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Posts posted by CaptainMinty

  1. 14 hours ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    I think it’s a little more complex than that. It sounded like Limbo was killing the potential for fun for those who fought alongside the user, and the user didn’t care. And we can’t exactly go to a different Scarlet Spear; it sounded like wherever a player went to fight with randoms there was often someone trivializing the space part.

    Limbo’s great at lockdown, can’t deny that. This is a time-limited event that had such a strong meta in Limbo that people considered it a problem. They weren’t unjustified complaints, either.

    That's a problem with the design of the event then. It's not Limbo's fault that he was stupid good at the job that needed to be done. It's his niche. And in the future he's gonna be just as oppressive if an event arrives for the Grineer or the Corpus, or the Infested that's any kind of similar. This wasn't a good solution to the problem that is Limbo. He's a god, and a good limbo is more impossible to kill than Inaros.

    Limbo found himself in meta because of his abilities working as they were intended to. He's a CC frame that made it to the top for once. Lord knows they turn a blind eye when Mesa has been chilling as one of the best damage frames since she was first conceived, and even after hitting her with several nerfs, somehow Mesa stands at the top of damage dealing still. One of the best nukers with fantastic defenses. Limbo shows up for a while and he's the problem? CC obviously isn't the direction DE wants to take. They want damage. No matter how many times they've said they wanna bring CC up, this is why we can't have it ever take the crown. How many enemies are immune to statuses? To numerous forms of CC? All of the ones that are supposed to be difficult enemies. And those that aren't immune are basically fodder that damage dealers sweep through like a scythe through reeds.

    This isn't the kind of nerf Limbo should've gotten, because it doesn't fix the problem wholesale. He's still oppressively powerful against every other faction. A better option would've been giving stasis a cooldown after it wears off or is turned off. The longer the stasis, the longer the cooldown. Easy. That way Limbo still remains a monster of CC, while leaving him vulnerable to a counterattack. But DE won't do this because they're not putting enough thought into fixing the overall problem of Limbo controlling every aspect of the battlefield.

    I think it is entirely stupid to make changes in a hasty manner because in one time limited event some Frame is exceptionally strong. Next event that shows up, another frame is gonna be a monster and they're gonna get kicked in the shins. Despite working as intended for years. And the worst part? Once the event is over, Limbo will still have his nerf, and will fall out of relevance entirely again. Just like he was before.

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  2. The problem lies within DE not remembering what frame is exceptional at what role. Limbo excelled at a defensive role, and therefore, an event around defending something brought him into the limelight. He shone so brightly that DE figured they'd kick him in the shins so he'd fall over and not shine so brightly. The problem with this idea is that in doing so, they've established a pattern of changing frames when they've excelled too much during their niche. Who remembers the like 15 changes Saryn got during her rework fiasco? Limbo has always been a frame that is an area lockdown frame. I assume Frost is next eh? He was king of lockdown prior, and all it takes is a few pizzas and he's got a spot on permanent lockdown.
    The problem comes from our variety of Frames that allow us to excel in any situation given to us. And when one takes the spotlight for being the best at it during a current event, they get kicked in the shins because screw them. I'm not a fan of nerfing an ability when it was doing exactly what they intended it to do, and then they change their minds because of a new event. Finally a CC frame took the spotlight, and he gets slapped for it. What cruel irony for being out of meta for ages. I'm pretty sure this is the first time Limbo got to be at meta status from being a trollframe. What a turnaround. A comeback story even! And yet, for finally climbing to the top, he's violently kicked down. Lads who love Limbo enough to run him a majority of the time, I'm so sorry. You had your limelight and DE gave you the old one-two punch for it. Big oof.
    Meanwhile Mesa still stands as a queen of murder and doesn't get touched. How long has she been relevant in every ounce of content?

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  3. On 2020-03-29 at 10:35 PM, schilds said:

    Do they play their shawins while waiting? DE really needs to add that go-equivalent board game as a gear item that you can acutally play on :-P.

    Add that one game that we play against Ballas during the Sacrifice. We could totally have some fun in dojos or railjacks while the pilot is doing cleanup

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  4. First off, might wanna remove that megathread tag.

