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Posts posted by xXRampantXx

  1. The overlay when using powers is nothing more than Circuitry being highlighted. If you look up any image of circuitry, the resemblance is very clear. Not to mention that the markings are all connected, with no clear beginnings or ends, indicating a complete system, not an arrangement of separate parts. Lastly, the markings bear no resemblance to any language the Tenno have utilized, making such a drastically different writing style very unlikely.

    This was my first thought as well, when I saw this topic I immediately looked up a picture of a circuit-board for comparison.  I agree with this

  2. 90% players on this forums doesn't give a S#&$ about DS conflict.



    Implying "we all" ever touched DS conflicts.



    Is Warframe a popular game for pvp? No, it's a co-op pve game. Don't ruin a pve game for its minor pvp counterpart, thank you.

    ...And more agree, If I do pvp, it's only with good friends, so that we always set specific boundaries to how we play (Such as banning specific powers), I almost never play Dark Sector pvp.  The fact that it even is pvp has ruined Dark Sector conflicts for me.  That being said, I agree that in pvp only players should not be invincible when using Bladestrom.

  3. *Face Palm*


    You would think that the ability to take away everyone's firearm would be appealing to everyone.


    Oh well, guess it's not my place to say.


    Still kind of bummed out about the stealth mechanics being changed. Effected more than just Invisibility, that's for sure.

    I once saw a post in which someone said that Radial disarm was the most useless ultimate in the game.  Some people just don't understand how amazing it is.

  4. As far as I know if you hold channel and block you have a chance to cause them to stagger and use a finisher.

    He knows that, what he is pointing out is that some staggered enemies rotate to face you (Despite being staggered) so you can only do a front finisher whereas others stand still allowing you to go around behind them and do a back finisher.


    I think this is probably a glitch.  When melee 2.0 was first released, none of the enemies rotated like that, the they updated and most did, I think they just accidentally left some out of the update.

  5. I don't understand.


    I have a Loki Prime built for perma invis and Radial Disarm spam on a constant notice.


    Do people not build for both..?

    No, they don't.  Most build exclusively for invisibility.  


    Actually most of the time they do contribute quite a lot to the team, you just don't see it. 

    I agree with this, many invisibility build Loki's can be very helpful, although they used to be more so.

  6. Sigh. No one likes Saryn.

    Or Banshee


    The Ash base model looks like crap. 


    Bling on ugly is still ugly. You can put chocolate sauce on a turd but it's still going to taste like S#&$.

    YOU LIE!  I personally like how Ash looks, especially with the Immortal skin.

  7. First, going easy on Iron skin is just stupid.  Why not just say "don't use redirection?"  


    How exactly does "using less iron skin" equate to "need less reviving?"


    Seconds, who care if "people hate you for stealing their kills?"  That's ridiculous.  There are a ton of behaviors much much more aggravating than "stealing kills" via stomp


    1)  "People actually stealing your kills"  Someone has an affinity goal so they run away from the group and are closing in with their melee weapons or secondary and here comes the same guy coptering in blasting away with the soma.

    2)  The guy who steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, steps, slides, ets.

    3)  The guy who runs and slides in front of you 6 feet in front of the double lock

    4)  The guy who runs and slides in front of you to grab the vault mod after someone else opens the door because he has to be the one who carries it

    5)  The guy who closes the elevator door while people are running up to the elevator and are "right there."

    6)  The guy who has to copter everywhere so he can get there first.

    7)  And so on.


    While I'll admit that someone spam stomping the rhino could be annoying, I'm a 16 and I've never seen it once.  Well, other than when everyone is at the extract waiting on someone and everyone spams their 4.

    You clearly misunderstood almost everything I said.  I go easy on Iron Skin.  I do it.  That's not stupid, that is just preventing me from being board.  And when using Rhino, not using it will not equate to needing less revives, but if someone, who has gotten used to using Rhino with non-stop use of Iron Skin switches to another frame, they may have some trouble adapting, and therefore need to be revived more.  That is what I said.  Not that using Iron skin automatically equaled needing to be revived as you seem to have somehow read.  Also, I never said that someone stompspamming is the most annoying thing, i simply said it was annoying and I didn't want to be that person everyone hated for doing it.  On top of that, the first thing on your list of supposedly "more annoying things" is really no different.  What you have is just another example of someone with a superior ability to deal damage to a large number on enemies, just like stompspamming is.  As for your last point, if you have never seen anyone stompspamming during a mission, lucky you, I can hardly join a public mission without seeing it.  Finally, I personally agree with you whenit comes to "stealing someone's kills", it is ridiculous, I hate it when people say it because in all honesty, I feel that the kill belongs to whoever got it first.  If I am aiming my bow at an enemy and someone else kills him, then too bad for me, it was a fair kill.  But I know some people think that way, and I'd rather not be the guy that 80% of the people I play with hate.

  8. I don't mind if Radial Blind gets a nerf as long as the other abilities get a buff.

    I personally think his other powers need a buff whether blind in nerfed or not.



    Radial blind is not getting a nerf so it makes sense or for it to be more "realistic"


    He is getting an alteration to one of his powers that makes it less effective that it was before.  That's definitely a nerf in my book.

