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Posts posted by Ahcruna

  1. 1 hour ago, Tuxie said:

    I did the same, their lines are cringy AF. Talking about "bravery" and "honor" while they're thousands of miles away from any sort of danger, lol.

    lol, the first thing I switched Off when I could in that update was the batteries talking to me during missions.
    I completely agree to having more faces to chose from, but not really sliders, I know Operators will be something bigger on a later update (like visually interacting with people)
    but sliders unless strictly controlled will only break your immersion, just look at the Kavat-Kubro Frankenstein's monsters

    If DE has close control on it, I don't think I'd mind, but I rather them just make pre-made ones.
    ... oh, Tenno aging after you complete the quest would be sick btw. (Geralts beard has ruined me)

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  2. 8 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

    I know they can all be put on at once, just currently I need about 30k more standing for the last upgrade.

    Personally I would just use Ivara or Equinox to put them to sleep then just nuke them with Synoid Simulor.

    Probably I'll use Ivara since she has the enemy radar passive

    I tried that too, but Loki was just faster... like way faster :)
    Though if your aim isn't up to snuff then yeah you should go with those.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

    Really? Dang I went with the faster scan upgrade.... I guess that's next before any future kavat gene hunting. Thanks!

    (Please don't nerf this DE...)

    Doubt they will nerf it since it was meant for the Main and Daily Simaris scans so you should be good. (it works with everything)
    get extra lucky when they do a x2 weekend and use a drop boost item ( 4x2 ). ;)
    also keep in mind you can have all the upgrades on at once.

    Anyway, I did try farming with Oberon, but it was harder honestly. you can see the Kavats on the map, but the scanner doesn't highlight them on the screen when they are allies, I had a faster farm with Loki by disarming everything and picking away anything  that wasn't a Kavat. (farming for the kavat mods is a no go with Oberon since you need to kill them btw)

    Though I do have to say that having the Ferrari model of Kavat fighting beside you is awesome. :)

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  4. I dunno, they all look fine to me, my Warframe battery isn't really something I care that much about.
    though I would have to disagree with adding sliders to the faces, if you think it looks bad now, just wait for the occasion that they actually do add sliders in to the game and half the population of the game will be running around with something like this -



    It's safe to say that I didn't enjoy getting Shrecked in PvP ;p
    In any case, you might make your own battery the most beautiful thing you youtself has ever seen
    but then, you'll have to bare with this stuff  ^  up there.

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  5. 11 minutes ago, masterking19 said:

    yes I totally agree with your point,which is exactly what I wanted to get at, from MR 1-12 its worth working for,since you get better/stronger weps and so on,but from 13-29 it just feels like a waste of time since you don't get anything better/higher other than trading

    That's not true at all, as a lot of people have already posted, you get more loadout slots (you can only buy 5 the rest you have to earn)
    you get to place more extractors the higher your rank and your daily reputation gains go up.

    Trust me, it does make a different once you are at 20+ mastery rank
    however, as far as skill is shown it's a mixed bag, and shouldn't be taken in to account

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    4 minutes ago, izzatuw said:

    I find that impossible considering how DE probably made the plat untradable. I wouldn't see myself spending more than 10K even after buying dozens of things like potatoes and forma >_>

    Yeah, all giveaway plat is magic plat like Glen would say, you can't trade it.

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  7. I want part III now too, but I rather they fix some of the part II bugs first.
    also, Archwing needs the collision damage removed before they fix the Disney on ice movement in it.

    full space movement on Arcwhing is great (I love Descent 1) but that momentum-loss-of-control in Archwing is garbage right now.
    one thing...

    Game-Play              <<<<<<<<<<<------------------------ * ------------------------>                        Science-Fiction

    I loved Arcwhing before this update, but since this mix-grade it has become un-playable with a controller
    yupp, a controller, because sometimes I like to spread out like slime over a couch or bed and not punish my spine.

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  8. 12 minutes ago, WaRsHooTer666 said:

    Better a syandana than an exclusive weapon.. people compare..

    Nah, I'm just going for what is the less physically flashy.
    but if you had to chose from just both of those, I'd agree.

