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Posts posted by agung.up

  1. 7ql7.jpg


    Yeah...won't be attempting another crappy event like this in the future. You can count on me doing the bare minimum in events from now on, or at least until DE gets it's s*** together and learns how to run a proper event.


    You sure know how to enrage your paying customers. Well played DE...well played...

    butthurt, butthurt everywhere.


    on other note, thanks for helping the event. really dude, without people like you we won't get anything at all.

  2. Good bye, ReGeLe. see you in another game. hope that you don't cry.


    People, please follow ReGeLe example. please rage quit as much as you can, so DE know that their PvE game isn't balance enough for PvP duel. DE surely will respond to that.


    *sarcasm: off* seriously, dude. do you read FAQ at all?


    Use catalyst and forma 8 times on skana or skana prime.



    Empty primary weapon magazine without hitting anything.



    Use one Rhino's Iron Skin from the start to finish without depleting. (<- I've done this!)

  4. The main difference between this event and the last is the fact that the drones are alot more rare than the fusion moas were. The fusion moas were practically everywhere during that event, but I only see like 1-3 drones a level for this event.


    That being said im sure we will complete the event

    alot more rare? dude, in fusion moa event i met about 5-7 per mission. in this event i found at least 10 drone per mission. it isn't rare, it just the drone don't come to you and also sometime the drone is in secret path (the path where rusher won't take because it's not marked).

  5. All i have to say is  TOO EASY 334kxth.jpg4rdhza.jpg33jplhs.jpg



    If the game give you the possibility to do it, you always should be able to do it alone with the skill needed

    See him? He is alone. Yeah, with skill and the right equip, you can solo it. That didn't mean that you can ALWAYS solo, especially with wrong frames (like volt in infested... really?) and "rambo" skill.


    Just try playing it with clanmates if you can't play with public. Or at least chat people in the region and make some plans before you go.

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