    Secondly, yes. Radial Javelin does need some serious reworking. And I very much support that Fable-like ability where you gain some spectral swords that defend you by blocking a portion of damage. Imagine if they blocked damage, and on a slash dash they launch forward with you, amplifying the slash dash, but causing a blade to vanish. When a blade is spent it doubles the damage of the slash dash. That'd be some cool synergy.

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  5. The Orbiter is a large, stealth ship with some of the most advanced cloaking technology available. We see this constantly. Look out your front window. (If it isn't covered in posters and noggles and other awesome junk.) You'll find that we park right next to Grineer Galleons and Corpus cruisers without any ounce of them noticing us. Our home, the Orbiter, is a stelth ship entirely meant to keep us hidden where we are most vulnerable. Our home. We keep our supplies inside it. We keep our pets and our Warframes in it. Our guns. Everything we own is in that ship, and it has nowhere near the armaments to defend itself without that cloaking.

  6. Considering so much of this game's lore is in text, and not told by quests, and even when we do see quests, if it isn't a mainline quest it is basically nothing in terms of showing off anything? The Leverian is WAY better than what we have had previously. I remember only two quests for Warframes. The New Strange for Chroma. And the Limbo Theorem. The Limbo Theorem I remember because it was Archwing Interception for portions of it, back when Archwing was first introduced and has some of my favorite Ordis lines in it. That and the fact that Limbo was literally unkillable to everything around him until he basically forgot to carry the 2. 
    The New Strange was actually the only quest to really feature some drama to it. The interaction of Ordis and Simaris were fantastic and the dark seeds of danger to come were laid all the way back then. It was good foreshadowing. Took a long time for it to pay off.
    Meanwhile, I very much like the Leverian. A nice, quiet stroll through what appears to be a museum. Something I think would absolutely be amazing. The one talking must be incredibly powerful to hold Warframe knowledge like this, and carries an air of mystery. We should see this expanded upon.

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  7. As someone who has followed Valve works for decades, they are a perfect example of how people should understand how often development just dies. Ideas fly constantly, game devs love games, that's why they make them. They spread those ideas around, bounce them off each other create, test, play, and love what they do. And often, something they thought would be awesome, just, isn't. So they scrap it. Valve has done this for years. If they don't get along on something, it can often die really quickly. I'd assume Warframe can suffer from that same problem. They'll start building something, then end up scrapping it because they ended up not liking it.

    All the while, if you tell your community that you're working on something, and then you end up dumping that thing because as a developer it ended poorly, the community may not be happy with that thing getting dumped, even if the dev couldn't get it to work properly the way it was envisioned. This creates the question of, "What do you tell your community about during development?" That question has been hard to answer. DE probably knows this very, very well. Do you tell your community about the cool new, awesome character that you've been working on? During a time in which they are still only a potential character? That this character's life may end up not making it to the game and thus never existing, only being a concept that never made it? Do you tell the players only the things that are going to be in the game? That can lead to long times of silence, and as someone who follows Valve games, that doesn't do well either. In the end, things are not easy for development. Things can get 90% done, only to be scrapped and destroyed for something different.

  8. 8 hours ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

    This probably won't happen, really that whole area just needs to go. Nobody in their right mind would just park ships full of infestation in an area that can cause an outbreak. Really, first thing the commander should do is point the ships directly at the sun, push engines for full speed ahead, then bust all navigation and engine consoles and parts so the course can't be changed.

    I mean, the Infested would very much park a ship filled with Infestation. In fact, we know they're smart enough to do just that. Also breaking nav and engines isn't gonna stop the Infestation for long.

    As for tilesets that need reworks. Grineer Galleon. She's been old and dusty for ages now. Just like our good old Corpus ships. I love the aesthetic to the icy Europa tile, but it does need some intense love.

  9. While I agree with adding more drops to bosses, I don't think weapon parts are a good idea. Make bosses more worth our time. Perhaps on top of the warframe blueprint, we could get something useful to a player based on which boss they take down. Say Vor drops a small splash of endo or something that'd be useful for a new player, whereas Kela or the Ambulas drop something more valuable to a later game player, like a forma blueprint. That'd make bosses more worthwhile. They should definitely drop higher tier rewards than just a frame and some niche mods. Bosses need more drops to them.

