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Posts posted by AXCrusnik

  1. 33 minutes ago, AzureTerra said:

    I had the way MR works now explained by a friend who followed its changes and see that maybe we have to suffer a bad soma prime because of what they decided to do. Because de cant let a starter prime actually be good.... 

    Basically.. but they could just change their mind on what is "the new player prime primary" and increase the MR rating on Soma and make something else that. The big firearm balance patch adjusted many weapons' MR requirements, they could just as easily change them again.

  2. 4 minutes ago, AzureTerra said:

    Doesn't mean it should lag behind the other weapons in its category. The Supra was once the worst LMG and it received a much needed and welcome buff that made it much more usable.

    And now supra requires almost twice the MR of Soma Prime.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Lutesque said:

    HOW ?

    SPEAK !!!


    Use a melee combo that initiates finishers. I don't have Stinging Thorn AFAIK so IDK the combo... but Grim Fury is a stance (though not for daggers) that can also do this with spinning kick from the back combo.

  4. 3 hours ago, Lutesque said:

    You do know that almost every weapon One shots enemies when killed by stealth Finisher right ?

    Sure... at low-mid level. Covert Lethality is any level. You can one shot a level 9999 Bombard with it no problem.

  5. 45 minutes ago, -CM-Jaypalm said:

    Slap Covert Lethality on any dagger and it'll 1 shot any and every enemy you do a stealth finisher on, even if it's the only mod.

    Works great on anyone who blinds or sleeps enemies like Excalibur, Ivara, Inaros, Equinox, and your Savage build Banshee. 

    It doesn't even have to be a stealth finisher. The enemy just has to be standing. So things that open up enemies to finishers like Inaros' pocket sand and Ash's teleport work just fine with Cover Lethality's lethal damage regardless of awareness.

  6. 1 minute ago, Methanoid said:

    the warning for the gravimag only shows if you buy a single gravimag from the market, the bundle containing a gravimag doesnt contain the "profit taker" warning text, but probably should.

    I suppose that's true but I've never seen that error message, just actually looked into what I might be buying before I throw out a ton of platinum for mostly farmable stuff.

  7. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

    Many people may have been happy with alerts, HOWEVER (dramatic AF tone)

    The only thing we miss out on is hourly alerts for 80 endo.

    Everything that was, is.


    I miss treasury alerts (~100k credit reward). IMO they should have tweaked alerts to scale with MR similar to daily logins. I'd much rather do alerts than farm Index everyday for credits. Nightwave doesn't offer any credit rewards either. Maybe they should give us a few thousand credits with each rank up on top of the typical reward.

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

    All I've come to learn at this rate is that the definition of the term "perfect" depends on who's saying it.

    That said, there is not a single update that can be brought to this game that will satisfy EVERYONE.

    At the end of the day, it is DE's game, and they can do whatever the hell they want with it. The grind must go on.

    Yup, all we can do is give feedback and hope. Hope our specific feedback is part of the majority, hope that the majority is heard, hope that feedback from the majority is acted on with more than "we hear your concerns."

    • Like 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

    And failing to do that content is not a valid reason to complain.

    ”I didn’t do X but I want Y anyway.”

    Why should anyone even listen to that in the first place?

    If you ask me... whether or not they should listen to that depends on what % of players feel that way. It's feedback on a new system, one that's implementation is controversial among the community, and that replaced one many were happy with. Whatever happens with nightwave happens but that can't stop me from having an opinion.

    People said they didn't want a battle pass but that's essentially what we got.

  10. 12 minutes ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

    You can’t really weasel out of that. The blame is on you. You had MONTHS to do Fortuna, even A SINGLE bounty a day would’ve pushed you close enough to your goal.

    Or, now hear me out, DE could have made it to fight the exploiter instead. Yeah you'd need thermia for it but it only costs 1 from 1 player to fight with a full squad. People have more than enough to spread around. Fortuna part 2 isn't that old, unlike PoE and Sorties. Yes that could have gotten me to max rank... but there exists outside of warframe a plethora of other things to entertain yourself with and responsibilities to take care of, and within warframe there's a plethora of other things outside of Solaris United to entertain yourself with as well.

  11. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

    You had months to rank up Fortuna, it’s on your that you hadn’t until Nightwave came out. In that instance, it’s an issue of the other kids getting a reward because they did something you didn’t. Getting mad when you haven’t even put the effort in is childish, right? Don’t do it.

