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About strtmknx

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  1. A well known bug. That still hasn't been addressed despite an emphasis being put on Duviri. Left squad because people weren't leaving, couldn't extract, left duviri(you'll keep everything up to your last intrisic 5 seconds ago), received nothing. This is why, when I got the survey, on exiting, asking if I felt my time is respected, I said no. You want to push us into things like the open worlds, but you don't want to fix the bugs and you make the grind so tedious it encourages us to spent plat rather than play the game. This is not the sort of ethic I endorsed when I dropped money on items that were generally nothing but a flex and an endorsement of my love for the game. An hour lost, because I can't leave the squad and successfully extract from Duviri, but you can keep pushing more content into that section of the game despite unacceptable issues like this. I honestly left 6 years ago because I felt the shift to open world play was getting away from the point. I came back because I wanted to give it a chance. Honestly, I think I was right. It's not as bad as it could be, but it's bad enough that I really dread having to go and grind out standing in any of the open world areas, and Duviri is honestly the worst of them all. If it weren't for the attempt to push us into these sections of the game, I wouldn't be that upset. If it weren't for adding dozens and dozens of exponentially more tedious to gather resources that can only be gotten by going into these sections, I wouldn't be that upset. But no, none of this respects my time. I shouldn't spend an hour in this game and come away feeling like I accomplished nothing. I'm on sabbatical at the moment, I have the time to spend. But do you really think that after working 8hrs a day, 5 days a week, only being home and awake 3-5 hours during the week, and having a life to live on the weekend, that I'll want to spend even a single hour on this if it feels like I accomplish absolutely nothing in that precious hour? Get it together DE. Not all of us have all day every day to grind this garbage and not have it work right. I loved what you were doing back when, now, it feels like you're more concerned with putting our backs to the wall if we don't have 5 hours a day to dedicate to this. I endorsed this game because I didn't feel like my only option was to turn to the market if I wanted the latest gear in a reasonable time. I endorsed this game because it was pay to accessorize, not to win. It's slowly moving to that PTW trash. Stop it.
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