    Tethra's Doom is something a lot of players wanted, but it isn't as heart breaking as say~ a Lato Prime.
    I'd give it away if I had the option and I hate game mechanic locked items, but if I could I would give away my founders gear, I would, because I don't f* care.

    oh, and it might limit the people that call you a ton of derogatory words just because you forgot to remove one of your founders items when you entered a Relay.
    no joke, as a 2nd level founder, just put on you Excalibur Prime and walk in to a relay and you can just bask in the glory of people making-up garbage insult just for you.

    no wonder Orcus is a mostly a founders Relay. you can ignore the Derpy in there.

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  9. 27 minutes ago, markus230 said:

    I don't think that Tennocon Syandana was that bad. Im not very active on forums, but I check out new threads once or twice a day at least, and so far I've seen two threads done by the same guy who got completly steamrolled by majority of other players.

    Badge is okay as long as it doesn't look like it was done in 5 minutes during lunch break

    Oh, no I'm not saying that the Tennocon Syandan was ugly, it is a beauty!
    most people like it, so it has nothing to do with it being half-assed

    What I was trying to say was that re-releasing the old Vandal weapons and then rewarding the players who had first, with yet another unobtainable item
    (in this case a syandana) that new people can't get is just shooting yourself in the foot.
    I mentioned Tennocon because of how negative people that couldn't afford to travel to the event were.
    but who knows, maybe it's going to get gifted again if you go to the next Tennocon.

    we all know that one of the biggest selling points in Warframe is how great the personal customization is in the game, and a Syandana havs a bit more use than just looks (can be enhanced with Arcanes) unlike something like a Sigil or  Badge which are mostly cosmetic. (not counting Syndicates which 'every one' can get)

    So no, don't go beyond something like a Killingboard badge, those look amazing as they already are.
    I'd honestly suggest if they do reward CBT testers with a Bade or Sigil that it should be as flashy as the Tethra's Doom badge
    (pre 3D model overlay nerf! damn it!!!)

    But what do I know, I'm steeping stone, not a mile stone. :p

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  10. 3 hours ago, markus230 said:

    @LordOfScrugging Time played reward is not a bad idea. Simple fix to give us something in return for 2 rewards that we loose would be a simple script launched before re-release of Braton and Lato Vandal

    Barton Vandal = Sigil/Syadana

    Lato Vandal = Sigil/Syadana

    Everyone wins, I think

    Oh!-god no!, just look at the Tennocon Syandana and the reaction.
    Sigil and badge sounds Ok though, just like the Lotus sigil and killboard badge
    they both look great, but without any major visual difference like a Syandana

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  11. I'd say, yes, yes re-release them. quit it with this exclusive nonsense...

    I have to oppose the idea of having them as a login reward.
    not only are the weapons not that great, but there is no real "earning" in it like some people are saying.
    I much rather see the other idea people had with giving closed beta testers an emblem/sigil that would be unique. (what it should have been from the start)
    and then doing whatever with the Vandal weapons.

    why not connect one of them in to an in-game quest that introduces new players in to the idea of the same weapon having different versions.
    I don't know, something like that. or you could be lazy and just throw it in to a Sortie for the sake of over saturation in the market... blergh

    as for the complains about founders, I don't have much else to say then, DE's biggest mistake was making starter gear founder exclusive.
    I remember putting out the idea of founders having a more council looking Excalibur with no mastery earned from leveling the gear, but I was only met with a mass of scornful people

    I know it's been said a billion times that founders gear will never return, but damn it just give us something none Mastery related and release that garbage
    just so that everyone new and old can be at the same level in the game with out whining about exclusives all the time.

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  12. 41 minutes ago, PureIcarus said:

    Actually, i just soloed it without killing a single enemy... Covert Lethality isnt even required

    It's just RNG. even killing all the enemies and looting everything might not give you enough life support.

    anyway, for anyone that needed some credits, this mission gave you 2m if you had a booster active.

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  13. 1 minute ago, jcwolves said:

    Well, Megan just said that she doesn't think its coming tonight, that another dev (didn't hear the name) said they would need lots of coffee tonight.

