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Posts posted by thor_sten

  1. Revert Rivens to a former accepted state: Sometimes a riven roll looks tempting, but is just medicore in play. Or it looks kinda nice, but I'm not convinced that it's worth risking the current state, so I'm not trying it out. This could be all more fun if the riven could be reverted to a former state. Doesn't need to be free (could cost as much kuva as a new roll), but it would make experiementing with Rivens way more fun.

  2. So I have a pobber lure. I have a tranq-gun, my Ivara can move around invisbly for ~10 Minutes. I guessed I was ready to go.

    Going to Ob Valis, I equip the lure, find some pobber feces, follow the tracks until Biz tells me to use the lure. I play around with it until the next best Pobber answers.

    Then Biz tells me to hide, which I do (despite being invisible in the first place) and wait for the pobbers to appear, but nothing ever happens.

    Where are the animals supposed to appear? Near to the callingpoint? Far away? Do I need to hide more than 20-30 meters away? Do I need to wait more than 3 Minutes? Am I missing anything?

  3. I don't really get the lore for now (Why do we hunt Wolf, instead of using him up against the Grineer? Wouldn't it be way cooler to break up that prison instead of capturing the prisoners?), but I like Nightwave. The only bad thing I can think about, is a player pausing from the game and returning when the whole thing is 90% over (OTOH he would have missed all the Alerts in between any ways, still seeing "what could have been" instead of just missing things would sting a bit more).

    However: Why not keep alerts alive? Sure, 90% of the time, they were uninteresting, but every once in a while (I guess more often when we were "low-level"), there was that exiting moment when a needed Ressource or Catalyst popped up and it was "now or never". It also made the starchart feel alive and it is not much work DE to keep it running (assuming that the whole system was a randomly generated system).


  4. And while we're at it: Perhaps a slightly different model for "communication towers" and a little different "framing" for Inteception missions? Perhaps something along the lines of "This place has just been taken over the infested. Next they'll transform these communication towers into beacons for the hive. Keep the towers clean, while our allies prepare to nuke this section..." or "Unknownst to it's Owner this place has been taken over the infested. Let's try to to use this comunications array to our advantage before they find out ...".

  5. I kinda like the sergant.

    A) he's basically some kind of "competive target" (can I outrun the other Tenno, to get/see him alive?). Which may not be an intended feature, but I kinda like it 🙂

    B) he's basically the only assasination target where it makes sense to kill "him" again. I mean there can always be some faceless upstart that needs to be put down, while you might wonder just how often Frohd Bek can fall for the destructive Ambula protocols?


    If they replace him with a "Real" boss It would be cool to have something like him going around in alerts, perhaps kinda like the Phorrid...

    I just wished he was tougher, or at least had some gimmicks or randomness along the way:

    - The sergant is here, but he's hiding. Find him, terminate him and his transactions before the Index closes...
    - Try to get undetected to the sergant. He's nervous and sitting in an escape pod...
    - Not only is the sergant here, he's rented some personal bodyguard you need to eleminate first...

    • Like 1
  6. In infested levels the cameras and terminals, seem to have been taken over by the infestation, so why not flavour them a little in this regard?

    For the cameras and sensors it might be a simple alternate model (say a corroded camera with the typical infestation cysts, or a deformed grineer sensor bar halfway turning into an eye...) and alternate sounds (say an angry roar, a frightend (perhaps childlike) scream, or something that begins with the normal alarmsounds but ends with some of the former sounds would be also nice). Effect-wise they could still work the same, but perhaps look around erratic/irregulary.

    As for Terminals I'd love to have a different minigame for the infested, that reflects their quasi organic "nature". Style-wise perhaps the grineer gears turn into something that requires you to pull some teeth, while the smarter Corpus systems require you to for example pet them until they think you're a friend, or tickle them until they give up.

