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Posts posted by Maryph

  1. To solve this bug, you need to return to Fortuna between bounties.
    For some reason, the timer doesn't reset between bounties, so if it left at 30 the last time you did it, you'll have 30 seconds to do it next time, until the bounty instantly fail the next time you'll do it.

  2. Better than rev but still not useful in any kind of group because playing in a group with her is useless, you don't have the time to cast anything.

    At first I thought that marked ennemies with her 4 helped charging her 1 faster while draining the marked ennemie's life, but I was wrong, I think it would have been a nice synergie there..

  3. It might require some more testing, but I've just done a bounty with nekros, and it seems like his shadows put down two invincible reinforcement beacon that succesfully called for a jackal and 3 spiders thingy, it was pretty fun actually, but not really practical, especially during a defense objective...

    Just saw the Fortuna section of the forum, if this could be move to there, it would be much better I think

  4. Le 04/11/2018 à 13:41, FrostedMike a dit :

    I wrote in red what I think.

    You can also use secondaries when you carry a granade luancher for a primery and need soemthing for closer range,.or a hit scan weapon to better take out those grineer pilots in the plains. These are just some examples.

    About that holster rate, it's there to give a challenge in a power fantasy game. It's for balanace, you are already strong.

    You are the first I see who have a problem with the holstering. This feature worked so far, why it matter now?

    You can also use secondaries while wielding a glaive.
    Like someone said, people are creating drama out of thin air.
    Swapping time have been a thing since the first FPS came out.

    And even if you remove it, it'll not make your secondary stronger, learn to use it before.

  5. Il y a 6 heures, Lucian_Adrion a dit :

    I dunno what is up with the warframe community but I hinestly think some of you need to cleae your head or clean your glasses if you think Revenet and , by extension in this argument, Khora are bad. Lets start with Rev. My man has a way to drop enemy agro, a way to become invincible, and ability that does Percentage damage by passing armour, and a massive dps ability. He is immune most of times anyway. Build him properly and you have a monstrous survival frame or even dps frame. Heck he can be built tank as well. Just because playing him takes thoughtn unlike Rhino press one button be immortal or mesa press one button and turn in circles, doesn't mean he needs a gosh darn rework. It is not logical. Do you people even try these frames out? Keep in mind some of these frames may not suit your playstyle.


    Khora is another one. She is every much a defense offense hybrid able to lock don and area to stand an fight but also able to be higly mobile. She plays much like if Frost and Nidus had a baby and it is very fun especially when usung certain weapons with her two and her new augment. She had cc, she has damage, she as heals, she has mobility, and she has agro drawing ability. How is this bad? Do you read their kits? Do you play the warframe or are you one of those followers who dont try anything for yourself? Maybe it because I take the time to play all my warframes. Maybe it is becuase i test a lot of things in and out of the simalcrum. Maybe because I love to vary my playstyle so much. Honestly, that isnt the point. It is just so frustrating to see some many people moaning and groaning to things that just so provincial. This frame is bad. Well have you put thought into their synergies? Uhhh no that is work. Then how can you say the frame is bad? This brings me to the Gara fiasco too.

    Gara had 90% dr for all friendly targets that is alos and infinte damage scaling aura that ha sa push back and a stagger. She has a massive wall that grants he immunity on cast. She has a good agro drawing tool, she as damage, and an on demand knockdown. HOW IS SHE BAD? Just becuase she cant stop all the enemies forever means she is bad? Becaude you have to think about how to use her she is bad? I dont understand. The complexity of the new warframes is what makes them interesting. It is the community that burns them down to boring simplicities. Why? Becuase you rather do the mindless easy thing than to actually makes use of all the frame as to offer. Hurr durr 2 3 4 on mesa. 2 4 on Rev. 4 on gara. 1 4 on saryn. 4 on nova 2 if you are feeling less lazy. 3 on nyx or 4 . 3 on nekros hurrr durr. These qarframes are bad hurr durr I can't use them every where hurr durr. De can go take a fat on up the... you get my point. This lastly brings me to ember. 

    Ember. A frame with cc, cc , damage, damahe buffing, lock down and denial, and even more damage. Did you know her fireball leave a resiable fire effect that can cc enemies? Did you know you can shoot through the flames left by her blast fro extra damage and did you know that synergizes with accelerant? Of course didn't becuase. Wahhahhaa my mindless press 4 and run got nerf Wahhh De is a bad at doing things wahhh Pablo rework this one and this ine and this kne waahh. I hate it!. Just learn the frames strenght and weakness and apply them were you can. Emeber is wonderful on excavation and defense missions and even mobile defense. But noooooo that would take thought and acrually building to pull off. All the community even wants to do is press ome button and buimd rnage and strenght call in the day.

