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Posts posted by agung.up

  1. Exactly.


    Why not do that? Who needs to take the time of trying to snipe in a fast paced game like this.


    It's useless. IMO.

    of course sniping is useless here, if you take time. snipe faster!

  2. @up Maybe all of your warframes are potato'ed because you bought them all with platinum? Prove me if I'm wrong, I think Grand Master gives you 8000 platinum, which is hella LOT OF PLATINUM. Surely enough to buy all of 'em.


    <- check this. I bought master. and i never (NEVER!) bought anything with platinum since I play in cb, except color, sentinel accessories, and slot. And I have 10 warframes potatoed (and several weapon potatoed).


    Your argument is invalid.


    @OP: potatoed the most fun playing. this is a game for fun, not competition.

  3. Auras - blablablabla... Auras will *ADD* Mod capacity... Yes. ADD. Fuse up the Aura, match polarity and you'll get an extra 14 Mod capacity. Can't wait for you people to try it out and see if you dig it!


    .... I expect DE will do something about auras... but I never expected that you will make it ADD capacity.... you sure surprise us sometimes....

  4. for forma mastery rank, i actually divided between agree and disagree. I agree to formaed weapon gives mastery exp, because it's like mastering the art of one thing (imagine a PhD. They are masters... in one area). But I also disagree because the mastery rank in this game is supposed to be the indicator of how far your knowledge and skill in this game, and using the same weapon over and over again even it upgraded (remember, we don't get anything too when we upgrade with potato), using Hybridon words, "only shows off how you arent open minded to new experiences, and arent capable of handling other styles of gameplay."


    but if de change it so formaed weapon give exp, I won't complain.

  5. well, the only thing that makes me a little upset is the fact that I won't be able to train my new frost warframe :/

    But ok, if you guys say that eventually i'll get an answer - I can wait , i'll just read a book :P

    btw- I really don't get those guys who cheat in Warframe, the game is to damn easy to make it easier with cheating , what the hell ? :)

    Some people are just curious. Some of them also bored.

  6. - Simplified the vengeful Vor's scaling - he will no longer be quite as tough as he thought he was (less than level 100).

    - Swapped the old Foundry back in until we fix the recipe issues with the new version.

    - Fix for starchart camera moving around when dragging window chat.

    - Fix for resource material drops throughout solar system.

    - Fix for problem in tutorial where enemies were trying to sabotage the Lotus's guidance.

    - Fix for Dojos who had overcontributed and were in a locked state after scaling prices took effect.

    - Fix and swap for Nightmare Defense mode: mission is now 15 wave countdown aka NIghtmare Survival Defense.

    Thanks for the hard work. Really appreciated. Now go get your beauty sleep :D

  7. seriously, i don't understand why people fight over who get an ingame reward. this is just a game, a game that we choose to play. we don't play this game under gun point (unless somebody broke your home and point a gun on your head and said "get to top 100 or you die!"). we are here to have fun. if you don't have fun, then don't play. if you think this game disturb your social life, then stop playing. nobody force you here. is that really difficult?

  8. I do. I sent support ticket last time when a potato alert mission bugged. I finish the mission but my client freeze, then I relaunch the client but although the alert still running, it already gone in me while I don't get potato bp. I sent support ticket and get respond after 2 days (they add potato bp to my accaount).


    some problem need longer time to fix. just be patient.

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