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  10. Nyx needs some help. A frame should have abilities that work with each other, to achieve and further a goal.

    Frost is a perfect example. All of his abilities work effectively towards one simple goal. Area denial. Let's break that down.

    • Freeze is a quick, snapshot of cc. A pretty decent, hold up I'm reloading ability. But it also explodes snow globes for more juicy cc.
    • Ice Wave, especially with its augment is amazing area denial. Good slow, and good coverage.
    • Snow Globe is (imo) the best area denial ability in the game with the fewest drawbacks. And it stacks infinitely. A safety bubble that anyone could love. Plus it slows everything inside.
    • Avalanche. Once again this beauty is incredibly area denial, taking Frost's first ability and cranking it up to 11 by making it a huge aoe that freezes anyone caught in it, and strips a portion of their armor.
    • What makes it better is that building for strength benefits all of his abilities. Building for ranges benefits all of his abilities, and building for duration does slightly help all of his abilities. So no matter what you do, it can be good with Frost. A king of area denial and CC.

    Nyx on the other hand, is rather, well, wonky. The core of her abilities are really nowhere near as good. CC though forcing the enemy to fight each other is a lighter for of CC and area denial. She also has a lack of interaction or synergy between those abilities.

    • Mind control is a single target chaos that is slightly better for that one target.
    • Psychic bolts are so useless because her third exists.
    • Chaos is the main calling card of her kit. What she was used for during Trials way back in the day. Now it is an antithesis to the fast killing method that the game has gone towards.
    • Absorb does the literal opposite of what the rest of her kit wants to do. Nyx seems entirely based around the idea of not getting shot. Absorb puts a huge "SHOOT ME PLZ" sign on Nyx's head. It doesn't really seem to fit the theme going on with the rest of her kit. That isn't saying it is bad, it just doesn't seem to fit with the rest of her kit at all.

    Honestly, the best way to fix Nyx would be a full ground up rework. Her first and second are, in a way, lesser versions of her third. Her third offers nothing more than a radiation proc on an enemy, that isn't a radiation proc. And her fourth is just straight up backwards compared to the rest of her three abilities. Honestly, I have no idea how to fix her. But she definitely needs it. She's lost her identity as the game has changed. And as it stands, she was so niche, for one or two abilities built entirely for that ability, that it makes one wonder if she's always been bad, but has managed to find a niche role several times. Frost remains a pillar of good frame design, because at his core, his abilities were designed around a single idea. Area denial. He's had some updates, but his four abilities have never truly been reworked because they all work well together. He's been buffed to add synergy, but he remains at his core strong. Nyx does not have a strong core of abilities. They're weak, and only one truly stood out at a time. Nyx needs help. A lot of it.

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  11. 13 minutes ago, 32768 said:


    A fellow battle brother! We are the Emperor's fury!

    As for the random crew issues, I've always been a silent mook on a ship due to my internet issues. I turn off voice comms because it is horrible to hear them due to the high latency. As such, I default to a state of repairing the ship and maintaining supplies. If I need more repair goo, and don't have the materials, I'll go get them. If I don't have anything to repair, then I'll man a side gun to give support. I don't like to pilot because frankly I don't know how my lag will affect how the ship flies. If I'm the only one on board, I will, but other than that no. I always listen to the rest of the crew's text chat and have no problem jumping off a station to let someone else use it. I never use the forward artillery, nor any ordinance. I don't know if I've been considered a good crewmember, but I had worked to be one. I don't understand why someone wouldn't want to be a useful member. The host is graciously providing a Railjack for you to use, and you should treat it like such. Care for it. Especially if the captain is new. Keep them afloat. They'll find out that Railjack is actually a fun gamemode if you have one or two players to give you a hand.

    I say this, being someone who basically used other players to farm resources, wreckage, and mods for me so that I, with my dinky Railjack, didn't have to. And having been carried by others with bigger Railjacks, I am now the one who has a beast of a Railjack. Except I can't pay that favor back because I have the latency of a demon, and anyone cursed to be on my ship will never, ever, have a good time. Except for me.

