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Posts posted by agung.up

  1. They judge the mod on current values of available mods: most people rarely run out of ammo and they would have to sacrifice damage mods to fit the new ones.

    still, we don't know what happen in the future. dont forget that in nightmare mode, (if i'm not mistaken) ammo pickup don't drop. and some weapon consume too much ammo although yes, there's ammo box. but i still think the mod is judged too early.

  2. NOVA: If he calls us broads one more time I’m going disassemble his brain molecule by molecule.

    SARYN: You’d have to find it first, dear.

    EMBER: Damn right it is, but I’ll still get you out of it alive, skinny. Firefighters rule.


    EMBER: That’s what’s up.

    This is why i love you series :D



    Stop watching TV. Just stop. There's nothing good on it.

    You are allowed to watch netflix though, as long as its archer, adventure time, and venture brothers.

    Stop going to the movies too. Don't see it if Schwarzenegger isn't in it.

    *snip snip snip*

    damn right. Doozy, you're my current most favorite writer.

  3. so far I thought that they addressed pretty much all the complaints of the last event, and people are finding some new ones to complain about that seem a bit week really. all good so far though the group forming is a bit hit and miss (though if it does turn out that some people will miss the chance to participate that would be a shame)

    yeah. hater gonna hate.


    personally i love this event. de really do something about last event. and for people who said something like "mod conversion ammor won't useful" etc... dude, the mod not even out yet, with what bases do you judge the mod -_-

  4. try her first. i know you don't have her yet. so some point you give here is rather biased because you only see other people using her.


    just fyi, i also dont have nova yet, so i dont want to start whining about her because i still don't objective enough.

  5. Then something must have changed with the optimization of directx 11. Obviously it isn't the steamoverlay since my overlay is still active even without dx11.

    i expect that. yeah, maybe something changes with how de use directx11. for now just turn it off.

  6. It probably does stack, but stacks more like this:


    100%divided by 30% armor=70%

    70%divided by 30%= whatever it is

    and so on and so forth. Never actually diminishes to 0%.


    Just a theory, not entirely sure.

    let me try to expand this:

    100% - 30% of 100% = 70%

    70% - 30% of 70% = 49%

    49% - 30% of 49% = 34.3%

    34.3% - 30% of 34.3% = 24.01%


    so in the end, they only have 24.01% armor of the original. or the armor is reduced by 75.99%



  7. Daym wiki dont tell me nothing. Probably miss read it as not affected by Focus. Btw wiki says nothing about this, but is Rhino stomp affected by Power Duriation mods?

    the stasis is affected by continuity (i think), and the damage is affected by focus.

  8. ok, i dont know if this will fix all of your problem or not: I experience this too, and since U9 too. I play from steam, so there's steam overlay on. the fps drop really annoying, so i try to turn off directx 11 from warframe launcher setting. the consequences is there's no steam overlay, but now the game run with normal fps.


    one of my clanmate do this too, and he get the same result.

  9. Maybe you guys should consider suing a different protocol alternatively to UDP - while I don't have a problem at home, I run into a lot of wireless areas (hotspots) that disable it altogether. Make your own chat device and license it out to others like everyone else in the gaming industry does with their proprietary stuff!

    which gaming industry do that lol. ain't nobody got time for that :D


    This is probably one of the worst suggestions I have ever heard.

    (a little OOT) no dude. this is the worsthttps://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/85349-switch-udp-to-tcp/

  10. /facepalm. Guys plz stop that, dont dive in discussion of things that you never will know and which you shouldn't know. This topic is for DE.

    now i'm pretty sure he's trolling. sorry guys, i'm really embarrassed going too far with this.... i'm out.


    oh, and i "accidentally" report the thread as "he has a great idea for warframe developers. check this, it will make your day happier."

  11. I dont fully understand the differences between both protocols and i really dont care but...

    lucky you. some people like me who has a kind of OCD about these things really can't just stand watching....

  12. This topic is not for you.

    well thanks then. you have proven that you actually don't know about it.


    aaaand for other people who visited this thread, wondering what is udp and tcp, i'll suggest at least visit wikipedia. for the more depth about why online games usually use udp, see some of these (WARNING! WALL OF TEXT!)





  13. well then explain why using tcp is better than udp in warframe. sure you have at least a reason beside "UDP is damn relic of 20 century"?

  14. ... dude, do you even know the differences between UDP and TCP? -__-"


    ... and why UDP is used on almost all online games? -_______-"


    sorry if this is insulting, but please don't talk like you understand everything. because you don't.

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