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Posts posted by CaptainMinty

  1. As I see it, a Railjack should absolutely be required to move forward in the questline from here on out.

    To those who say the grind for one is too excessive, it really isn't. The resources needed are minimal. The worst of which is the mutagen masses needed for Cy, and the credits because imo the Index can bite me.

    As for those who say building one is out of reach due to not having a clan, start one. I have a clan in which I started, and built a majority of the items used to build it. I am one of two major contributors, and there is nothing the second contributor added that I couldn't on my own. Except maybe forma. Them suckers are annoying for me. I built Cy and researched him entirely on my own. Sure, having your own clan means you need to build all of the rooms, research all of the weapons, all on your own. However, it gives you control over what you need. The lack of having a clan is a pretty poor argument for not building things when you can create your own, and build it all entirely on your own.

    I hate to sound negative, but in my eyes, not being willing to put the time and resources into getting what is necessary for a new piece of content seems pretty backwards thinking to me. I'd gladly build my way into the stars to get my Railjack, which I happily have done. I want the Railjack to gate future content because I think it would be the best way to bridge all content together. I would gladly fly a mission in my Railjack to reach a close range space mission in Archwing, to land on the ground an perform a ground mission. Now if only Ordis could be my Railjack Cephalon. Or maybe just lead all of my missions.

  2. If you have the prime variant of the titan extractor then how much it gathers is fine as is. And I do not agree that they should grab plants as well. Imagine setting an extractor onto a node, only to get some moss instead of the ferrite or salvage you wanted. Extractors are fine as is, in my opinion. However adding a mod to Helios that allows it to scan plants would be much better for plant gathering.

    Plus, as a reminder, extractors are meant for passive farming of resources, and as such should remain very basic and minimal in their gathering ability. However, we very much should have the option of launching the extractors into the Vallis or Plains. Titans having no chance of rare items, while Distilling have a chance of rare items. That would be nice and actually give a use for Distilling extractors because as an owner of Prime Titans, the Distilling extractor is worthless.

  3. The host should absolutely have full rights to who is on their ship and whether or not to kick them. A toxic host is a toxic host. But they are the host and it is their Railjack. They're the Captain. Does it open the door to toxicity from kicking players? Yes. Does it help prevent players from intentionally weakening the team on the Railjack? Absolutely. A player who refuses to help construct or help repair and insists on naught but the might of their Archwing and refuses to be a part of the ship, can be detrimental.

    Captain's orders. You follow them, or you're out. Simple as that. Don't like it? Well then put your Captain's hat on. Teamwork is necessary. Don't hinder it and it shouldn't be a problem.

    • Like 4
  4. I don't see why not. We can use our weapons while in Archwing, which is a faster mod of travel, and even opens the door to some overpowered abilities. If you haven't used Amesha to cheese bounties, give it a look and realize how stupid it is that Amesha exists on the Vallis or Plains.

    As for guns on K-Drives? Nothing would please me more than to do a triple backflip with a front flip then light up some poor foolish Corpus just patrolling around. It isn't about how practical it is. I want them to feel insulted. That I put more effort into looking amazing instead of effort into killing them. Lemme style on the Corpus. Show Nef what's what.

  5. 6 hours ago, Avienas said:

    I mean seriously, check the reward table `drop rates`:

    • Anasa statue takes up 28% drop table space
    • Riven mod is 27.1%
    • Endo takes up 12.10% and Kuva is 12%
    • 3-Day boost is 9.81% not counting the odds of getting one of those boosters if you roll this
    • Exilus Adapter, Forma, and both potatoes take up 10% with a 2.5% odds between each of them
    • While Legendary core is a .18% chance

    You can not tell me that the way this reward table `drop rate` is arranged, is not extremely frustrating when despite having over a 25% chance of landing on a riven mod, you still somehow hit Endo and Ayatan statues, while those who want a booster is basically like rolling a 1.926% of a specific booster in a sense, Between all 5 possible boosters.