  12. 2 hours ago, AVSManfred said:

    So yeah bit of old new right now but DE are planning to soon turn Srchwings into new modular system but  for me this decision is crossing a red line that modular systems shouldn't, and let me explain myself

    Main reason is that they are retroactively turning all past Archwings into modular parts, well there aren't many of them right now but considering we already have one of them in prime version this shouldn't even be considered, let alone about to be executed, i do want more Archwings to choose from but i want original and imaginative ideas not another DIY system with bunch of parts and for sure i don't want old designs to be broke down into parts of this, this really feels like if introduction of Kitguns or Zaws meant that we might get all our equipment disassembled for parts in future, including prime gear i think DE really should start getting away from this idea, we already have crisis of weapons to be primed with next prime frames and making more modular systems won't solve it, and if they really want to add modular Archwings then at least don't break down original ones to force them into this system we had Zaws without turnign all melee into modulars, same with kitguns and secondaries, to some extent could say the same about Moa companions and sentinels, why Archwings have to be treated differently ?

    Honestly, I'm okay with the idea. Assuming they'll take that route with every weapon and every frame is silly. With the sheer number of Warframes and guns in this game, do you really think that they'd retroactively tear down every frame into pieces, or do so with every weapon we have in this game? Definitely not. Archwings are an underdeveloped part of Warframe, and they are also extremely unbalanced. Itzal was popular because of its raw speed and blink ability. Odonata existed as the basic boi. And Amesha makes all the others look like a baby trying desperately to fly. This is 100% needed for Archwing to be any kind of balanced. Plus there was only 4 Archwings. To leave such a small amount of Archwings out of a system that will end up defining Archwing is a bad idea. Especially if it means leaving Amesha intact. Burn that Archwing please. It is way too good.

    2 hours ago, AVSManfred said:

    Next important reason is that we don't know how the powers will be handled, will they be made as something determined by singular part or depending on what combo of parts we use ? de might create themselves worst balancing mess ever to deal with with some of the power combinations players could make and i bet formus will be full of  "OMG this combo is too OP nerf it" kind of topics so basically they're shooting themselves in feet with that

    Last reason is that we don't have lore explanation for them being modular system, all other modulars (Zaws, Kitguns, Moa, Amps and K-Drives) did, they all are part of foreign tech that we were given access to by gaining trust of the faction and being allowed to use their designs to create our own equipment out of it

    Nobody is on the forums right now blasting how Amesha is so blatantly op compared to the rest of them. (At least as I've seen and excluding myself.)  And of course there will be broken combos at the start. That's just how everything works. Catchmoon was the same way.
    And the lore reason? Simple. The Orokin originally designed them that way. They can retcon the original Archwing lore. It has no significant standing in the story whatsoever.


    3 hours ago, AVSManfred said:

    in case of Archwings most of them are Tenno technology  and one is Orokin, so not a new faction to introduce us with new modular system as it was planned to add modular Archwings with Duviri Paradox and whatever faction would be our host there, as long as probably most people don't care it literally implies that from lore standpoint we could simply break down any weapon, or maybe even Warrame to it's components and mix-match them to create some ridiculously powerful chimeras out of them, and that's really disturbing because it gives DE backdoor to simply turn everything into modular and be like "yeah now you need to exp everything out once again", and i don't like that silent self-permission for DE to do that, this treatment of Archwings  gives them

    Anyways considering how Stubborn DE are to keep goign with what they deem is good for the game instead of actually listening to player feedback (or at least one which isn't just mindless praise) doubt this topic will do much but at least want my concerns to be out for others to maybe consider the impact of this change themselves

