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Posts posted by xXRampantXx

  1. can you also fix us being able to kill our selves with the power throw explosion.

    That's not a bug, therefore, it won't be "fixed."  As an explosion, it is supposed to damage you if it's too close.  On top of that, many players use it to their advantage


    I may be wrong about it not being changed, but I doubt it.

  2. With the Kronen in particular, aiming down doesn't always result in a slam attack. It works with most weapons though.

    On the opposite side of the spectrum, Glaive doesn't have the aerial attack at all, only the slam.

    The Glaive actually does have an air attack, but it only works if it is equipped.

  3. Note: You shouldn't have BOTH DX10 and DX11 enabled at the same time (you should really only have one or the other or neither enabled).


    And yes, some users are reporting that the game is working when the game is started in DX9 mode.

    The were both enabled by default.  I'll keep that in mind.

  4. I just realized something because of this thread- I'm turning 15 on October 26th. I'm praying Update 15 drops on my birthday, as then I would get Update 15 when I turn 15! Please DE!

    Sorry buddy, but if U15 isn't tomorrow, it'll probably be next Wednesday, and neither of those are the 26th.

  5. Next week most likely.I'm like 99.9% sure it's next week.

    I very much doubt the update will be next week, it's probably tomorrow or Friday.  Most likely they will put a video for the new frame tomorrow, then release the actual update Friday.


    Put your kubrow in stasis, while in stasis your kubrow will not lose health.

    He will just need 3 hours to recover after you get him out of stasis.

    The OP clearly stated He/She was unable to do that, try reading the actual post, not just the title.


    I made a post similar to this not long after Kubrows were added, and all I got out of it was a slew of people (who clearly failed to read the actual post) saying "put the Kubrow in stasis and it's DNA won't degrade."  That being said, I agree with this 100%.

  7. So, I have suffered game crashes in the Orokin Derelict missions ever since U14, the good news is that those seem to be fixed for me.  Now, instead, I get a much more frustrating glitch.  At random times, the game will majorly lose FPS (goes down to about 1) and then freeze completely.  The thing is, I can still control my Warframe.  If I press E I can hear my melee weapon being swung, if I click, I can still hear my gun firing, I can still hear my powers being used and if this happens near enemies, I can still hear them dieing as I blindly swing my melee around.  This happened twice, both times I was playing solo, and both times it happened when a door had just opened.

  8. Look how many Tennos are on the screen and then take a look at how many tennos are in the squadchat ;)

    I think what he is saying is that what he sees nothing wrong, it is more right than possible...


    On a more serious note, this bug has been around for a while.   I remember seeing a video about a 20-member squad.

  9. Rhino can be good at low levels, but his damage becomes pretty pathetic as you play further into the game.  Oberon is a personal favorite of my friend and I, Ash can do some incredible damage, and while people will disagree with me, Frost can be surprisingly good at damage dealing, and finally Nova is basically a living explosive, so she can be useful if you know how to use her.  I've heard that Mirage ans Saryn can do some impressive damage as well, but I have neither of them so I can't really say any more about them.

  10. I run high-shield-low-health builds on almost all my frames (Vakyr, is the only exception) and I have never found the bleed or poison procs to be that big a deal.  My 270 health Mag has never died to procs.




    You will die to corpus as their shield damage bonus strips away your shield hp.


    Corpus don't have shield damage bonuses, they deal high damage to armor.  Grineer do mostly impact damage, which is pretty good against shields, but I've still never known it to be that big a deal.

  11. Pretty sure that it will give you a 75% damage reduction on incoming damage while dealing 100% of the incoming damage to surrounding enemies. It will also prevent and redirect status Procs to the surrounding enemies. I don't run Trinity (at all) so it is entirely possible that I am wrong in this. 

    You are correct, this is exactly how it works.

  12. Valkyr prime, albeit different in nature (prior to mutilations), is a possibility.

    Nothing prevents Zephyr Prime from happening. (in-game acqusition =/= lore)

    Also, the entire lore of Nova's origin begins and ends with a line "Her very existence is a result of Tenno High Council research.  " Assuming that she for some reason was made post-Orokin and that she isn't eligible for priming is a little far-fetched.

    Besides, DE can just scratch her "lore" and rewrite it just for the sake of making her more ornate and shiny.

    It is a possibility, yes, but do you really expect DE to make an entirely new prime frame without a non-prime counterpart?  Also, It would not surprise me at all if DE just decides to say "Scratch lore, we're going to do it" for Nova or Zephyr prime, and maybe even for Valkyr.  I was just pointing out that unless they do, it probably won't happen.


    This is false, all Warframes are capable of being primed.

    Thank you for telling me this.



    Rebecca already said that was false they said frames released before Vauban will be primed first NOT that frames after Vauban won't be primed.


    Can this myth just die now please?

    And thank you forgoing into detail about it.


    That still proves the OP wrong though, Nova cannot be the next prime if those before Vauban are to be primed first.  Also, lore-wise, Nova (along with Valkyr and Zephyr) still can't be primed as they were made or altered since the Orokin era.  I am also very glad to know an Oberon Prime will be made, I was always somewhat disappointed that he wouldn't.

  14. so you want balanced pvp?


    here you go:


    - disable all abilities in pvp missions

    - set the same stats for all frames while in a pvp zone (health, armor, shields, movement speed...)

    - optional: diable all mods for even more balance. enjoy your third person counter strike.


    orrrrr we could just scrap pvp and get some fun and interesting raids with huge bosses and actual rewards in the game which are challenging and offer decent rewards at the same time so this game gets some sort of endgame...

    I don't think pvp should be scrapped altogether, however, I don't think it should be in the Dark Sectors.  Keep the conclaves, Keep the dueling rooms, DS conflicts though, they don't belong, at least, not as they are now.

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