    Except that the drop rate for a riven does not equal 27.1% but rather a broken up value.
    Melee Riven Mod (8.14%), Pistol Riven Mod (7.61%), Rifle Riven Mod (6.79%), Zaw Riven Mod (2.00%), Kitgun Riven Mod (2.00%), Shotgun Riven Mod (1.36%)

    Taken right from the wiki. Thus, the actual drop rate for a Riven mod is not 27.1%, but rather separate values. Thus, Rivens are a rarer drop than Endo and Kuva, and even boosters have a higher drop chance.

    A way to fix this would would be have the chance for a Riven mod to drop be actually 27.1% and have a roll after rolling a riven to see which riven type is acquired. As of right now, Rivens are listed as common, but are actually uncommon to rare depending on the riven. Something that is already done for boosters.

    The frustration coming from the table is actually slightly misleading at a glance, without looking below the table at the added information. This is what bothers me. The table is misleading, and not that leads to confusion, and anger, when seeing regular drops of no Rivens. At best, a Riven drop is 8.14% chance to get a melee Riven. At worst, its 1.36% chance. (F in chat for all those shotgun lovers out there.)

  6. Even if the Lich itself takes over nodes and takes items, it's not a big deal. All taken items are returned upon the defeat of the Lich. Making a Lich is a choice as well. As for the RNG, that is entirely a choice. Kuva weapons are not required to be used, and while they do have Mastery behind them, there's always been a grind and the Liches are a part of that grind. A good idea to better incentivize the Lich would be making it actually gather resources on their own instead of just stealing it from the player. "All who pass through my sector must pay the tithe" Okay. Why am I the only one who pays my taxes Lich? Where's the taxes from the other people in the sector?

    1 hour ago, EmberStar said:

    And the thing is... there's no reason to expect an average player to have any idea what's going on.  The game makes NO effort to explain itself.  The only in-game info at all is a less than helpful page of text, buried several layers down in the Codex Terminal menus.  (IE, the menu that some people don't realize does *anything* other than sort of keep track of available quests.)

    Dark Souls decided to toss players into a world, tell them virtually nothing about it, or how things worked, sometimes actually lying about what some items did, and millions of people loved it. Warframe does make an effort to explain what is going on. Quests do teach a lot of important things about the game. How to get codex scanners and what they do. The curious will find the menu and find out what it is and what it does. The curious figures out all of this on their own. The only thing I looked up online is what the bloody butts was a Seram Beetle shell, and the day night cycle back before they implemented that in game. This game actually has a decent enough set of tools for teaching. It just doesn't hold the player's hand and expect them to be babied through all of it. It respects their curiosity to explore the ins and outs of what does what.

    • Like 2
  7. Poor Stalker has nothing in his alley except being annoying by dispelling buffs. My suggestion? Do him like the Exploiter or Ropalolololol.

    Make him an ultimate Lich. Truly unkillable. That even when we bring him down with our Parazon, he is still not defeated. That he retreats, leaving behind a specific one of his weapons. Give him a bigger variety of weapons to use.

  8. Just now, Nezha_Rose said:

    I can imagine the edgy names of these weapons:

    Suffering, Rage, Bleed, Agony, Linkin Park...

    I want his Archwing weapon names to be so edgy the make me bleed from the wrists just reading them.

    Edgy boi must hit maximum edge.

  9. We could have the Stalker have his own Archwing. But for balance sake not have him attack the Railjack but merely board it if we are on it. And if we leave it he chases us with his Archwing. And if we board another ship, he chases. But that'd mean giving the Stalker a new set of Archwing weapons. Should only drop from him if we defeat him in his Archwing.

  10. So far, I've only had 2 liches. And my second one I can't kill because I can't get my Requiem 1 relics to drop a Xata. So, kinda stuck. Personal problem too as I don't like to trade. So, kinda dealing with RNG. Got like 7 Lohk though from the grind. Good for that I guess. But am I enjoying fighting my Liches? Absolutely. The missions are actually high level and all over the place so I can do any mission I want, at a high level.