    Also, this is assuming that from a lore standpoint that Archwings were not modular to begin with, which DE can very well change as it has a lack of lore importance. Problem easily solved.
    Breaking down Warframes and using them to create a powerful weapon. Sounds like what Alad V tried to do, and it ended up failing horribly before the Tenno and their Warframes. Secondly, DE wouldn't turn Warframes modular because of the sheer, nigh on impossible task of doing so. It would upheave an entire, working system for no reason, no benefit to the game, and massive detriment to the health of the game as a whole, especially with the negativity that would come from making frames modular. There's too many to even attempt that. DE wouldn't look at the Archwing rework as a means to turn every frame modular. As for guns, imagine tearing apart the hundreds of weapons already in place to create a full modular system. Every part would have to look proper enough to fit with the other parts. Doing so would be impossible to do without making the guns look awful.
    Also, making Warframes modular directly impacts the lore of the main story, and very much shatters the importance of The Sacrifice. Simply put, they'd destroy everything about Warframe's lore to make Warframes modular. Not gonna happen.
    Archwing NEEDS this change. Simply because Archwing doesn't have much, won't ever have much, and needs as much bonus variety it can have with its limited selection now and in the future. Also, they've listened numerous times to player feedback. Universal Vacuum, numerous weapon rebalances. Frame reworks. Separate Exalted weapons. Remember when Valk's talons or Excal's blade was tied to your melee, and it was made entirely useless when you unequipped a melee? We asked for changes.

  13. Honestly, kitguns are the least of my worries when it comes to primaries. They'll be good, but odds are they won't overshadow anything. At best they'll be a side-grade. Think about it. Kitguns for secondaries needed to be better than a majority of secondaries because of how much work was needed to acquire one. But at the same time, they went too far. Kitguns outpaced pretty much every other secondary. Namely because, well, most of our secondary choices kinda suck. Even the Lex Prime doesn't hit that hard anymore, and I remember when that thing was the literal god handcannon of secondaries. Good times those were. We needed something to breathe life into secondaries. Catchmoon did. Way too well. We need more than just one gun. We need more better secondaries. I'm not asking for my pistol to rend flesh as effectively as my rifle, but at least doing something would be nice.

    But I digress. The reason I don't think the primary kitguns will be anywhere near as gamechanging as the secondary ones were is because of just how many viable primaries we have. Plus the incentive to put in work for them? Minimal considering a good amount of us probably already have done Fortuna to maximum and will have them right away.

  14. Saryn is a good frame. She's got damage, and some decent tankiness to her. She's a queen of spreading damage around. Honestly, she's pretty good. Sure she shines best in ESO because she only gets stronger the more enemies she has to deal with, and she does suffer a little bit more against single targets, but then again, her 3 is super useful against single targets.

    Honestly, she's alright. She can hold her own and she is particularly effective against grineer targets.

  15. Oberon. Radiation is a horrendous, painful, and depending on how much exposure you get at once, can be either a rapid death or a slow and drawn out death. What makes it worse is that radiation sickness is something nigh on impossible to cure, and especially for the grineer, who are clones with genetic flaws, those flaws would only massively increase the pain and agony they would suffer. In fact, radiation would cause bleeding from the eyes, nose, mouth, gums and other areas. Bruising and skin burns. Sloughing of skin. Dehydration, fever, inflammation. Radiation sickness is an awful way to die, and the worst part is that it can be a long and drawn out death. You won't be able to fight back as fatigue strikes you almost immediately as an immense amount of radiation is poured into you. And the worst part is? Oberon isn't properly portrayed as being the most toxic frame in the game. Saryn gets that reputation. Oberon is a monster. Be terrified, because he is a walking nuclear reactor and would devastate entire ecosystems for decades.


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  16. I am absolutely for adding walking animations to all frames. Why not? Why not give Wisp's walking animation to everyone? Give it the same price as the idles and people will buy it. Plus it adds a level of added customization to the game and gives DE another thing for us to buy. Seriously I see this as an absolute win for everyone involved.

    And the idea that the walking animations make the frame more unique, that's really a poor argument. There's an immense amount of individuality in them in their designs already.

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  17. 1 minute ago, DroopingPuppy said:

    Yes, for me Fire weapon for melee is essential for run Excalibur and Valkyr, and it was also essential for me on sword alone mode - at least before the disaster.