    You can farm Ayatan sculptures from Arbitration, it was an elite challenge and that’s an end game mode. Instead of making it “Complete 5 round did Arbitration,” they left it open so noobs could hope to finish it too.

    Is that really so bad?

    I don't play arbs much so I forgot about that. Eidolons didn't require max rank and neither does Exploiter. They could have made it to fight the Exploiter instead to make it more open. I'm not mad about it but I'll say it again: Failing a challenge before it even starts because you were too busy playing the S#&$ton of other content in this game with what little free time you have is dumb.

  12. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)Pauloluisx said:

    Seriously, what do you want DE to do? If they add anything people will whine badly. 

    Can't scan flowers cause it's boring. Can't kill orb mother because elite timegate. Can't do 1h survival cause boring. Can't socket ayatans cause I don't wanna farm. Can't play with a friend cause it's hard to send a friend request over recruit.

    People, get a grip. This is beyond ridiculous.

    I'd gladly scan flower for nightwave points. that's ezpz. Not being able to complete a challenge because of fortuna ranking and the time required to rank up being longer than the challenge is dumb. Socketing ayatans sucked because prior to it there was not much reason to keep unsocketed ayatans, and outside of the free weekly one from maroo and farming syndicate missions, it's pretty rare to see one. The friend ones are dumb because the majority of people are just going to do what you said. So why bother stipulating "with a friend" in the first place if we're just going to unfriend them right after or forget they exist?

  13. 3 hours ago, XxElite2015xX said:

    The time it takes is a to high of a requirement to a casual player (2-3 hours a week)

    It only takes like 30 minutes of conservation hunting to get my daily 26k standing. Took me like a week and a couple days to get from Outworlder to Old Mate. Also if you carefully read the requirements to use archgun and the contents of the pack you'd realize that yes, it does not come with the required launcher.

    • Like 1
  14. Bad idea. It's also part of the reason I fear melee 3.0

    From what I've seen we'll lose a combo route on many stances. Instead of a default combo and 3 alternative (which are the best stances IMO, because variety is the spice of life) at most we'll have the default and 2 alts. I seriously hope DE goes the difficult, but much more rewarding route of adding another combo route or 2 to all the stances that don't have the 4 combo routes the good stances have.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Kuldor said:

    Maybe my nezha can prove the point then.





    Random instadeaths on arbitrations have been reported here and there since they were implemented.

    At first I thought it was because your halo ran out... the first link you had pretty low Halo HP but the second one, you died with the majority of halo HP still intact... Pretty S#&$ty that a mode geared towards high difficulty and gear checks will outright instakill you no matter what you bring. TBH I haven't played arbs a whole lot because I end up dying in similar situations. IDK what killed me, it just feels like someone threw an invisible kill everything withinin 15m grenade at me.

    • Like 1
  16. 7 minutes ago, Nistafranger said:

    but if i want to do a melee combo where i need to parry ? how can i do ? and when i'm in front of an ennemy , with a sword and shield , it does nothing !

    If the enemy isn't near your crosshair you won't block. So.. you know... look at the thing you want to block attacks from. And for block combos you just hold right click while attacking. You can't swap back to guns while attack animations are happening.

  17. 3 hours ago, StyxRiver said:

    no doubt he is great if moded correctly, but he falls flat when it comes to defense type missions, this could help him out a bit.

    Vauban/Frost fall flat outside of defense missions, particularly if you need to keep moving. It's not what they were designed for. If you play them in high level survival, you'll have to leave your globe for to get the air towers, or have a teammate do it for you. Ash is a mobile damage dealer with some stealth sprinkled on. If you want to play him on defense he needs a frame that good at defense to help him. It is a coop game after all.

    The frames that are useful everywhere are super tanky so you just rely on guns to deal damage (but they'll still, for the most part, need help defending things that aren't themselves), or provide support and buffs to teammates.

    In short... Ash doesn't need to be useful in defense missions, as long as he can do what he was designed to effectively.

  18. 26 minutes ago, Lutesque said:

    I did.... its the same button as my Place Marker and it won't let me move it 😞

    I can't find the thread but, yeah. DE made it so Melee Channel is unmoveable on gamepad.

    Found it... but God I hate that I can't even quote threads in the console subforums... Segregating the forum communities was such a terrible decision.

    Here's the excerpt from PS4/XB1/NSW patch notes


    • Channeling will be a toggle set to your alt-fire button when in melee mode.
    • Melee Channeling will no longer be able to be rebound due to it completely breaking the Melee changes. We apologize for the discomfort this may cause for those who have built their controllers comfortably around a different binding.

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