    Now if only I had a Corpus "Lich" and an Infested "Lich" for me to slap around. Grineer is my least favorite faction to fight. Namely because Armor scaling in this game is a bunch of garbage piled on top of a pile of poop.

    • Like 1
  11. I would very much like a proper choice down the road to have Ordis with me on missions in the Railjack. And sure, he may not be considered a viable cephalon now, but we do know that Ordis does want to engage our enemies in combat alongside us. If anything, I'd like Ordis to run mission control while Cy runs status updates on our Railjack.

    I could survive off of Ordis' glitched dialogue screaming bloody murder at our enemies. I really love Ordis and want more of him. Simple as that.


  12. Some of us lack the internet to properly play with other players. A solo option would be a massive boon for the likes of those players (me included)

    As for how it can be done solo, stealth seems to be the direction they are going for the solo player. I'd hope for a way to automate the side turrets when playing solo. By some sort of powered augment or something along those lines. I'd hate to get my hands on this beast of a ship and only be able to sneak around in it.

    • Like 2
  13. So I've been running Index runs for like an hour now, and wasn't really paying attention just rolling to get some cash and found out, I've actually lost money? I was winning every round so how did I end up below my starting cash?

    Turns out my Lich has been taxing my Index winnings. And I'm sitting here, kinda taken aback. I knew they took stuff, but I didn't know they'd take my Index winnings. That's kinda rude. And I'm sure Nef would get upset because the Lich keeps saying all who pass through pay the tithe. That'd be hilarious if suddenly this Grineer shows up and kicks him out of his chair and just starts taking his credits.

    Also, just a warning for those of you out there that a Lich can steal your Index winnings and make you go broke if you don't pay attention to it. I'm gonna be so rich when my Lich dies.


  14. Considering for fashion, one can always stick the regular skin onto the Prime variant, there's no good fashion reason to keep the regular frame.
    Considering the Prime Variant is a direct upgrade in terms of stats to the regular version, there is no reason to keep the regular frame.

    Basically I'm saying no. There really isn't a point to keeping a frame once you acquire their Prime variant.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Kerberos-3 said:

    Your right, it's no Hema or Sibear, but it's still a fair bit, especially for the players at the minimum point of the game where Railjack becomes available.

    Perhaps that is the point. I personally disliked the idea of making all content available really quickly. It ruins the journey.

  16. 7 minutes ago, RX-3DR said:

    The absolute control of turning 180 degrees and aiming up to shoot something underneath your crosshair when looking down? 

    I mean, I didn't have that problem when I went into space. My only issue was my dummy thicc Hildryn getting in my face as I sped forward and aimed. And I honestly tried to experience the issue of turning 180 and aiming up to shoot something underneath my crosshair while looking down. (I'll be honest reading that aloud sounds very silly.)

    6 minutes ago, Iamabearlulz said:

    There have been a total of 5 Archwing 1st abilities, and 3 of them were good. Elytron's just suffers from the same issues that Ember's does, and now Itzal's new one copies Valkyr.

    4 Archwing first abilities, and 3 of them are bad. That odonata shield? Really doesn't do much. It's saving grace is that critical multiplier, but ultimately it only adds overkill. Amesha is the only one who stands to have a good first. In fact, Amesha is by far the best Archwing. (Except when it comes to speed.)

  17. 1 minute ago, Kerberos-3 said:

    However, there are some areas DE could have cut a tiny bit of slack. 15 Argon take a while, seeing as a typical run of Teshub(the easiest mission to acquire Argon from) typically only yields 1-2 Argon per run, assuming you go out of your way to break every single container in every room.

    I mean, eh? At least you have the option of dunking every argon you get so as to not worry about the timer. And the point of it is to take a while. We honestly needed more demanding builds because our resources pile up constantly with no good dumps. Only one that doesn't is Argon because it decays. That and mutagen samples if you're still working on that blasted hema and all of the other garbage in the infested lab.