    And there it is. The root of the complaint. I didn't think I'd see a thread complaining about how they messed up with keybinds with the transition, a full year after the update. It has been a full year since this change. A year. I'm sorry but I'm getting flashbacks to 2019 when these threads were popping up every half hour. Ah good times, good times.
    Mate quick melee is gone in favor of a better melee system.

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  18. As someone who is a huge fan of Valve games, and a huge fan of TF2, you know not what true pain is. We have been waiting for years for the Heavy update. YEARS I SAY.

    Warframe is DE's child. They work on it to create something they want and what they like. What they enjoy creating. I'm dead certain that a lot of things have been worked on, that end up getting thrown in the dumpster before ever coming to our attention as players. Also, we have seen the travesties in the gaming industry as a whole when things come out at a deadline not ready. Need I remind you all of Anthem? Need I remind you of No Man's Sky? The flame of our displeasure at content (or lack thereof new content) will only be fueled into an inferno if DE forced themselves to be more strict with their deadlines.

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  19. With the sheer amount of ways to gain mastery in this game, I'm honestly surprised to see someone actually calling a weapon out for being mastery locked. I always thought that getting to Mastery 15 was rather easy. I saw a gun that I thought I might enjoy, so I picked it up and shot some stuff with it. Kept doing that and found out that I had leveled up to Mastery like 18 without really trying to. Warframes especially. I gave them a shot when they came up, and touched them again when they got reworked.


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  20. 56 minutes ago, Zekkii said:

    Weapons that were nerfed heavily are non-self-damage weapons that recieved stagers and falloff such as the Staticor.  Also shotguns that used to reach 100% status but now hit 20-30% such as the Tigris Prime. Finally weapons that have low rate of fire, such as Sniper Rifles or bows that will no longer kill shielded enemies in one hit unless hitting weakspots (not all shielded enemies even have them). 

    Weapons that have been buffed are weapons with innate cold/viral such as Plague Kripath, shotguns with lower status chance such as rivenless Drakgoon, as well as weapons that utilize slash or Hunter Munitions such as the Baza Prime. 

    Shotguns got a mixed bag. Some are WAY better, those that were good were taken down a notch. Also, every single piece of garbage. Also, I can't think of a single enemy who has a shield that has no weak point. Ospreys do have a head. Pretty small though.

  21. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    Yea they definitely took whatever "realistic" feeling was there before and changed it. It feels like what someone would do to make it usable by kids "See here, timmy, all you have to do now is press forward, backward, and side to side! And you'll immediately stop as soon as you let go of the button because Inertia isn't real!"

    We are considered demons by a race of people who could terraform planets. Demons from another plane of existence that is poison to all others. We cannot die by normal means, and we are so incredibly deadly. Realism when we have basically space magic that defies physics is kinda pointless. I mean, a Warframe is just a conduit for our power. An Archwing is just an extension of it. Inertia doesn't matter when you have Void magic.

    As for Archwing, at this point it only exists as a taxi service. And it still effectively does that job. I always liked Archwing, but it is on life support now. It used to be our tool for combating space threats. Now we have a Railjack. Honestly, Itzal needs a new 1, and Amesha in its current state needs to die, but its invulnerable so I guess they'll just have to rework it so it isn't a literally indestructible pair of angel wings attached to my butt cheeks. Also, I know this is probably and unpopular opinion, but I think Archwing should never have been added to the Plains and Vallis as an option. The K Drive and perhaps a land bike should've been our Vallis and Plains options. They were destined to become taxis when they were given to us for those places, and look, they became taxis.

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  22. Old fart here. Arrived when Warframe came out of closed beta, never picked up the Founder package cause I was poor. Still am. I play because I have very little power in my life.

    Jokes aside, I play on occasion because the guns and movement in this game are fantastic. After years of playing, this game somehow doesn't suck after so many changes made to it and love the lore of the game. I get bored of playing it rather quickly though, especially with my short attention span. The feel of the game though is incredibly good. It feels good to shoot a Corpus dome and watch it fly off. It feels good to hear that crack when you blast an enemy in the skull. The sounds, the handling, the versatility. There's a lot of small reasons I play. Railjack got me excited to play dedicated again. Sadly I burned through what it had in a short time and back to the occasional once or twice a week deal. The core loop needs improvement, in that I have no real idea what the core loop is for a player who is where I am. Mastery? Leveling weapons you have no interest in is boring. Focus? I mean, it takes even longer than mastery fodder. Eidolons? Becoming a trader? Orb fights? There really isn't something out there for those of us who are towards the endgame other than fashion.

