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  1. Fr tho I got banshee and her with resonance and trash tier weapons were doing NOTHING to those double overguarded necramech eximus (last week?) in the mirror defense.... No. Thing. Not to mention the other enemies. It did seem to greatly benefit those that sacrificed vosfor, though. Everyone likes to talk s#!7 on the forums but we can't even show proofs because some of this stuff can't even be loaded into simulacrum to get the proof. I cannot spawn a double overguarded necramech eximus to show just how nothing that strat is at that level - and they know this because it promotes discussion with things we cannot prove like how bad this actually is. Some losers will call this cheat, others will say it is not even effective and no one can be correct unless it comes up again and by that time bars are often moved, goal posts are often moved, values are changed so it's not the same experience... in this game that often makes it easier (as evidenced many times) but we were already able to break the system by simply having 3 friends if nothing else........ you can literally do 0% dmg and win, you can have 0% towards objective and win, IF you have 3 players that are putting a carpet down to extract. To me that was the real old way anyways... when I joined it was the same, there were goals and people had it figured out what frames to use - this mode got rid of that by stomping out frame competition unless you sacrifice vosfor, but then you don't even have to if you just get people that can spend the event time with no mods on if you really wanted. And to those saying 'you're completely useless' - well, no, I'm as useful as the game dictates I must be if I want the full "challenge". Is that still a challenge? It's like the Kobayashi Maru with a small twist - the answer was already generally calculated once you chose gear if you're using it effectively enough you're just watching the math play out from an RNG machine with other squadmates RNG machines, and your success or failure was the total sum. Those sacrificing are losing. They will say they win, but the reality is they are always losing, because they're not doing the challenge. Saying youre sacrificing to get it done does 2 things: 1) Carries those actually attempting the challenge they designed, whether you like it or not and 2) will make you cope with your inadequate "win" you got by sacrificing the challenge itself. I'm personally indifferent. I'm ok to do 0% and win. I'm also ok to put in maximal effort and lose because I understand the rough spots of my builds enough to know I can put more in any specific part of it or sacrifice the vosfor if I really wanted to - I'm not against carrying people, but there's no point to me to not attempt with all the mods because my stuff is generally geared to the max and still sometimes in this mode my builds are struggling simply due to random squad performance. On the other hand, I've also succeeded from their frustrations which resulted in them sacrificing the vosfor so I can gain it. Will I ever get a mode that is borderline impossible to play with all mods? Probably, may have already occurred, even. Will I give up? Nope. I will spam that button until I win, and I will win, because people give up easier than I do.
  2. You are misreading, I'm getting carried because the other squadmates are admitting to me that they're sacrificing the vosfor. Thus far, all successful runs have had a teammate admit theyre sacrificing the vosfor. I like that this upsets everyone tbh because it means you understand how dumb the system is.
  3. All of my successful runs so far, people have admitted to me that they're sacrificing the vosfor.* So, I'm basically getting carried. -Shrug- ? I kinda came to terms with it. If this is the game, then so be it... some runs will be mass amounts of effort to die, but eventually there will be a success whether I sac the vosfor or have other people do it to carry me, but I wouldn't spend more than a day trying before those options, and in those runs my chance of failure is likely something like 50%, which is just dumb luck if other people bring things that happen to break the entire mode(s) or not. If host drops? 100% failure or just 100% tedium rather, which is almost the same thing... (though more like failure**) It's funny to me that groups I thought would be weak have been strong, and strong weak as well, but likely mostly because people are sacrificing the vosfor (or not on failed runs)... like this weeks I asked a khora how their cages lasted so long with the -75% dur penalty and I didn't even consider that they simply didn't take that as one of their penalties (which they admitted to me that was exactly what they did and they were ok with the vosfor loss). That khora carried us for the mirror def 100% * I had decent gear the first week though, but people still admitted to me they decided to drop challenges and/or take their fav weapons. I honestly don't know how to feel about it, there's enough challenge but then some weeks are going to be hard just because some of the penalties are going to be frustrating to work around. This weeks was the mirror defense with **-75% duration AND limnus. How many frames are actually able to perform that with those penalties selected? If I kept getting groups that were going for the full mod penalties, there's a high chance this would've kept failing. I'm personally ok with that, but its a bit silly, I guess?
  4. I got a kavat and I was looking to see if I had another kavat with similar features that I could transfer the colors across to from it, when I noticed that it has a weird energy color. I went to manually change the energy color to see if I could find a palette color that matches and actually there is no match for it from the palettes... there's one that's close but still not 100% accurate. Now, I can't reset the energy color on one of the configs (C) so that it displays the original energy color. I even tried transferring the color across from another config thinking that would be possible but it just leaves the energy blank (which just uses some blank glitch color). Possible solutions: 1) We get a palette for these missing colors... I think I've seen others on frames and stuff too that aren't in any known palette. 2) Setting the energy to clear uses the color that it was spawned with 3) Copying from a config that still has the original color will transfer the original color The weird energy color The closest match I could find visually, which is still a tiny bit too bright saturate yellow on the actual model A side by side of those 2 Polychrome results, it's hard to see but there's a left and right side to these, the left being the color I searched for and was the original kavat color. Not only do none match 100%, but if you zoom in you can visually see that none match, so there's no possibility for me to replace the energy color with the original generation.
  5. I just happened to be explaining that we can teleport with the intrinsic with a friend. I noticed one of my crewmates went down while we were doing a Priority Target so my plan was: 1. Omni to the ship, 2. deal with the raiders, and then 3. teleport back to my friend. Basically step 3 didn't work. I was also trying to teleport to the other crewmates and to my friend in other parts of the mission and it was just not working. It could be a phase thing where it's not working, but the priority target phase seems like a good time for this and it just didn't work..? I was host, friend was client, was a 2 player squad.
  6. Again, didn't rush, literally sandbagged even with the squad. We were patiently waiting for them to be hit by void.
  7. Just had this happen twice... not even going extra fast or anything. Once with a group, the enemies just stop spawning, then once solo. 9/10 cannot get last one by any means.
  8. Good to know how to turn it off, I thought it wasn't possible. The back of the orbiter is really overblown with the volume fog for me... I set up some really colorful displays and it greys it all out so badly that you can't distinguish color: VL/VF on/off on walking in... the gold disc behind my chair is grey when the fog is on, lots of detail gets washed. You can't even tell what color the signs are when fog is on, also the shadows here are just insanely dark compared to prepatch in general which I don't have a screenshot of. This one is a bit harder to showcase but that new volume happens to go straight through this little thing I set up and washes the entire thing out. The shadows here are also wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy darker than prepatch to the point I can't see my frame... not even sure what's causing that. Like the back panel is almost black because its applying a shadow from what Id imagine is the chair backlight where prepatch it was closer to basically having an ambient 0.5 light on everything which made all the objects stand out on their own. I know this is just a new lighting thing and maybe we'll get some ways to put our own lights to fix it eventually (maybe..) but I'm just sharing my PoV Other random issues: Also the Vitus Illumina isn't spewing particles again even though I have particles enabled. I know it breaks sometimes but lately seems to break all the time. (Its in the last 2 pics there, particle-less) And I had a note beacon randomly stop working in dormizone.
  9. Not sure why this was changed.. now when modding or viewing between 2 configs I have to hover over Magazine. For some weapons reload speed is a pretty common thing to mod around...
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