  9. Pretty sure Scythes are categorized under "Heavy Weapons." They're pretty dang slow for their weapon class, and they're supposed to do a lot of damage.


    In any case, they do need a buff. Nothing about them particularly stands out. They have short range, slow attack speed, and decidedly-average damage. Stalking Fan is a decent stance since the combos feel crisp and because it gives you a gap closer, but Reaping Spiral's combos are horrid. I've only seen the spinning scythe kill, like, five enemies in all of my time using it, and that's even if the scythe physically passes through the mob. Maybe only the head of the scythe has a hitbox. If so, the entire scythe should have a big hit detection volume around it while it's traveling.


    Also the second combo on Reaping Spiral shrinks your scythe when you do the fancy flip kick thing with it. It just looks wrong.

    I never said they didn't need a buff, I just said I didn't think they needed a speed buff.    Also, I admittedly haven't used Hate in a while, apparently it is no longer as fast as I remember, When I first got it, it's speed was in fact 1.5, and has gradually been nerfed since then, so I may be tempted to take that back.  Also while they may be categorized under "Heavy melee", I don't think they are in the group of weapons expecting a buff.

    Perhaps it's the Reaping Spiral stance but I recently got Hate and it's 0.9 attack speed feels a hell of a lot faster than the Scindo's. I'd have to do some side by side comparisons but scythes in general feel much more responsive than hammers and axes/greatswords atm. 


    That isn't uncommon, the momentum of hammers, heavy axes and heavy swords make them seem much slower than they actually are.


    EDIT: I take back what I said about Scythe buffs not being planned, I though I had seen something that specifically said Heavy axes and heavy swords were being buffed, however it would appear I am incorrect.

  10. RNG is not the problem. The problem is DE setting ridiculously low chances of obtaining the new equipment. Blame DE for setting silly drop rates, not RNG for working how it's actually intended to work.

    Yeah, and what are those low chances caused by?  Drop table dilution, that's what it's caused by.  Yes there are some exceptions *cough*Stalker*cough*, but not many.  If they would take the freaking void keys off the void drop table, that would go a long way towards making things better.

  11. You must be used to some pretty dang fast weapons if you call these slow, of course that could just be my weird "compare every melee attack speed to the Skana" habit.  Still, I don't think these weapons need a speed buff, Have you actually used any of them?  I don't know about you, but 1.4 (and even 0.9) is a lot faster in use than I would think at first glance.

    All heavy weapons will be buffed...



    Around the Corner.

    Down the Block.



    I don't think Scythes fall under the "heavy melee" category, or at least not the part of it that's getting buffed.  I think it's only Greatswords/Heavy swords, Axes, and possibly hammers getting buffed.

  12. I have reported this multiple times, wrote some messages into support and it still happens. Game instantly crashes when bosses appear, nothing helps and I still cannot complete a single mission.




    Yes, my game is crashing too, on Earth and Phobos only a few times (5-6), but on Ceres node...

    Well, i was able to complete only one mission on Ceres, all other  - always crash, on bosses, when they appear, or during a fight with them. So i still cannot get even 15 points.

    Seriously, this operation should be renamed in Game Still Crashed Operation.

    Okay guys, I found a short term fix, go to the launcher options  (Launcher options, not in- game, you have to click the gear in the launcher near it's exit button BEFORE you click play) and turn off DirectX 11.  This will (Or at least it has for me) stop the crashing, however, the devs still need to look into it.

  13. At this point, I am just fed up with this.  After playing the mission almost non-stop since it was released, I have been unable to get more than 6 points.  Why?  Because the game crashes almost every time I try to run the missions.  Not only that, but the crashing has become worse with every supposed "fix" they put out for it.  

  14. Nope, I was stupid and ignored all the stuff it said.  If it happens again, I'll pay more attention, thanks for the suggestion.  That being said, ever since U14, my graphics drivers keep crashing when playing Warframe (usually in derelicts), could these problems be connected?

  15. So, I was playing the Operation Gate Crash mission on earth, and my computer blue-screened.  This might not seem like a big deal, but not only is this the first time Warframe has caused this to happen, it is the first time it has ever happened on this computer.

  16. I can get 8 stomps in a row.

    As can I, without forma, but I don't.  

    I only use Rhino if I am feeling lazy, and even then, only if I am playing with good friends (who I know won't mind), or when I'm soloing.  I have been the "other guy" when someone was using a stomp-spam Rhino, and trust me when I say it's annoying for everyone else.  On low levels, everyone is mad because the guy they were just about to kill just died before they had a chance.  On high levels, everyone is mad because, being so easy to use, Rhino encourages carelessness, and is usually the first to go down, over and over again.  Both these problems are easily fixed by just going minimal on Stomp and Iron Skin.  Go minimal on stomp, and people will hate you less for stealing their kills, Only use iron skin when you really need it, and you will learn to be less careless, and will need less reviving.  Also, keep in mind that while it's utility keeps it useful, Stomps damage in small, if your looking to always get insta-kills, even at high levels, Rhino isn't for you.


    tl;dr: Rhino will try to make you careless you should only be ashamed if you become careless.  Play him right, and he is a great frame, play him wrong, and he as great at first, but slowly becomes useless (and boring).

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