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Everything posted by (PSN)thefallenloser

  1. I like the idea of this. Though, I'd definitely want Trinity's team sustain capabilities to be much more costly personally (though I think most especially powerful effects should be a lot harder to maintain across all frames). I like synergy ideas here, but I'm still not sure if I'm on board w/ the idea that Trinity needs to be in a specific area to maximize her effectiveness. I like her a lot more as a mobile medic type. I think introducing a cooldown-based Blessing for Trinity would be really interesting here, just to make it feel a lot more powerful and solidify it as the emergency button-- so Trinity won't just be a Blessing spammer that has one ability that massively outshines the others. In turn, Blessing could be a bit stronger. I'd say something like removing the additional shields and having a decaying increased health and armor, w/ additional attack speed and an increase to the highest ability stat of each ally in range, ensuring that more niche builds that may use intentionally lower stats (like Silence Banshee or something lol) aren't screwed over. Maybe downed allies are also automatically revived to full but don't get any additional benefits?
  2. Kinda on the fence about this. For a game like FFXIV, it makes a lot more sense, as the story is directly tied to the level/gear/experience of the player. Players who don't know how to play the game are not gonna have a particularly easy time w/ it there, and you straight up cannot play any new content unless you are at the appropriate strength/level. Warframe has no such issue (which I don't like-- a quest like New War shouldn't have level 10 enemies, as veterans won't feel any sense of threat), so really they're just being given a bunch of planet and quest-related unlocks (mostly frames and weapons) it seems. It skips a lot, but doesn't seem nearly as valuable to me. That being said, I'm still for it. Options don't hurt, but I think it's necessary to consider exactly what content this means new players will be given immediate access to. Also, the difference in experiences of each quest for players of different hour counts should be looked at again as well.
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