    Sheldon Prime. =]

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  14. 7 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    What became of the Primes has not been explained yet. Primes may have been only for the elites, or were only decorated as such because of their "Victory" against the Sentients. We do not even know if the Primes were only the original versions and the non-primes the easily produced war-time variants. Whether or not the Tenno willingly stripped themselves of the prime frames or if it was the Lotus helping them do so isn't known. Remember, we found Limbo and Mirage's parts as non-primes, even though they were fighting Sentients and infested. Then there is Inaros, who during the war against the Infested was not seen as a prime. As for the golems, their suits are specifically designed to work with that one golem, so likely the genetic information is included within. The Orokin were masters at genetic manipulation after all, it isn't that hard of a stretch.

    They were given savior's silk during the ceremony. Umbras might be related to that.
    I dunno, as you said, I've always seen the Primes being the original top of the line Frames, while all the other models are just mass produced cheaper versions.

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  15. 29 minutes ago, (XB1)Twinna25 said:

    Rhino prime's lore establishes it as well, as her went feral and started rampaging until a tenno took control of him. This makes one slight inconsistency in the lore however. If Rhino was the first Warframe to be linked to a Tenno, then that means that Excalibur is not the first of the warframes to be controlled.

    Excalibur might have been the first frame to be weaponized.

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  16. Sure it's nothing for veterans, but it's nice for those who missed some of those cosmetics and the reach mod.
    Pyra sugatra is a must for any fashion-framer.
    I'd rather they just focus on the upcoming updates than Baro to be honest.

    What I'm way more worried about is the Sorties, most of the stuff can be traded, so recycling those items saturates the whole game with them.
    that's a place I'd like to see some changes in. (I've boycotted this season!)

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  17. here ya'go~


    EDO P shoulders instead of Targis, and Noru rather than Misa
    I like Misa, but sometimes Noru just looks better :p

    Gonna post an image just like Bianca
    this is what my ExcP usually looks like



    btw, DE can you fix the Verlorum sigil already :( <---- sad face

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  18. This is the most random thing I've heard today. I dunno maybe the reason you can't is because no one really thought about actually deleting them since the drop doesn't stack (not counting Alerts or specials)

    Freedom to destroy is good though.

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  19. Targi Targi Targis!
    not to mention it's getting a facelift, weough!

    2 hours ago, TheHun7er said:

    Ps. Warframe will not be forever. So many Free2Play games already died. It's just a matter of time. As for now, Warframe is at it's peak. Overwatch on the other hand, might last way longer. Just look at the World of Warcraft. I wasted so many $ in Need for Speed: World. Now I regret it, and I see how stupid it was hahaha I understand that they gotta make money somehow. ;)

    That's why you have to support them, every little penny counts... well, maybe.
    but in any case this even happens to obsolete consoles with digital only (don't you dare delete that Robotron! )
    also, Overwatch is a Blizzard product, you just watch them run it in to the ground later on and the game wont need to be dead for you to not play it. :p

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  20. 1 hour ago, Brasten said:

    If you want another influence take a look at the Macross Zentradi and the Warframe Grineer.

     If you've never seen Super Dimension Fortress Macross, and its progenitor influence Space Battleship Yamato, these are some of the core series for what we know to day as "beam spam".

    In Macross, the Zentradi are a race of giant (5+ times human size) degenerating warrior clones, with very little capacity for building and maintaining their own technology. Average intelligence was on par with elementary aged human children. With "noble" commander clones with slightly higher intelligence and often size.

      Hide contents


    Their mecha and ships were all very organic in artistic design. And you can see the influence of the Macross Zentradi in DEs designs for the Grineer, along with story/lore parallels. Major difference is Zentradi were developed to be warriors for the first "Protoculture", while the Grineer were developed as miners and laborers to the Orokin (before they rebelled). 

      Reveal hidden contents


    So glad you mentioned Macross!
    You can also see weapons like the Gorgon and Buzlok looking very much like the ships too.




    By the way, It's called Itano circus or MMM, not beam spam when it comes to Macross :)

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  21. Never heard of it before, guess it sounds like some kind of new insult that players that cant afford in-game stuff tell those who can.

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