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Posts posted by geninrising

  1. Quite frankly I would far prefer a mod that allowed you to Simply change the firing mode to a strict Semi Auto. 1 trigger pull for 1 Bullet, and perhaps another for full auto change from burst fire. Unfortunately the way the burst fire mechanics work fire rate is completely inconsequential so fire rate mods are useless.


    This would bring Burst weapons in line with the other rifles in game. Which would also likely bring many other weapons out of the mastery fodder pile if it worked on all weapons and create a vast amount of build diversity in my opinion.

  2. The only way these would be nice is if we gained definite control over proc chance and what proc'd perhaps a mod card designated for snipers only that guaranteed the following element or combination after the card on installation.

  3. Rebbeca Kinda off topic but are the de about the "Could not Update Account Information" Error

    If this question is in regards to applying the new utility mod in the Exilus slot , from what we have found it was an issue with the Slot not recognizing mod points provided by an aura mod and possibly ignoring points provided by potatoes as well. Try to make sure you have plenty of mod points from leveling prior to application of the mod as that has helped my clan.

  4. First of all I figured out a name


    Cypher-a person or thing of no importance, especially a person who does the bidding of others and seems to have no will of their own(Ironic name if you will)



    Stolen Will- Cypher takes an enemies will permanently causing them to follow along attacking his target, and has a limit of 10(maybe like 6 if this is too OP) targets, this amount is increased with power strength.

  5. For a long time I have been sitting here and trying to figure out Trinity's place in the Warframe universe as a supportive combatant and I just can't wrap my brain around it.


    DE Steve was the one quoted as saying that players are currently exploiting an energy loophole in order to spam abilities and let "Homer's drinking bird" play the game for them.


    I am asking DE to actually fix MOST of the issue with a rework to allow Trinity out of her role as a battery charger and give her a playstyle that removes her from being a nukers... forums won't let me say.


    Come on DE make this frame fun and exciting to play, not a frame that runs everywhere pressing 2 and occasionally pressing 4.


    P42W and every acronym near it(IE Rhino's old p22W) all needs to be removed and forgotten, the game will be much healthier for it and you guys can stop developing enemies that screw with everyone else's powers just because a few frustrated grinders/farmers. 

  6. After taking part in one of many thousands of the daily 'exploits' using Mesa on Draco and stopping after 4 rounds, I wondered what was the point.


    It's so easy to go 4 rounds anyway and it's a heck of a lot more fun than:

    a) being Mesa who gets close to zero XP;

    b) being Trinity who gets yelled at for either not having any enemies left to EV or not being in the SnowGlobe and trying to explain why between EVing enemies every 4s;

    c) Frost who does little else than protect Mesa.


    Yes, a 4th player can leech off them with some unranked warframe.  Is that the point?


    So I asked in Recruitment: "H Draco, no exploits, just play as it's intended to be played"


    Really hard to get people,  took about 10 mins using 2 continents.  One kid raged and called us noobs for not using an exploit.

    But we stomped Draco and had fun doing so.

    Dare to not be a sheep and think outside your conditioning.  Play like a Tenno.  Play like a Warrior-God.

    Hooah Tenno! Playing the game is the point. Exploiting the energy loophole(DE Steve's own words so GTFO) is one of the most ignorant things to ever be allowed in game and I will be thoroughly happy when Trinity gets reworked to end it. It will be coming folks as it is the only way to prevent players from removing all difficulty from most of the game. Ah so happy on that day, the Hype will be real!

  7. Well remember half the issue with spamming is... spamming...


    Last time the devs spoke on it was DE Steve's post about vivergate where he specifically mentioned the "energy gate" being wide open. Many people LIKE having super powerful abilities and the devs have said no to timers repeatedly, even more recently than Steve's letter I think Scott said no to timers again in one of the last two devstreams.


    Who knows what they could do to energy to balance spamming? Say for example, enemies that are killed by abilities don't drop power orbs... you spam for two or three rooms and you're out of energy with none dropping. Maybe CC reduces power drops in half, and/or weapons get a bonus.


    Just an example with example numbers. /flamerepellent.



    The goal of the player is to take on challenges and pursue goals as efficiently as possible.


    The job of the devs is to make those challenges and paths to goals interesting, challenging and replayable.


    If the most efficient frames and weapons lets you sit there and watch, never move, never aim, never care about enemies/target priority or never be in danger then it's not resulting in an interesting, challenging, replayable game.






