. i really don't know what happen....

  4. I'm trying to login again today and guess what.... DNS lookup failed. Again.

    now I'm confused. I don't do anything between my last post and this post. and still, the other computer didn't get this error (we are in the same router). any thoughts? i really desperate now....

  5. i googled about dns lookup failed, and found some tutorial to fix it. as you can see, now i can access warframe.com, but still get dns lookup failed in-game (and now I cannot see my friend online) EDIT: I found a malware messing in my computer. it's already annihilated.

    EDIT: I'm trying to login from my friend computer that in the same router with my computer, and I can login without problem (no dns lookup failed), but still no in my computer. now i'm trying to do celan install.

    EDIT!: IT'S FIXED!! Well, not with a real clean install (but clean install should work). i copied my friend installation and replace my former installation. so maybe my installation is corrupted before (because of something).

  6. sorry to bump this, but now i got this error too. at first, i also cannot open warframe.com just from my computer (my friend computer from the same router can access warframe.com) and i can't login in game. after i delete and make file "hosts" again, now I can access warframe.com and i can login, but i display error "DNS lookup failed".

    so... any though? I missed a reactor because of this....

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