    Well there is my rant read it if you want i dont really care. She you thoughts below I guess but I know there is going ti be thise people qe say im wrong or im idiot for thinking this way. Really i dont care. Every frame has a way to be played and a place in the endgame. You just have to use that thing your skull protects to understand where they go and use them effectively.

    Khora has been touched since her release, and she's quite fun to use, because her abilities are working well together.

    Revenant is counter-synergetic and not really fun.
    His one is countered by his four, because his four is killing the pillars of his one.
    His two is an invincibility, and it's good at doing it, nothing more or less.
    His 3 is a poorly designed dash.
    And his four is also a badly designed ult with lasers pointing at the ground, because why not ?

    Now in a group, if you cast his one while the target is being killed, nothin happen and you loose you energy.
    Someone is using a whip, no more thralls, and now you cast your four without noticing the loss of your thralls because the number is diplayed at the top right corner of your screen and hop, no more pillars.
    So you're left with a discounted rhino with a "dash" (lol)

    They tried to make him original, but it's not, he got discounted abilities from some other frames, but other frames are funnier to use.

    Now, if you're having a blast while playing it, good for you, but it's still a badly designed frame.
    Much like they tried to do with Garuda, but considering the Teasing notes, they changed her ult and her passive wich is really nice !

  6. Yeah, except it wasn't broken, i'll try to record next time.
    The kuva lancers were able to bypass it with their kohm without any problems.

    And i also know all the stuff to harden it by "capturing" ennemies inside the AOE while the wall is expanding

  7. The 4 is broken atm, I tested it during a kuva run and ennemies were able to fire through her wall without any problems, the wall stopped only the fire and cqc ennemies, other could fire through

  8. Le 20/10/2018 à 01:38, Jukantos a dit :

    Honestly, the main problem i have with Melee 3.0 is still that IF we lose the melee combo multiplier damage, i'm going to lose effectively 75%+ of my melee damage. And no amount of fancy animations is going to make me feel good if i stand propped up against a lvl 120 enemy for 10+ seconds not killing them with half a dozen melee attacks until i get smacked down in one shot. I hope it doesn't come to that, but that's the CORE takeaway i got from all the melee 3.0 things i've seen so far. My combo multiplier traded for upgraded high jump ground slams which are not very usefull in tight corridor tilesets 😕

    I hope im wrong! It's just the impression i've had so far

    And that's surely why It's been almost 8-9 months I think since they announced the release of melee 3.0.
    I don't think It'll be that much changes in the damage, but you'll surely not be able to spin2win anymore, and that's not really a bad change actually.
    I think It'll give a lot more challenge to players that kept their whip and just rushed while cutting everything with no efforts.

  9. il y a 7 minutes, (PS4)Elixz8247 a dit :

    From what i saw, i like her 1,2, and 3 abilities.  I can see myself trolled by Healers though so thats a neg.

    Her 4 is meh seems to similiar to revenant. I think it would be cool if she had a meter.This meter would incrase her dmg output. Her 1, 2, 3 could increase the meter by collecting blood from her enemies.

    Her 4 could be changed to something like a sword storm. Like swords raining from the sky with clouds of blood similiar to hydrolyst abilty. This ability could proc slash, and maybe corrosive. To use this ablity it drains the Sanguine Meter like Nidus ult. Enemies killed from the Blood Rain could increase max health for a ceratin duration and increase health regen while in the range of the rain.


    Don't worry, you'll be able to troll yourself

    They are releasing another solo frame, just like rev.
    But most of the content is funnier with 4 people, I don't really know why they're doing this ?

  10. Il y a 4 heures, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 a dit :

    I like her as is.

    you use her 1 to redirect damage into a scaling version of antimatter drop that Heals you, you use your two to recover from using your 3 as well as helping teammate hold down a choke point. And her 4 will be if you just need everything to die right now.

    And while you use your two to recover from your three, the passive is lost, bad synergy there.

    So you'll mutilate yourself in order to deal more damage and heal straight after in order to lose the damage ?

  11. il y a 48 minutes, mufasas1lion a dit :

    4-completely change it: garuda instead attacks in a frenzy!(yes exalted) drains (~7-15)hp+20energy per sec
    garuda automatically attacks relentlessly with 150% attack speed steroid, but can barely walk.