    The last year or so has been a lot of horde modes rather than few, tough enemies and Sentients sound like they'll have some kind of special mechanic from all the talk of adaptability, so I don't know if weapons are really a problem, though I'd like to see some structure/scaling added through incentive because being able to totally pwn 95% of the game with a fully upgraded weapon trivializes too much content which could have continued to have replay value.

    These two entries are the best in the whole post. The fact is that in MOST cases the nerf posts are in regards to players being able to press one button continuously throughout a level and have no challenge whatsoever. Good abilities are those that provide the necessity to actually interact and PLAY the game, not stand around and reap the rewards of pressing a single button. Unfortunately DE has still not figured this out and continues to release things like Mesa into the fold of frames. The new frame Equinox is actually a fantastic take on the idea I'm presenting. Even Frost's rework and Excal's new ult are fine examples.


    For Excal's part, yes his new ult is really powerful, but is it so broken the guy can walk into a room and everything dies with a single button press? Can he stand in one place and farm most of a level by a single button depression? And here is the key point, Does his new ult remove the capability for others to be able to engage enemies? The answer to all of these questions is a resounding NO and that is where every single frame needs to be with ALL of it's abilities. Saryn's Miasma needs to go, Heck even Radial Javelin needs to go in favor of I would say OLD radial javelin, not the full radius one but the 90 degree skillshot one that Excal could aim to rape a hallway if needed with full on punch through.


    The fact is that EVERY frame needs to be to the point that none are able to remove either difficulty or the ability for others to meaningfully engage enemies in combat.

  8. Meh if this is such a problem at level 10 as you say how is it that players run roughshod over level 60-80 versions of these same mobs? Quite frankly the BALANCED FOR content is quite good with respect to survivability, and the damage that Tenno can output is commensurate to what the enemies can withstand. 


    All in all the game just keeps getting better and better(aside from the balancing of weapon damages on Nullifier crewmen, their shield is still counterproductive to the idea of CHOICE in weapon loadouts).

  9. Does anybody know what happen to tyl regor fist weapon ? not long ago DE mentioned(they mentioned it  at the same time as when they told us about new shield weapon we will get from tyl regor) and showed his fist as new archwing weapon but all the new info about U17 doesnt mention it.

    None of the new weapons being released in u 17 have been talked about yet there is still hope. In fact the devs specifically stated that they would leave the weapon releases a surprise on purpose stream b4 last.

  10. Weapons are not exactly the problem. Players and their expectations are the problem. End game is in the solar system not in the void. Despite what we as players would like to think, the devs literally stop giving a fk once you get past the planets/random heavenly bodies they decided to put content on. Everything else is players deciding what is best and brightest.


    Sure the devs set the stats but those stats are in no way designed to be balanced against the content that we all use as a deciding factor of a weapons worth.


    About the only thing we can say unequivocally needs a look is the enemy armor scaling mechanics as those (as we all know) have been out of hand for a long time.

  11. IDK quite honestly this would be awful.


    What I want is for Warframe to actually give ridiculously challenging missions to complete solo to obtain "Challenge Ranks".


    Challenge missions would be outlandishly difficult with a set frame and weapon composition provided by the game so that no cheese strategies could be used to fk the system. No p42w or run Loki through all of them with full invis/radial disarm setup. This would be the only way to get a solid measurement of ones skill in Warframe. There is honestly no other way since people can say they have done this that and the other with this loadout and that frame and it makes no difference, however if the game actually recognizes your skill with these awards then you have undeniable proof.

  12. Actually the devs have already talked about doing this previously and it has been on the community's mind in general for a long time. Hopefully they get around to it sooner rather than later.

  13. Well I mean, it seems like Aerials are gonna be staying, which is still a really nice perk. But also less necessary since bullet jumps are nice too.


    Anyways, OP, the Tipedo has pretty good damage yeah. It's probably not the very highest of melees or anything, but it crits really well, is fast, and has okay base damage. That's all you really need to create a blender with Berserker.

    Directional air melee is being removed. Hence why Steve noted that Bullet Jumping would be the answer to directional melee.

  14. The tipedo is actually a great weapon due to it's attack speed and rate of crit. After this week it will no longer have anything to do with movement as another poster said. 


    So the choice here is if you want a moderately damaging fast weapon that can be modded for some decent crit rates and hella fast through a Berzerker build.

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