    As for why I have taken breaks, well, boredom. Frankly, PvE isn't really a type of game that can have an endless loop that effectively. Does that mean I want PvP in Warframe? No. Absolutely not. That's not the essence of the game. I have nowhere near an impressive list of guns, but what i do have doesn't give me that satisfaction long enough. I can't do endurance because I inevitably grow bored of the gun in my hands and want a different one. Same with my Warframe. That variety only can keep me going for so long as well. Plus, any actual progression when you are this far into the game becomes nonexistent. I don't think I've actually grown more powerful in months. Maybe even years if you really think about it, short of natural weapon damage increases. Trading the Vectis for the Vectis Prime. Trading Oberon for Oberon Prime. Things that are basically the devs giving access to something that didn't exist prior. And with the speed that DE works at (no offense, I love the work you beautiful Canadian goofballs do) I can't really invest time in except in very short bursts.

  23. 15 hours ago, Signs said:

    In my opinion, raids, or trials as they're formally known as, were the most "difficult" content without relying on bullet sponges.

    If you've already done raids, you can skip these paragraphs. But for those who haven't experienced raids, I'm gonna briefly run over it. There were 2 raids and both had 3 stages.

    The first raid is the Law of Retribution. Stage 1 had you running bombs to destroy vay hek's toxin injectors. Doors needed buttons to open, toxin injectors were only vulnerable after hacking 4 consoles in the room. The second stage had you hacking consoles and standing on buttons with the right symbol and if anyone got off the button before all the buttons were pressed, you'd have to start over. Then it becomes a hijack where you have to stand on buttons to disable electricity on the rail of the hijack. In nightmare there are also mines on the track and electricity was an instafail. Midway through hek and the g3 would come terrorize you as well. Stage 3 had you running bombs again to blast 6 towers with fire before killing hek. 

    The second raid is the Jordas Verdict. Stage 1 had you pushing infested spores into huge infestation to get rid of it. Then you had to do infested salvage. Stage 2 had you hacking consoles that are only revealed using the antiserum boxes. Then had you riding up an elevator that was powered by removing the infestation on the consoles using the antiserum. The third stage had you going into the jordas golem and destroying 3 nerves in order. How you destroy the nerves were somewhat complicated and is too much to go over in this post. But a complicated search for the nerves to destroy them and then finally destroy the golem.

    It's been a while since DE removed raids and I hope to see them back soon.

    I mean, were they actually difficult? The Law of Retribution was a long mission of standing in the right spot while two folks carry a battery from point a to point b. Standing on a spot. Difficult. And sure, you could say enemies unseating you on phase 2 is something, but there is no failure there. The only failure possible in TLOR was to fail the escort with the formorian core. It was a very easy "trial" if you ask me. It took me one run to learn, and then I literally led the raids in place of the guy who taught all of us. Nyx, two Frosts, and a Trinity. Made it stupid easy. Plus we had nowhere near the killing potential we have now.

    Jordas Verdict. It had promise. It was way better than TLOR. Problem? Entirely reliant on spawns for multiple phases. Spawning that never got fixed and killed a majority of every run I did. In fact, we struggled through I think one out of twelve attempts. And it wasn't even due to the enemies or the puzzles being tough. It was just the sheer annoyance of Infested not spawning to drop the antiserum needed. But again, It was easy enough to learn.

    Exploiter is just as complicated as both of the Trials. And shorter. I'd say we technically have a Trial back in the game with Profit-Taker if you combine all the missions into one. Just as difficult, and actually better due to the enemies we have in those missions. Shame that I hate Profit-Taker because of that stupid immunity gimmick.

    And you really undermine the power of your own point of them being any sort of difficult. They were never that hard, and especially now that we have a lot more power they have no chance of being anything.

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