    Valkyr already does that, except for the slow part.
    Keep in mind that the theme is "gore with style" and actually, it's succesful at giving this feeling, but the synergies are not there unfotunately

  12. I honestly have mitigated feelings about her.

    The passive is nice, but one of her abilities is just killing everything.
    The ability to impale someone while regaining life is nice, but the dmg bonus on her passive is lost, and while rebecca where using the "mutilate" ability while inside the Heal AOE, it felt like useless, her two should be rethink.
    Also her four is just a revenant 2.0

    If released like that, she'll be disapointing just like rev was because of one ability.
    Forget the heal thing in a frame that need to be low in order to do dmg, just give her an invulnerability or something like that

    I'm much more hyped about nyx rework actually

  13. I don't think they'll entirely rework/change one or some of his abilities, but anyway, that's a pretty nice idea.
    What would have been cool with him, is the ability to spawn at least two vovmalyst, much like Atlas's rumblers.


  14. Il y a 2 heures, Toppien a dit :

    i would love that, but i think that could be comming in the next big quest, since its called the "new war" i bet theres going to be a lot of sentients everywhere when that happens

    I hope too.
    But I thought that those missions were a nice way to implement them more frequently.
    With a little RP explanation about arbiters wanting us to test ourselves with those anomalies were sentients are taking countrol of the faction during the alert. 
    That kind of stuff

  15. I was doing an arbitration, everything went fine until the host migration.
    We reconnected without any problems at first, and then we realized that the life support went from 70 percent to 0 in 2 seconds, without any ways to refill it (No drops from ennemies/no life support stations)
    And then we failed


  16. Il y a 7 heures, MarrikBroom a dit :


    • Am annoyed dense macabre doesn't bust nullifier bubbles, but I figured that was a bug anyway since 'why would a warframe power hurt nullifier bubble that is anti-warframe power?


    Then again, many warframes power are hurting nullies shields, like volt's 4
    But it's not like reverting this change would make him useful at this point ...

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  17. Il y a 7 heures, Madway7 a dit :


    @Aeon94 @Maryph Revenant is not completely immune to status effects while Mesmer Skin is active, but yeah Mesmer Skin does make that change largely redundant. (Not completely, but for thr most oart yes)

    I'm not sure what the full context required is, but stuff like toxin clouds still go through it (forgot to test mustalist moa tar), but its quite interesting since he can ignore laser barrier knockdowns.

    (Also the UI for status effects might not work well for him, last time I played him I got toxin procced while in mesmer skin, but the toxin icon wasnt there eventho he was taking health dmg from it.)


    Yep, toxin clouds goes through it, but it's not considered as a status effect, it's just a floating DoT.  Maybe a test against a nox would answer that question ? I'll test
    Puncture, slash and other status effect are nullified by mesmer skin...

    But seriously, I've said it many times in the past as an idea (and some others pointed it too), but what they need to his one is to

    Remove the timer and make it spread on death much like saryn's spores, if no ennemies are around the enthralled target when he dies, then you need to recast it in order to spread it again


    Leave the timer, and make the thralls DIE AT THE END OF IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
    And let missiles form the pillars enthrall targets.

    His passive need to be changed, really, it's useless, I've never been out of shileds with rev.

    What it needs is maybe a passive attached to his health like an adaptation 
    For each percentage of health loss, he gains a percentage of adaptation, making him more resistant against health damage.


    A passive tied to his thralls (but they first need to REALLY REWORK THEM)
    For each thralls active you gain and amount of health, something like that.

    Seriously, the community have already help into finding some great ideas for his kit, the only thing they need to do is to read us !
    It's not even like we were complaining without finding a proper solution...

    Right now, as someone said, it seems like someone is really angry about rev, and just want his death, his nerf are pointles, really, why do you nerf a frame that is already on the verge of death anyway ???

    Edit: Actually, I think status effect are bug with mesmer skin, sometimes they bypass it, and sometimes they don't, I Tried against infected toxin clouds, and it's totally random some are bypassing mesmer skin, and some don't 

  18. il y a une heure, Borg1611 a dit :

    So minor tweaks that don't address anyone's major complaints + a nerf + removing the sticky from the thread means DE thinks he's done I guess...

    The nullifier thing doesn't really make sense to me. I assumed it was intended since the theme of the power is to adapt to what it's attacking. It's also not unprecedented for a power to hurt a nullifier bubble (IE: Octavia's mallet). 

    What we really needed was faster baseline casts and at least a better way to spread thralls. Addressing the very flawed counter synergy between his 1 and 4 would have been nice too. 

    Yep, exactly, but we all know that we need to wait another 2-3 years just to hear them say "ohhhh, revenant is not as good as expected, we'll rework him, but first, hype !"


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