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Posts posted by thor_sten

  1. You can still get a "normal" Ash without platinum. Just buy the blue print from the market and wait for the Manics to drop the parts (Manics appear in Greneer Survival Missions AFAIK, but better ask the Wiki than me).

  2. Revenant is quite OK. His abilitie are hit and miss but ,hey, I love my Nekros even if I just use his 3 and 4 (the stats are good and these abilities are fun).

    His 1 is IMHO better than Nyx' 1 because waves end, even with enemies under your thrall. Also thralled enemies can be killed if you want and leave a small but nice AOE.

    His 2 is meh. The best part is, that it let's you cast 1 for free. His 3 is pretty bad, now clue how this can be salvaged.

    His 4 is kinda like Mesa's without aiming, but with moving around and collecting energy by the way. Can be kinda fun. With a lot of duration and efficincy you can dance around hydron all night. Don't forget to bring a Squad-DJ (Octavia) and Disco Lights (Mirage) along 🙂

    Plus: He's easy to farm (on each Bounty within 8-12 Minutes you have 2-3 chances to get the part you need, compare that to sommething like Harrow, where you need to play like 20 minutes just to have 1 chance for the missing part). So If you have a free slot: Give him a shot.

  3. I farm for Perrin Sequence and the Arbiters. Alternating every other day. as a by-product I'm getting positive Reputation for New Loka and Cephalon Suda.

    The net result of this is that I get to be friends with Arbiters, New Loka, Perrin Sequzence and Cephalon Suda (higes rank on each is possible) while Steel Meridian and Red Veil don't like me at all. However, with access to 4 of the 6 pools, I can trade for the missing 2 syndicates' good stuff.

  4. I get a few of these from Aten (Void, Mobile Defense, T4). It's seemingly not such a big chance (6% compared to 12.5% or something like that), but you get to end the Mission in ~7 Minutes instead of working 20 Minutes for one chance.

  5. HIGH range Saryn, no extra strength or duration needed. I can barely keep strength at 100% with my 250% Range Saryn, yet she still "nukes" everything with one cast of her Spores (and a little time), even in the late Void missions and most Sorties (plus: Miasma scales REALLY well, which at 250% Range is even mor of a nuke-ability).

    But I guess that's pretty mainstream.

  6. Do I like them? Well, I don't have harrow yet and I really really tried...

    Well, I still don't hate it. That's the best I can say about it 😉

    The whole mission-type could be very dramatic and suspenseful. But it isn't. It's just pretty boring and tedious. What about: Go into the Ship, map it and and actually SEARCH for the defectors. Then, depending on what you maped, decide on how to evacuate them (use one of the extraction points you mapped, or search for another one? Perhaps decide which path to take), perhaps some Defectors are unarmed and you need to lend them a weapon (kind like with rescue missions), perhaps some are wounded and need to be carried (which btw. would be a cool alternative to the standard-"revive and go again": One man down, he needs to be carried to evac... ).

  7. I miss the old "tortured child/monster unleashed" ability of the operator but I also like the new capabilities of the operators.

    So far (every waybound unbound and some arcanes on the Operator) they feel quite balanced compared to the Warframes. I mean even if my Operator has a quite powerful Amp (the one that shoots like the Arca Plasmor) and more hitpoints than some of my Frames: every Frame hits harder, moves faster, moves more fluid, moves with more control, and is still less squishy than the Operator (Armor>Hit Points). However the Operator hast some nice tricks up his sleeve to complement the Frames (be it stealth for non-stealth frames. giving first aid in void mode, or the void dash to move somewhere fast in a straight line on the plains with some "not so fast" frames, all thing you can do with a freshly unleashed operator).

    I have heavily invested in the Operator but use the Frames 95% of the time, so I  think the operators don't overshadow the frames at all. Quite the contrary I think the Operators themselves are quite underused (Resetting Sentients, giving the final strike to vomvalists, and especially lowering the bulletsponge-shield of the Eidolons feels not exactly satisfying). I'd love to see some more interesting uses of them, compared to this.


  8. Thanks for the clarification. I got to take a look a Apostasy again, I guess. But, do I really dare? 😢

    vor 9 Minuten schrieb Lakais:

    EDIT: As for Lotus's end-goals. I was always under the impression that her ultimate goal was to take care of the Tenno. And all her actions to maintain the balance are to make sure the Tenno don't end up overwhelmed and thus killed. Meaning that there wasn't ever some complex socio-political end-goal. Just her weird alien motherly instincts going on overdrive. 

    That would be nice. I guess I'm just to jaded so I assume ulterior motive everywhere 😆

  9. !!!SPOILERS!!!

    I was always wondering what Lotus' goal is/was. Keeping the greneer/corpus in an eternal conflict for the sake of "balance"? Trying to prepare the Origin system for something to come? Just to keep the Tenno engaged/busy?

    After Apostasy/Sacrifice the question takes a step further: Who's generating Holo-Lotus (Holotus!?) and is he/she/it aware of said goals? I mean if it's Ordis trying to emulate Lotus, does he have her old goals in mind, or is guessing what to do? (OK given that this is ordis, he might just try to keep the operator happily occupied). Is Lotus crown emitting that signals, running a faulty backup of her memories? Is it someone entirely else trying to coax the Tenno into doing his/hers bidding?

    I guess we can just speculate or am I missing something?

  10. You are thinking to 4-Dimensional. Perhaps the Void and the Tenno are able to traverse the multiverse. I mean how often did you kill unique enemy X? How often did you solve the unique crisis with the Ambulas? Dozen times, hundred times, thousand times?

    Perhaps all kind of alternate reality Tenno seeping through the Void, are making the Greeners live miserable across all the multiverse, multiplying the limited space of the Zariman Ten Zero by an unkown number...

  11. Hm... I'd love to see something along the lines of "Shadow of the Colossus", not in size (which would be pretty small for Warframe), but in scope: You don't run around a level and shoot at the huge enemy, instead the enemy IS the level and you fight against it, as much as you navigate/climb it.

  12. vor 9 Stunden schrieb mrjunato:

    All that the game needs to become more attractive for new players and make the veterans keep playing is remove the craft time system, that's horrible, you want to put 5 formas in your weapon and to do that, you first need to farm these formas, after that wait 5 days to craft all of them and up your weapon to max lvl 5 times, that's is boring and consume a lot of time. If any develop is reading this PLEAAASE REMOVE THE CRAFT TIME 😧

    What about: Open 2-3 relics, sell the result for scrap on the trade chat and get yourself a cheap pack of ready built 3 formas in the shop. Level up your weapon by opening relics and repeapt. You'll have tons of Forma in no time. And what about the real problems, like enemy scaling ?

  13. I play sorties every day and I usually get 1-2 rivens a week. And then, there's times when I get what feels like 14 Anasa Scuptures in a row. So: Pretty common, but RNG sometimes doesn't like me

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