    It's a little bit of a grind, but it isn't utterly awful. It's no hema that is certain. I'd say 15 argon is not too bad. Honestly, I feel like the worst and simultaneously the least annoying depending on where you're at is the credit costs. For me who doesn't build a massive store of credits, seeing that million credit costs when I typically hover around 500k was just annoying because it meant more Index spam. So to each their own on resources.
    (And personally, I'd love more reasons to go to the Void tileset. It's so beautiful and there is NOTHING there that I ever need so I never go there.)

  18. The Railjack is hyped to be a Clan cooperation as a Clan can easily get together and work together on the future content of Railjack. However DE did say players will have their own personal Railjack. Which means you need to build your own Railjack. And I'm pretty sure when it is your own, you don't get help from others to build it. The resources come from you.

    Now, when it comes to stuff down the line? That will be clan oriented. Plenty of new research, weaponry for the ship, augmentations, yadda yadda, will be clan-based. Especially when the whole system is designed around a group inside of one ship.

    • Like 1
  19. Part of making a video game is deciding what to ignore in order to create a fun environment for the players. Part of a lot of complaints about Archwing has been the control, or lack thereof.
    DE has gone with the method of absolute control. In Archwing players have absolute control over where they're going and where they are aiming. Is this good? For realism? Obviously not. Space physics are far different than planet physics. But does it make sense for gameplay? Absolutely. Warframe has extremely tight controls on the ground. Going from those tight controls to the slippery sliding of Archwing felt especially awful, and a lot of complaints were tossed around because of this.
    Also, arguing physics in a fantasy sci-fi when the characters we play as are literally magical void beings that decide to use bio-mechanical puppets to channel our powers alongside heavy firepower and big sticks to murder things seems pretty far down the chain. I mean, all of the physic inconsistencies with the Tenno can be explained as Void Magic, aka "A Wizard Did It"

    As for the Itzal first ability. Beats me. I mean, it seems pretty cool to whip some foolish grineer over to me so he can meet the business end of my Prisma Veritux. And the ability to swing would be cool, if we had more spaces to use it. Besides most Archwing first abilities are pretty, well, bad. Lot of their second abilities are pretty bad. Unless you're an Amesha. Amesha is by far best Archwing.

  20. I rather like the new ship. Though I wish it didn't break a majority of my downstairs decorations. Everything is out of place and pretty much all of my posters are now clipping into walls. Too lazy to fix too, so it's just this constant eyesore that I grumble about. But the scratches? Love it. Matches the idea that the ship had been dormant for ages. Now, for those who want to tidy up, I hope they work on that option. But as for me, I like my scratched up ship. It's old. Yeah, but that baby gets the job done.

  21. So for the Corpus lich I'm hoping for a more robotic approach. Each time they level they get more cybernetic augments. Eventually they just become a robot with a Corpus dude's brain inside and they just absolutely hate you, spitting fire every second.

    For the Infestation it seems pretty obvious. They just grow some more. Add more hunks of other infested on them as they assimilate more.

    Though I'd be immensely interested if we had multiple liches, each of a different faction. They actively fight each other, and we could decide which gets stronger. Kinda like that one game. You know the one.

    • Like 1
  22. The battle against Infested is best fought on the ground, with a melee weapon. I've been harpooned only a few times when I fight them on the ground and actively charge them. Blocking while sprinting or jumping at them will also prevent getting harpooned in the face. Also, I know that radiation is a lower damage type against the infested, but the proc is stupidly useful against ancients and infested in general. Oberon is my go to cleanser of the Infestation. Pick paladin frame to destroy the sickness and plague? Makes sense. Harrow is also pretty good. Those chains have a long range and just deny everything infested have and make them easy pickings. Priest and Paladin frames are my picks. Hmm.

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