    Just a few ideas, because the infested, felt like they could need a little more nightmare fuel on top 😉

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  7. A) Max Armor. Armor triumphs over Shield at these levels (Health helps of course). So max that Steel Fibre and maybe thing about getting Armored Agility or Gladiator Aegis.

    B) Never ever stop moving. Better even, never touch the ground 🙂 The enemies aren't great at aiming, and if you don't stand still, jump around a lot and only stand still, if you have cover, even a squishy Mag without Redirection and Vitality can survive quite some time on these levels(ok, I often use Vigor). For this to work, it helps taking a weapon that doesn't have much use for aiming (think Ignis, Moon-Catcher or a shotgun with much spread like the Kohm or Arca Plasmor).

  8. I would like to see some more operator options and mission-usage as well.

    As for Options:

    -I'd love to have the "little demon unleashed"-Operator from between Second Dream and the War Within back. Perhaps something like while in Warframe mode hold the transference-button long (instead of just klicking it shortly to transfer out), to start that mode again. Be exhausted for 3 Minutes after this (no operator mode for this duration).

    -We know that the operator can "de-materialize" and be at the helm of the frame again. So we can for example, dash forward, revive, hack a terminal, or do a spy room and then hold the transference-button long to "teleport" back into our frames.


    As for missions:

    - perhaps some kind of mission in the Void, "outside" of the orokin structures (if that even makes sense). Perhaps as it's own mission, but it could also be kinda like the underwater parts on uranus, to close a gap not accessible for the Frame.

    -perhaps for certain new spy rooms ("This room has sensors for even smallest traces of Infested. It might trigger, because it mistakes your Frame for one. It would be easier, if we could do this without a frame..."), as an option to solve the rooms differently (Frame with a Timelimit or gas flooding the chamber, or Operator which would make the whole operation difficult on another level(clunky movement, not so offensive qualities)).


    Storywise, I wouldn't like the idea of an EMP separating Tenno from Frame. Would be a bit to obvious for the Corpus to not have tried a hundred times before (Plus: I think you're sitting the whole time in the orbiter, just doing some kind of "astral projection" originating from your Frame, so it would be hard to do, ifyou're seperated, before this.). Perhaps rather something along the lines of your Frame getting paralysed and your operator need to drag it along?

  9. I'm not of the spin-to-win faction and I still think melee works quite well in high levels, but just under one condition: Keeping the combo-counter up.

    For that, you'll need  Body Count, Driting Contact, or one of the Gladiator mods and (spoiler for Second Dream quest, which should be no problem, speaking about Sorties)

    Naramon as primary Operator skill

    . With that, some pretty standard Weapons such as an Orthos Prime work pretty good on Sortie levels, making "Melee only" a breeze even without Rivens("Enhanced Armor" with Grineer might be a different story and that story is, thar armor scaling is crap, regardless of melee or firearms).

    However, since this are pretty restrictive circumstances on "melee works on high levels", yeah, Melee could need a boost. I hope they get it right with Melee 3.0 and the planned ditching of the combo-counter.

  10. vor 4 Minuten schrieb Urlan:

    Silvana made the surrogate warframes, while what was before were Bio-Drones, proto warframes said another way. Umbra itself was made after warframes proper and uses elements of the Bio-Drones which were made using Helminth to infect 'volunteers' while Silvana made the surrogate warframes to be remote controlled from the start. Silvana was on Earth during the early stages of the Sentient attacks and was brought on officially by Margulis to make surrogate bodies to assist in rehabilitating the Tenno from the long ago Zariman incident.

    OK, that sounds a bit nicer. Thanks. Still sucks for Umbra.

  11. I think the Frames are modified tame/braindead versions of their umbral originals and I'm kinda indecisive whether it would be cool or cruel to upgrade their sentience (and I feel kinda bad about bringing Umbra back to live). Perhaps something along the lines of "make them forget the past and let them become something new without all the painful memories bogging them down" ? Ok, this would probably not be much better, either.

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